Josh Chandler | February 11, 2022

Best Alcohol Rehab Centers in West Hollywood

When To Go To an Alcohol Rehab Center

Alcohol is an example of a substance that many people consume in our society. Whether you go to a party, go out for a night on the town, or you decide to have a drink after a long day of work, alcohol seems to be the main factor in the life of many people. But at what point does alcohol use transition over into alcohol abuse? Further, how do you know when it’s time to reach out to an alcohol rehab center providing addiction treatment programs at one of the treatment centers near West Hollywood, CA? Keep reading to learn about things to consider when you’re trying to decide whether you need to commit to an alcohol addiction treatment program.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Understanding Alcohol Addiction

Part of your time in one of the treatment centers near West Hollywood will be learning more about the disease of addiction. This process is critical in your overall addiction treatment program because many people simply don’t understand that addiction is a disease. Every day in Los Angeles county, countless people suffer from alcoholism. Unfortunately, their loved ones often don’t understand their substance abuse because they suffer from a disease. No sane person would actively choose to struggle with substance abuse.

In most cases, a person develops a substance abuse issue due to some type of trauma that they experienced in their past. However, through different treatment therapies at our alcohol rehab center, you will be able to overcome these traumas and learn the life skills you need to remain sober for the rest of your life.

Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

Many people fall into the trap of addiction due to the people, places, and things around them. Unfortunately, because they are continuously caught in that trap, it’s all but impossible to break out of that cycle. If you find yourself in this category, one of the best decisions you can make is committing to an inpatient alcohol rehab. During inpatient or residential treatment, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of the treatment facility that you choose. You will have the comfort of knowing that your treatment team is there for you around the clock, and you will be able to enjoy the home away from home environment that your facility has to offer. An inpatient treatment plan is also an excellent chance to get to know other people working through their own treatment programs. Through this interaction, you will come to see that you are likely not alone in what you’re thinking and feeling as you begin to transition through different aspects of your recovery.

It’s also important to note that an inpatient treatment plan is not the only option you have for addiction treatment. You can also opt to work through an outpatient treatment program. If you decide to commit to outpatient programs, you will need to determine if you will go through general outpatient programs or an intensive outpatient program.

The main distinction between these two customized outpatient options revolves around the number of hours you need to commit to a treatment plan each week. An intensive outpatient program has a slightly higher number of hours than general outpatient treatment. Remember that nothing is ever set in stone for your recovery program. If your schedule happens to change, simply let your treatment team know, and they will be able to make adjustments so you can continue in your recovery program.

Also, once you complete your inpatient or outpatient plan, a top-rated facility will offer you the option to commit to an aftercare program. An aftercare program allows you to remain in touch with your treatment team and interact with other people who have recently completed their treatment through that facility. Another excellent recommendation is to attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings local to your area. This process will help you reinforce the important lessons and tools you learned during your time in treatment, and it’s a great way to continue to grow and expand your system of support which is critical when it comes to maintaining your sobriety.

Alcohol Detox

Although there are tremendous benefits associated with committing to an alcohol treatment plan, you won’t be able to take this step without going through a detox process first. The decision on whether or not you need to work through detox is dependent on several factors. First and foremost, it’s essential to consider the severity of your addiction. This is one of the reasons why it’s critical to be upfront and honest regarding the extent of your addiction.

What Happens After Alcohol Detox?

Once you complete your alcohol detox program at an alcohol rehab center, you will be in a much better place both physically and psychologically to address some of the events in your life that may have triggered your addiction. This is something that is done through participating in different forms of therapy. Whether you commit to an inpatient or an outpatient program, therapy can help you understand how different events in your life shaped the decisions you make later on. Some of the examples of the various forms of therapy that you will experience during the time that you’re in treatment include:

Family therapy

When you were in active addiction, you may have experienced a disconnect with your family. Addiction is often referred to as a family disease because it’s something that impacts every member of your family in some way, shape, or form. If you have lost touch with certain family members due to your addiction, you may be able to put the pieces of your relationship with them through family therapy. This type of therapy would only happen when you come to a place in your recovery where you feel as though you can manage it, but it may be an excellent first step in terms of overall recovery for you and your loved ones.

Group therapy

Group therapy can have a tremendous impact on your recovery. The reason for this is that you will learn that you are not alone during group therapy when it comes to what you may be thinking and feeling. The reassurance that you will feel during group therapy is undeniable, and it’s something that will only continue to grow the more you participate. During group therapy, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and feelings regarding a specific topic, and in turn, the other people in your group will also have their chance to share.

Individual therapy

Understandably, there are certain things in your life that you may not feel comfortable sharing in a group setting just yet. Although you will always be encouraged to share during group therapy, individual therapy gives you the chance to talk about these experiences and get them out, so they don’t hinder your recovery in the future. Over and above addressing these issues, individual therapy also allows you to connect with your treatment team to ensure that you continue to go in the right direction when it comes to your treatment plan. If any changes need to be made, you can address them during group therapy.

Behavioral therapy

When you are in active addiction, there is a high probability of falling into bad behavior or habits regarding your reactions to certain situations. Behavioral therapy can put you in a position where you recognize this behavior before it triggers you to turn back to your addiction. Behavioral therapy also reinforces the fact that addiction and recovery is a process. It would be impossible to change particular behavior overnight; however, this form of therapy can make the process much easier.

Muse Treatment: West Hollywood’s Best Alcohol Rehab Center

When you’re ready to tackle your alcoholism during addiction treatment, the team at Muse Treatment Center is ready and available to help you. We provide our clients with various levels of care that will help them overcome their addiction once and for all. Our intake team is available around the clock to answer any questions regarding a treatment plan. Regardless of whether you decide to commit to a residential program at our alcohol rehab center or you feel that you’re more well-suited for one of our outpatient programs, you can take comfort that our team of addiction experts near West Hollywood can provide you with the guidance you need. For more information about our drug addiction treatment near West Hollywood, CA, please contact us at (800) 426-1818.

Alcohol Addiction,Alcohol Detox,Alcohol Rehab,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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