David Rofofsky | May 2, 2018

Coping With Life After Rehab

The first few days into addiction recovery can be extremely difficult. You’re fighting to stay clean and it’s easy to lose control. Here’s how to cope with life after rehab.

In the wake of America’s horrific Opioid Crisis, more people than ever are finding themselves in need of residential rehabilitation treatment.

If you’re one of these people, we applaud you for taking the steps you need to get help and to regain control of your life.

However, we also understand that you know better than anyone just how powerful addiction is.

In fact, studies show that anywhere between 40-60% of addicts end up relapsing once they get out of treatment.

As someone in recovery, we know that you have serious concerns about what life after rehab will be like for you. How can you ensure that you stay clean and sober, while also integrating yourself back into a more normal life?

Read on to find out how you can make it happen.

Understand Your Options

When it comes to life after rehab, one of the most important things to remember is that you have options when it comes to continuing treatment.

You don’t have to leave rehab and immediately immerse yourself right back into the same environment where you used to use — one that’s full of temptations.

Instead, you can do several things in order to make the transition easier.

You can still decide to attend outpatient therapy, sometimes even at the same rehab center where you completed your initial treatment, in the weeks after rehab is over.

This means that, while you’ll be able to stay in your own place and live by some of your own rules, you’ll still be held accountable for your sobriety. Plus, you’ll have the support of a professional staff on your side. This is a wonderful way to gain your independence while ensuring you’re doing everything you can to avoid relapsing.

You may also find that you’re interested in more of a communal living situation.

For you, perhaps a sober living facility (colloquially known as a “halfway house”) is a better option.

You’ll have to commit to not having any drugs or alcohol in your space, not only for yourself but in order to prevent those around you from relapsing.

You’ll be assigned certain tasks and responsibilities when it comes to keeping the house clean, preparing meals, and running other errands. You’ll also have a curfew, and may even be able to attend group meetings in the home.

Commit To a Group

Another crucial step in maintaining your sobriety during life after rehab is making a new commitment.

Find a local A.A. meeting or another support group that can help you to continually manage and talk about your addiction.

Remember, both addiction and sobriety are lifelong battles that you’ll need to fight. Just because you’ve left rehab, doesn’t mean that you’re automatically “healed” — or that you won’t face very real temptations.

Having someone to hold you accountable and help you to manage the emotions surrounding these temptations (and a sober life in general) is essential.

Additionally, going to a group allows you to celebrate your sobriety.

You might be surprised to find just how much of an inspiration you are to others. Plus, the group gives you the opportunity to rebuild a much healthier social circle. This way, you won’t be as tempted to reconnect with the bad influences in your life.

Talk To Your Family And Friends

Another crucial component of life after rehab is to turn to your family and friends.

Make sure that you ask for support when you need it. You’ve likely already gone through the process of making amends over the course of your stay in rehab.

However, this doesn’t mean that your friends and family know how they should act around you, or how to anticipate your needs. In other words, the people that love you want to help you, but they might not know how.

Take the initiative by planning meals, events, and other sober activities with them. Tell them if they need to remove alcohol from their homes before you come over. Talk to them about what you need to stay sober, and allow them to ask any questions (within reason) about your recovery.

Rediscover Yourself

Do you know what one of the best things about life after rehab is?

You finally have the chance to get to know yourself again.

The truth is that sober you is pretty awesome — even if sometimes, you might not feel like you are. Now is the time to revisit those old hobbies and activities that likely fell by the wayside when you were struggling with addiction.

It’s also the time to start to discover new talents you have.

Have you always wanted to try making pottery? Enroll in a local class! What about taking up tennis or joining a soccer team? Sounds like an excellent way to stay both busy and in shape to us.

After you’ve left treatment, don’t expect your life to be perfect. You don’t need to rush into an established routine. Instead, take the time to understand what works for you — and what you truly want out of life.

You’re Ready To Enjoy Life After Rehab

We hope that reading this post has you feeling inspired and encouraged about all the different options that you’ll have when it comes to life after rehab.

Above all, just remember one simple rule: to take it one day at a time.

Living a sober lifestyle can mean many different things. It might mean entering a sober living facility, it might mean spending more time with family, and it might mean discovering a new hobby.

It’s crucial to do what works best for you, not for someone else.

Ready to seek treatment for your addictions? Do you still have questions about life after rehab?

We can help.

Reach out to us to take the first step on your sober journey today.

Addiction,Mental Health,Recovery,Rehab,Relapse,Sober Living,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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