David Rofofsky | May 4, 2022

LGBTQ Drug Rehab West Hollywood

LGBTQ Drug Addiction Statistics

One of the crafty things about substance abuse is that it doesn’t discriminate. A person who could seemingly have all the money in the world can struggle with drug addiction or alcohol addiction the same way as a person who lives on the street. Substance abuse can impact anyone from any background, creed, or sexuality. Unfortunately, those in the LGBTQ community tend to suffer more from addiction. In fact, statistics have shown that a person who is gay is four times more likely to experience addiction to drugs and alcohol. There are many reasons for this. The person may be trying to hide their sexuality and looking for ways that they can cope with hiding a part of themselves. Also, it’s possible that their friends and loved ones simply don’t accept them for being gay. Regardless of the reason for the development of this addiction, to live a healthy and prosperous life, they must reach out for help from one of the addiction treatment centers near West Hollywood. 

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Barriers to Addiction Treatment for LGBTQ

Unfortunately, there are several barriers that a person in the LGBTQ community may experience during their life. Some of those barriers can include: 

  • Being excluded from certain events 
  • A lack of acceptance from friends and family members 
  • Issues with confidence or self-acceptance 
  • Embarrassment 
  • Isolation 

As a result of this type of experience, a person who identifies as LGBTQ may be hesitant to seek help regarding their addiction issues. However, when you partner with a top-rated addiction treatment center, you can take comfort in that you will not experience this type of discrimination. You will receive the treatment and care you need to overcome your addiction once and for all. 

LGBTQ Drug Rehab Treatment Options

Several treatment programs are available to LGBTQ individuals when they are ready to commit. Here are some examples of addiction treatment options that will be available to you when you commit to one of the treatment centers in the area: 

Alcohol or drug detox 

Before you can commit to one of the addiction treatment programs in Southern California, you may need to commit to an alcohol or drug detox first. This is because during the first few hours from the time you last consumed your substance of choice, you may experience withdrawal symptoms. It’s impossible to tell which withdrawal symptoms you will experience, and this is greatly dependent on your drug of choice, how long you’ve been caught in your respective substance use disorders and how much of that substance you’re taking. To make the most out of these health treatments, it’s vital that you fully disclose the extent of your alcohol and drug abuse so your treatment team can develop an individualized treatment plan that will truly suit your needs when you’re in alcohol and drug rehab. 

Learn about how to quit Ambien here:


Need Zolpidem for Z’s? How to Quit Ambien and Avoid Ambien Withdrawal

Residential treatment 

Do you feel as though the only way for you to take advantage of your individualized treatment plan is to remove yourself from certain people, places, or things for some time so you can truly focus on yourself and your abuse treatment? Therefore, you may be an ideal candidate for residential treatment. During residential treatment, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of the treatment facility that you select. This will give you an excellent opportunity to take full advantage of the drug or alcohol abuse treatment available at that facility and help you to overcome your addiction in every way possible. For example, if you opt to come to our West Hollywood treatment centers for your LGBTQ addiction treatment, you will enjoy a home-away-from-home type of environment where you will be able to rely on the around-the-clock care from our trained addiction experts. Also, you will be able to interact with other people that are working through their own LGBTQ treatment. 

Outpatient treatment 

If you have work or school responsibilities, it would be impossible for you to commit to an inpatient or residential program. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot commit to an addiction treatment program. Instead, you would be an ideal candidate for an intensive outpatient or a general outpatient program. These programs provide you with the flexibility that you need to be able to tackle your addiction issues while still seeing to your work or school responsibilities. The main distinction between an intensive outpatient and a general outpatient program is the number of hours you will need to commit to treatment weekly. You can either opt to begin an outpatient treatment program straight away, or you can opt to commit to one after you complete a residential or inpatient program. 

Regardless of whether you decide to work through an inpatient or an outpatient program, a significant decision you will need to make is the length of your treatment plan. Many people feel more comfortable committing to a shorter 30-day program, while others commit to a longer 60 or 90-day treatment program. Keep in mind that you can always extend your treatment program at any time. This means you can begin in a 30-day treatment program and then extend it into a longer 60 or 90-day program. Your treatment team will continuously check in with you to ensure that you are on the right track for your recovery so you can continue to make the most out of it. 

Needs of LGBTQ Community in Drug Rehab

Any top-rated addiction treatment facility will understand that LGBTQ individuals need a particular type of treatment. Mental health treatment will be at the cornerstone of any addiction recovery plan. Although addiction therapy may be uncomfortable at times, you will learn that it’s a critical part of your overall addiction recovery. If you are suffering from any mental health issues, you would greatly benefit from dual diagnosis treatment, which will provide you with mental health treatment and addiction treatment to enjoy a holistic form of recovery. Here are some examples of addiction therapy that you will experience when you go to drug or alcohol rehab: 

  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Individual therapy 
  • Group therapy 
  • Trauma-based therapy 
  • Family therapy 

The main reason why therapy is such an essential part of your treatment program is that you must identify the root cause of your addiction to conquer your addiction. For many people, the root cause of addiction is based on some form of trauma. You may have experienced a traumatic experience that led you to think that your friends and family wouldn’t accept you due to your sexuality. You may have experienced some form of violence due to your sexuality that caused you to turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to comfort yourself. 

What to Look For in an LGBTQ-Friendly Drug Rehab

To make the most out of your time in addiction treatment, you must partner with an addiction treatment facility that works best for you. Here are some of the critical factors you should be aware of when it comes to finding the right addiction treatment facility for you: 


Whether you want to stay close to home or travel to a new location when you’re in addiction treatment is an important one. Many people feel more confident in their decision to work through therapy if a more familiar environment surrounds them. However, many other people think differently and prefer to stay closer to home. Making this decision before you start looking at addiction treatment facilities is important. 


Finances are a crucial factor when it comes to going to addiction treatment. Many people steer clear of any type of addiction treatment because they are concerned that they don’t have the money to pay for it. 

LGBTQ Drug Rehab at Muse

Regardless of whether you’re struggling with drug addiction or alcohol addiction, you can rest assured that you will receive the addiction treatment you need when you choose to come to Muse Treatment Center. Our addiction experts continuously go above and beyond to ensure you have the support and tools to overcome your addiction and live a healthier and more fulfilling life. For more information about why Muse Treatment Center is the best option for LGBTQ drug rehab, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818

Drug Rehab,Inpatient Rehab,Outpatient Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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