Josh Chandler | May 24, 2022

How Detoxification Works in Alcohol Rehab Los Angeles

What Is Detoxification?

Many people mistakenly believe that overcoming an addiction to drugs and alcohol is as simple as turning off a light switch. Once you no longer want to be consumed by addiction, you can simply stop taking your substance of choice, and you will be just fine. The reality, however, is that you need to take several steps in your recovery journey for you to truly overcome your addiction to alcohol and drug substances. The first step in that recovery journey is usually spending a few days at a medically supervised detox center. This process is because once you decide to reach out for addiction treatment, your body will go into some form of shock. This shock comes in the form of withdrawal symptoms. Detoxing at one of the treatment centers local to the Los Angeles, California area ensures you have the care and support you need during this transitional and potentially challenging time in your recovery.  

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How Detoxification in Alcohol Rehab Works

One of the questions you may have revolves around how alcohol and drug detox work and what you can expect. You must reach out to a detox center in Los Angeles as soon as possible to ensure you have everything in place well before you begin to experience the withdrawal symptoms that often come with alcohol or opioid detox. When you work with a top-rated detox in Los Angeles, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will receive the around-the-clock care you need at this stage of your recovery. Residential detox also comes with the added benefit of living on the campus of that facility which further ensures you have a sober and protected environment when you’re feeling most vulnerable. 

Is it Safe to Detox at Home?

If you’ve never entertained the premise of addiction treatment, one of the many questions that you may have will revolve around why can’t you just stay at home during the detox process? While it’s understandable that staying at home for detox may seem like the better alternative because you can be comfortable in a familiar setting, it doesn’t mean that you will necessarily be safe and get the help that you need in that time of environment. When you go to a detox center, you have the peace of mind of knowing that your needs will be taken care of around the clock. As a result, you will get the medical, physical, and psychological care you need to avoid severe and potentially fatal adverse reactions when experiencing withdrawal symptoms. 

Learn about foods that help with withdrawal here:

10 Foods That Help with Opiate Withdrawal

Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms vary depending on several factors. For example, if you have a longstanding alcohol addiction or are a binge drinker, you may suffer from more severe withdrawal symptoms. Due to the unpredictability of withdrawal symptoms, it’s imperative that you’re upfront and honest regarding the extent of your addiction so that your treatment team can help you plan accordingly. Some examples of withdrawal symptoms include: 

  • Nausea 
  • Shakiness 
  • Cravings 
  • Seizures 
  • Fatigue 
  • Problems breathing 

In extreme cases, there is always the possibility that any of these symptoms or a combination of them could be fatal, so you should always be in a safe and sober environment when you’re in treatment. 

How Long Does Alcohol Detox Take?

On average, you will need to spend approximately seven days in alcohol detox, with the worst of your withdrawal symptoms developing within the first three days from the last time you took a drink. Although you will start to feel better after those three days, you must give yourself the time to heal physically and psychologically from the withdrawal symptoms you may have experienced. Only once you give yourself that time will you be able to meaningfully commit to your addiction treatment program and make the most out of your time in it. 

Alcohol Detoxification Medications

You may be surprised to learn that there are several different types of alcohol detox medications you can use during this stage of your recovery journey. Medications such as Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate have been shown to provide many people with the extra support they need to avoid feeling the intensity of severe withdrawal symptoms. However, some people are hesitant to take these medications because there are some addictive qualities in these medications. They believe that utilizing these medications is akin to substituting one addiction for another. However, when you take alcohol detox medication in a controlled environment, you can take comfort in that you will have the support and care you need so you don’t fall prey to any other type of addiction. 

What Comes After Alcohol Detox?

It’s important to remember that your journey toward sobriety is not made once you complete a residential detox program. If anything, it’s only just beginning. After you complete detox, your focus needs to be on the steps that you can take to maintain your sobriety and understand what may have caused you to turn toward drugs and alcohol abuse in the first place. This is done by participating in treatment programs that will help you better understand the disease of addiction and the root cause of your addiction. If you recently completed any type of detox program, you may find that an inpatient treatment plan makes you feel more comfortable than one of the outpatient programs available. 

An inpatient treatment program, also commonly referred to as a residential treatment program, allows you to live on the addiction treatment center’s campus. During this time, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re under the around-the-clock care of your treatment team in a safe and sober environment. In many cases, you will be able to immediately transition from a detox program into a recovery center so that you don’t miss a beat when it comes to continuing your recovery journey. An added benefit of residential treatment is that you will be able to interact with other people working through their own recovery programs. You may find that this added support is an invaluable tool throughout your treatment journey. 

If you’re unable to commit to inpatient treatment or don’t feel comfortable committing to this type of program, you can always choose to commit to outpatient treatment. There are several variables when it comes to outpatient care that makes this treatment option more appealing than an inpatient recovery program. First and foremost, outpatient treatment offers more flexibility than an inpatient program. Therefore, if you have work, school, or just general personal responsibilities, you may find an inpatient program is a more effortless adjustment to make. 

There are also different types of outpatient treatment programs. For instance, a general outpatient program offers the most flexibility, while an intensive outpatient program offers the structure you may need during the initial stages of your treatment. You can also opt to transition into an outpatient treatment program following an inpatient program if you feel as though you still need an additional level of support. These details are things your treatment team will continue to check in with you about to ensure you’re still receiving the level of care you need throughout your recovery journey. 

Another critical part of your treatment will be to better understand what may have led you to addiction in the first place. This is done by participating in different forms of therapy so that you can uncover the root cause of your addiction. The various forms of counseling you will experience during your time in treatment are something that your recovery team will go over with you. 

Why Choose Muse For Detoxification in Alcohol Rehab Los Angeles?

As one of the leading rehab centers in the Los Angeles, California area, you can rest assured you will receive the care you need during the detoxification phase of your recovery journey and through each stage at Muse Treatment. Our treatment team works personally with each client who comes to our facility to ensure they have the tools and support to develop healthy routines that they can incorporate into their lives. We also offer a luxurious and relaxing environment and encourage you to take full advantage of the wide variety of amenities we provide on campus. For more information about our alcohol detox and treatment program, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818

Alcohol Detox,Alcohol Rehab,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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