Santa Ana Dual Diagnosis Addiction Treatment
Before finding the best dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana, you must first understand what it entails, who it is suitable for and why it is so important. To do that, you must first recognize that drug addiction is often the result of other traumas, including issues like PTSD, eating disorders, and even childhood abuse.
Treating this trauma and health care challenges is what dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana is all about, and we urge you to reach out to us for more information. We can help you build a bridge between where you are and where you want to be, so you can take your life back and finally find relief from the issues you have been struggling with.
If you want to get help for yourself or someone you care about, we urge you to educate yourself not only about the causes of addiction and substance use disorder but also about what it takes to achieve lasting recovery. When trauma is involved and addiction co-occurring disorders are in the picture, it is never enough to treat the drug or alcohol problem, and doing so would be like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound.
The dual diagnosis treatment model delves much deeper by addressing alcoholism and drug addiction at the source, working to help Santa Ana area residents understand what is going on, all while giving them the new lease on life they are looking for. Instead of putting a band-aid on the gaping wounds of drug addiction and alcoholism, we provide our clients the tools they need to heal their bodies and minds from the inside out, and that is what lifetime recovery is all about.
What Is Dual Diagnosis?
No one sets out to become a drug addict, and in many cases, dependency on dangerous substances is only the result of a long line of challenges. That realization is what dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana is all about, and it is what we specialize in.
The dual diagnosis treatment model recognizes that drug addiction often coexists with other problems, including PTSD, unresolved trauma and a history of abuse, and things like anxiety and depression. If you think that you or someone you care about could benefit, we urge you to reach out to us today.
Dual Diagnosis Including Addiction
There is a strong connection between addiction and mental health, which is what dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana is all about. However, it is essential to note that the link between mental health challenges and drug addiction can run both ways. That is why a careful and definitive diagnosis is critical.
In many cases, the mental health challenges will come first, and the individuals suffering from them may attempt to self-medicate with alcohol and drugs. At that time, drug dependency becomes an even bigger problem, creating an urgent need for dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana.
In other cases, drug addiction comes first, and the changes to the brain that result can create a kind of mental illness. Once again, any treatment program needs to recognize the connection and address it at its source, something that dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana does exceptionally well.
Common Co-Occurring Disorders
Drug addiction never arises in a vacuum, and no one ever sets out to become an addict. The fact is that some conditions and preexisting challenges can make drug addiction and alcoholism more likely, and loved ones need to monitor the health and well-being of their loved ones and be ready to step in at the first sign of trouble.
If you or someone you love has suffered from or is currently experiencing any of these co-occurring or preexisting conditions, the likelihood of drug addiction and alcoholism can rise sharply. Careful monitoring and vigilance are advised if anyone you care about is struggling with:
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Anxiety or depression
- Panic attacks
- Eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia
- A history of childhood trauma or abuse
- Issues with spousal or household violence
This is not an exhaustive list, and other challenges could make drug addiction more likely and meet the definition of a dual diagnosis. It is vital for everyone, from the individuals themselves to their spouses, partners and family members, to watch out for the early warning signs and be ready to step in and ask for help when and if it is needed.
Trauma Based Rehab
Drug addiction, alcoholism and other forms of substance use disorder are traumas in themselves, but drug-taking and alcoholic behaviors can also be indications of past traumas. These past but not forgotten traumas may involve physical, psychological, or sexual abuse in childhood, combat experience in adulthood, interpersonal conflicts in romantic relationships, and more. Still, they all have one thing in common.
These traumas, taken together or on their own, can make drug addiction and alcoholism more likely. At the same time, these co-occurring disorders can complicate rehab and treatment, which is why trauma-based rehab is such a vital part of a lasting recovery. Trauma-based rehab seeks to address the circumstances of addiction and its root causes, leading to a more innovative and more stable form of treatment and far superior long-term results.
It is essential to keep in mind that the relationship between unresolved traumas and substance use disorder is very much a two-way street. Those who struggle with traumas they have not yet addressed are at higher risk of both drug addiction and alcoholism, and the pain they are feeling may cause them to self-medicate with these dangerous substances.
At the same time, those with a history of alcoholism and drug addiction may have brain changes that make all kinds of mental illness and addiction co-occurring disorders more likely. Those changes to brain chemistry are often profound, especially when the use of these toxic substances starts early in life or has gone on for a long time.
No matter which direction the relationship runs, it is essential to address the problem at its source, which is what trauma-based rehab is all about. Instead of merely treating the results of the trauma, namely the drug addiction or alcoholism, our unique form of therapy can reach the problem at its source. If you think trauma-based rehab is the right choice for you or someone you care about, just give us a call and begin the healing process today.
Importance of Getting Help for a Dual Diagnosis
If someone in your life had diabetes, you would do more than just give them an insulin shot – you would seek to address the root causes of their condition. You might change their diet, adjust the way you cook, or talk to their doctor about finding the proper medication.
The same is true for drug addiction and alcoholism – it is not enough to treat the symptoms of substance use disorders to be effective. The treatment must look at the root causes of the problem, which the dual diagnosis model is all about. Dual diagnosis is all about uncovering the true causes of addiction, recognizing that in many cases, the use of drugs and alcohol is a sign of a much deeper problem and that many people may seek to address the issues they are facing on their own.
These attempts at self-medication are at the heart of dual diagnosis, and they are why it is so essential to get the help you need from dual diagnosis treatment in Santa Ana. If you think you or someone you care about could benefit, you owe it to yourself and them to find out all you can about the dual diagnosis treatment model.
Benefits of Dual Diagnosis Treatment at Muse Treatment Center
Drug addiction is not a single problem – it is the result of many other issues, including unresolved issues with PTSD and anxiety, past abuse and trauma, and myriad other factors that combine to make addiction more likely. If you or someone you care about has struggled with these issues, we urge you to get educated about how dual diagnosis can help.
When you are ready to reach out for help, we encourage you to check out all the great things Muse Treatment has to offer. From counselors who are well versed in the root causes of addiction and the signs of dual diagnosis to a strong commitment to after-care services, Muse Treatment has the advantages you are looking for. At Muse Treatment, we always put the best interests of our clients first, and we always measure the success of our dual diagnosis treatment model by the success our clients enjoy. Call us at (800) 426-1818 today.
If you are living in Santa Ana in need of dual diagnosis treatment, reach out to Muse today!#santaana #dualdiagnosis
— Muse Treatment (@MuseTreatmentLA) October 19, 2021