David Rofofsky | October 6, 2021

Dual Diagnosis Treatment in Anaheim

Top Rated Dual Diagnosis Treatment Programs in Anaheim 

Struggling with an addiction can be one of the most challenging things you ever need to deal with in your life. During your time in active addiction, it’s probable that you will experience a multitude of emotions and physical ailments. Many people don’t realize that a contributing factor of addiction may be their mental health or well-being. If you fall into the category of being affected by both a mental health issue as well as addiction to drugs or alcohol, dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim at Muse Treatment Center can help you work through and understand how both of these conditions can have a direct impact on your life. 

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

What You Need to Know About Dual Diagnosis Treatment 

Unfortunately, there is still a negative stigma that is associated with mental health issues. When you come to Muse Treatment for dual diagnosis treatment, we work closely with you to remove this stigma and help you develop an understanding that issues with your mental health are nothing that you should feel embarrassed by. This results in countless people in Anaheim and throughout the country putting off getting the help they need to address this serious issue in their life simply because they don’t recognize that they have a mental health problem or are too embarrassed to reach out for help.

Treatment Options for Dual Diagnosis

As a top-rated facility that offers dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, we understand the importance of providing our patients with a variety of options when it comes to receiving the help and care they need to address both their addiction and their addiction mental health. Here are some examples of treatment options that you will find at Muse: 

Detox programs 

Before you can commit yourself to a plan that includes dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, it’s essential to consider whether or not you need to first go through a detox program. If you begin to experience specific withdrawal symptoms when you do not consume your drug of choice and depending on your drug of choice and the severity of your addiction, the best option for you may be to go through a detox program. Our detox program will provide you with the foundation that you need to work through the physical and psychological effects of withdrawal so you can better focus on getting the most out of your time in dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim. 

Inpatient program 

If you went through a detox program or feel as though you need to change the environment you’re in to truly overcome your addiction and focus on your mental health, you may want to consider working through an inpatient program. This type of program allows you to live on our campus throughout your time in dual diagnosis treatment and have the peace of mind of knowing that a member of our team is available to see to any of your needs. 

Outpatient programs

Outpatient programs are ideal for a client who may have recently completed an inpatient program and would like to continue in their recovery journey or a client who cannot commit to an inpatient program due to work or school responsibilities. We will do our best to develop a treatment plan around these responsibilities, so you never feel as though you have to choose between your physical and psychological well-being and responsibilities that you may not be able to put off. 

What Is Dual Diagnosis Treatment Like? 

A question that we typically receive from many clients interested in coming to our facility for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim revolves around what you can expect from us for treatment. Our team does everything they can to help create an environment that will help you make the most out of your time with us regardless of whether you decide to work through our inpatient or outpatient program. The bulk of your time will be spent participating in different forms of therapy so you can focus on conquering your addiction and coming to a better place mentally. The types of therapy that we offer during dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim include: 

Group therapy 

There are several fantastic advantages to actively participating in group therapy. First and foremost, you have the opportunity to interact with other clients that are working through their own treatment plan. During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and opinions regarding topics revolving around sobriety, addiction, and recovery. You will also listen to the experiences of other clients in your group, which gives you the chance to grow and develop your own system of support. 

Behavioral therapy 

A combination of mental illness and addiction could cause you to react poorly to certain situations. Unfortunately, when you are stuck in the spin of addiction for any period, this learned behavior may simply stick with you. During behavioral therapy, you will address this adverse action and learn the other approaches you can take to have healthier reactions to certain situations. 

Individual therapy 

Individual therapy allows you to interact on a personal level with our treatment team. During individual therapy, you will learn more about yourself and explore the events in your life that may have triggered not only your addiction but also your mental health issues. These sessions also provide you with an excellent opportunity to raise any issues or concerns that you may have with your treatment plan to our addiction experts. We can help you make any adjustments that you need to continue to make the most out of your dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim. 

Signs and Symptoms of Co-Occurring Disorders 

Each day we receive numerous phone calls from friends or family members who have concerns that their loved one may need to come to our facility for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim. We usually have a conversation around what symptoms and signs may go hand-in-hand with a co-occurring disorder. Here are some examples of possible warning signs:  

  • Participating in risky behavior 
  • Putting off important responsibilities 
  • Anti-social behavior 
  • Losing track of how much they are drinking or using drugs 
  • Intense cravings for a particular substance 

What Are Co-Occurring Disorders? 

Co-occurring disorders are classified as the combination of addiction and mental health disorders that you may be struggling with. A couple of examples of co-occurring disorders may include a person who has a substance abuse problem and bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, or a personality disorder. Once we can classify the type of mental health issue you’re suffering from, we can then help you put together a finite plan to treat both it and your addiction. 

How to Get Help for a Dual Diagnosis 

If you’re ready to begin learning more about your options for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, here are some steps that you can take to start the process: 

Look at the websites for different treatment facilities 

It’s important to remember that not every addiction treatment facility offers dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim. Even if the facility does provide dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, you may not necessarily like certain features or aspects of it. The best thing that you can do is to take the time to read through that facility’s website to determine whether or not dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim is an option. You should also scan through the reviews or testimonials of other clients to see what they are saying about the treatment center. 

Make phone calls 

If you have questions regarding dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim or the different program options at a facility, one of the best things you can do is make phone calls and speak to the intake team at that recovery center. A good rule of thumb is to have your list of questions close by to ensure that you hit all of the essential points during this phone call. At Muse Treatment Center, our intake team is available around the clock to field any phone calls so you feel 100% comfortable coming to our facility for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim. 

Ask friends and family for help 

There are certain situations where a person is unable to reach out for help on their own. However, making phone calls and learning more about options for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim is critically important in your overall recovery. If you’re struggling to make this call on your own, you can always ask for help from friends and family members. We’re happy to speak to your relatives or loved ones that would like more information about dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Muse 

When you come to Muse Treatment Center for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, you can rest assured that you will receive nothing less than the best care for both your addiction as well as your mental health. When you’re ready to learn more about our options for dual diagnosis treatment in Anaheim, we encourage you to reach out to us at (800) 426-1818.

Dual Diagnosis,Mental Health,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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