Josh Chandler | September 24, 2021

Culver City Alcohol Rehab

Top Rated Alcohol Rehab Program in Culver City

It’s a well-known fact that you can purchase alcohol at nearly any point in your day. Whether you opt to take a drive down to the liquor store when it opens or you prefer to stop at your favorite bar or restaurant, you can begin the day by drinking fairly early in the morning. There are many other people who have professional responsibilities but that doesn’t stop them from drinking as soon as they are done with work for the day. However, over time, a couple of drinks here and there slowly turns into having a couple of drinks every day. Suddenly, you find yourself longing for the time that you can drink because you find that you’re craving it. At that point, your life begins to revolve around this substance and everything else begins to fall by the wayside.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Once you make the decision to remove alcohol from your life and focus on working through the different factors of your addiction, the team at our Culver CIty alcohol rehab are here to help you. Something that makes us the best Culver City alcohol rehab is that we provide every client that comes to our facility with the personalized level of care that they need based on their situation. 

Benefits of Professional Alcohol Treatment

One of the questions that we commonly receive from a person that is thinking of coming to our Culver City alcohol rehab revolves around the benefits of coming to our facility for their recovery care. Here are a few examples of the reasons why we believe that it’s beneficial for a person to receive help through our Culver City alcohol rehab: 

  • Relapse prevention: There are some that mistakenly believe that once they complete their initial treatment program, they will never have to worry about substance abuse again. However, the reality is much different. There is the potential for cravings to develop at any point in your life. Also, you may have difficult or overwhelming occurrences in your life that may make you feel as though you have no other choice but to give into your addiction again. Receiving professional alcohol treatment can help you to learn more about the warning signs that you should be conscious of so that you never fall into the temptation of relapse. 
  • Support for your family: Did you know that addiction is commonly referred to as a “family disease”? The reason for this is because the behavior of one person when they are under the influence of alcohol tends to impact every member of your family. Oftentimes there is a sense of heartbreak that comes along with watching a loved one suffer with addiction. Family therapy and interaction can help to heal this pain and help you to redevelop relationships that may have been harmed as a result of the addiction. 
  • Education: The premise that addiction is a disease is a hard concept for many people to understand. Not only is this something that the person with addiction can struggle to understand but their friends and family members as well. When you come to our Culver City alcohol rehab, we will be able to provide you with the resources that will help you to understand more about this terrible disease and what steps you and your loved one can take to manage it. 

Alcohol Detox: The First Step to Addiction Treatment

After you come to peace with the fact that you have an addiction and you need help in overcoming your addiction, the next step in the process is to determine whether or not you need to work through a detox program. Alcohol detox will last approximately seven days depending on the severity of your addiction. However, in as little as a few hours from the last time you drank, you may begin to feel the impact of withdrawal symptoms. Detox is extremely dangerous and it isn’t something that you should ever attempt to do on your own. 

Medical Detox for Alcohol Addiction

Medical detox gives you the opportunity to go through the detox process while taking advantage of medications that may help to make this ordeal more comfortable. For instance, feeling extremely nausea is not uncommon during detox. There are specific medications that can help to ease this type of symptoms which can help you to feel better in a less traumatic way. 

Alcohol Rehab Culver City

At Muse Treatment Center, our focus is on providing you with flexible treatment options that will help you to feel comfortable and at ease throughout your treatment journey. We offer recovery programs that can last anywhere between 30, 60 or 90-days. Something that we always recommend to our clients, specifically if this is the first time that they are trying to work through this type of program, is that you speak with our team about putting together the framework for your plan. This may give you more insight as to the best options for you. 

Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

An inpatient program at our Culver City alcohol rehab provides you with a safe and secure environment where you can truly begin to heal and recover from the effects of your alcohol addiction. We will provide you with all of the amenities that you would expect in a home away from home type of environment. You will also have access to our recovery team around the clock which we believe is a great source of comfort and support in the first few days and weeks of your recovery. 

During your time with us, you will participate in different forms of therapy that will help you to address the root cause of your addiction. The root cause of addiction is different for every person which is why we take great care to work with every client on an individual basis so that they can learn the tools and resources that they need to be able to overcome these triggering events in their life. When you aren’t in therapy, you will have the chance to relax or talk with other clients in our comfortable accommodations. 

Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

A misconception associated with recovery care is that our Culver City alcohol rehab is only suitable for clients that can commit time to a full time, inpatient treatment plan. This is not the case at Muse Treatment Center and why our outpatient alcohol rehab program is a good choice for many. We understand that you may have work or personal responsibilities that may make it impossible for you to work through an inpatient program or even an intensive outpatient program. This is one of the reasons why we offer a general outpatient program. We will do everything that we can to develop a treatment schedule that pairs your current work or personal schedule so you never feel as though you need to decide between the two.  

IOP Alcohol Rehab

An intensive outpatient program is a program that many of our clients decide to enroll in due to the fact that it doesn’t require the level of commitment as our inpatient program, however, it still allows them to receive the recovery care that they need. Some clients opt to begin an IOP right away while there are many that choose to transition into this program once they complete their inpatient program as a way to continue their recovery journey. This is a suitable option for a client that may have part time work or school responsibilities and has more time to commit to their treatment plan during the week. 

MAT Alcohol Rehab

There are several medications that are available today that can help a person work through their recovery in a less traumatic way. When a client first begins their recovery journey in our Culver City alcohol rehab, it’s understandable that they would feel overwhelmed by the process as well as how they are feeling. This is where a MAT program, also known as a medically assisted treatment plan, can be a great asset. 

One of the first things that we do is assess you to determine whether or not you would be a suitable candidate for this type of treatment option. There are some clients that are hesitant to take advantage of it because they feel as though they may be substituting one addiction with another. However, when you work with the addiction experts at our Culver City alcohol rehab, we will ensure that that is something that never happens. We will closely monitor your medication consumption so that you’re able to make the most out of your time in treatment in every way possible. 

Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Muse Treatment

The goal of the treatment team at our Culver City alcohol rehab is to provide you with the holistic level of care that you need as you begin to make these important changes in your life. A member of our intake is available around the clock to provide you with the information that you need to begin your journey toward recovery. If you have more questions, we encourage you to give us a call today at (800) 426-1818.

Alcohol Addiction,Alcohol Rehab,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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