Josh Chandler | March 29, 2022

Effects of Snorting Drugs on Your Health

Why Do People Snort Drugs?

There are several different ways that a person can ingest crack cocaine or prescription drugs. One of the most popular methods is by snorting drugs. This is because drugs tend to be absorbed into the body more quickly when they are consumed through the nasal cavity. Several people prefer snorting drugs than using needles because they believe there is less chance of serious health consequences as long as they are not using needles. However, the reality is that when a person resorts to snorting drugs, they can still destroy their nasal cavity and still put themselves at risk for other serious health consequences.

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Short Term Effects of Snorting Drugs

It’s important to understand that there are both short-term and long-term effects of snorting drugs like crack cocaine and prescription opioids. Here are some examples of the short term effects that snorting drugs can do to your nose:

  • Nasal blockage
  • Issues with your respiratory tract
  • Lung infections
  • Swelling of the inner nose lining

When your nose is not working correctly, you will likely find breathing more difficult. When you’re in active addiction, the lack of being able to breathe correctly is something that could make you more susceptible to a drug overdose. An overdose could impede your ability to take a deep breath. When you compound that with issues with your nasal cavity, you put yourself at a greater risk of potentially fatal consequences.

Long Term Effects of Snorting Drugs

There are several long-term effects that a person could experience due to snorting drugs. One of the most severe long-term impacts of snorting drugs revolves around developing a hole in the septum of the nose, which makes your nose more susceptible to developing an abnormal shape and ulcers. In serious cases, the nasal cavity can rot away completely, making it appear like you don’t have a nose.

Nasal Passage Damage From Snorting Drugs

Your nose is a focal point of your face, which means that it can become more noticeable to the people around you when your nose is a deformity. Your nose is also one of the main ways that you breathe. Therefore, if you have been consuming your drug of choice through your nose, you must reach out for help as soon as possible, not only to treat your addiction but to learn more about what you can do to attempt to reverse the damage that you may not have done to your nose if possible.

See how long it takes your liver to repair the damage from alcohol here:

Does Your Liver Heal From Alcohol Abuse?

Is Nose Damage From Drug Abuse Treatable?

Whether or not nose damage can be reversed as a result of drug abuse depends on the extent of the drug abuse and the damage to the nose. This will need to be fully assessed once you’re ready to receive substance abuse treatment. It’s important to remember that the membranes along the inside of your nose can be damaged relatively easily. If your nose is damaged during the early stages of drug abuse, there is a possibility that the effects of snorting drugs can be reversed. However, if you have been snorting medications for years, then it’s possible that the damage may not be treatable.

Getting Help For Drug Addiction

When you recognize that you have a substance abuse issue and you’re struggling with the mental or physical health consequences, it’s time for you to reach out for help. When you reach out to a treatment facility, you must be upfront and honest with them regarding the extent of your crack cocaine or prescription opioids addiction. From there, your treatment team will determine whether or not you need to work through a drug detox program.

Depending on the severity of your drug addiction, it’s highly probable that you will experience certain withdrawal symptoms within mere hours of the time that you last consume your substance of choice. This is regardless of whether or not you have been snorting cocaine or using it in some other way. For your addiction recovery to be successful, you must work through a drug detox program to ensure you receive the care you need when you’re experiencing these withdrawal symptoms. On average, a drug detox program typically lasts seven days. However, this timeline may need to be adjusted depending on the withdrawal symptoms you experience and the extent of your addiction. It’s important to remember that there is no substitute for professional medical assistance when experiencing withdrawal symptoms, so you should never attempt to go through this process alone.

Once you complete drug detox, you can transition into an inpatient or residential substance abuse treatment program. During inpatient or residential substance abuse treatment, you will have the opportunity to live at your addiction recovery facility of choice, which can provide you with a unique level of support. An inpatient addiction recovery program will provide you with the around-the-clock care you may need during this critical time in your recovery. Your recovery team will provide you with individualized disorders treatment to take full advantage of your time in this type of addiction recovery program. Keep in mind; you can always begin your recovery in an inpatient program and transition into an outpatient treatment program at any time. This process is an option that many people take advantage of due to personal preferences or professional responsibilities. Your treatment team will continue to check in with you throughout the course of your recovery process to ensure you’re still moving in the right direction.

If an inpatient drug addiction program does not work for you, you may find that an outpatient treatment program such as an intensive outpatient program or a general outpatient recovery program may work better for you. You will have more flexibility in your addiction treatment program during intensive outpatient and general outpatient care. Clients that commit to an intensive outpatient or general outpatient program will still be able to work or go to school as they work through the treatment of their respective disorders.

It’s important to remember that committing to an initial drug rehab program is beneficial. However, it’s only the first step in a recovery journey that will last you for the rest of your life. During drug rehab, you will learn the impact and effects on the body that drug use can have, but you will also do a deep dive into the events that may have happened in your life that contributed to your drug addiction. Regardless of the addiction treatment program you select, you will need to complete certain forms of therapy to determine the root cause of your addiction.

One of the forms of addiction therapy that you may benefit from the most is group therapy. Unfortunately, an addiction to drugs can make you feel completely alone and think that no one else in the world feels the way you do. However, during group therapy, you will likely find that several other people may feel the same way you do or have been through similar experiences. Group therapy will give you the chance to share more about those experiences and listen to those of others. You may come to find that you can make unique connections with other people and begin to build your system of support.

There are several other types of therapy that you will experience when you’re in addiction treatment. From individual therapy to behavioral therapy to family therapy, you will have ample time to share your thoughts and feelings honestly. Although this may feel awkward at times, it’s critically important to your overall health and well-being.

Drug Rehab in Los Angeles at Muse

At Muse Treatment Center, we focus on providing our clients with a treatment facility that will help them to address their crack cocaine and prescription opioids addiction. We understand the hazardous effect that cocaine can cause on your nose and entire body. Regardless of whether you’re snorting drugs or consuming them somehow, you can take comfort in the fact that our team of addiction specialists will provide you with access to the treatment you need and advise you on the effects of cocaine or other substance abuse. For more information on the short-term and long-term health effects of cocaine abuse or snorting drugs, we encourage you to contact us for professional medical advice. Our intake team is available around the clock. Please reach out today for more information about our drug and alcohol rehab programs at (800) 426-1818.

Addiction,Drug Addiction,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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