David Rofofsky | September 30, 2021

Los Angeles Drug Detox Center

The Best Drug Detox Center in LA

When you have a drug addiction and want to quit, you may not know where to start, or you may be putting it off due to worries about suffering through dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Muse Treatment’s Los Angeles drug detox center is a welcoming facility with professional and caring staff who, through our medically assisted treatment (MAT) detox program, can help you get through your detox period safely and as comfortably as possible.

Our integrated MAT detox program provides you with FDA-approved prescription medications, along with counseling and psychiatric care to help you get through detox as painlessly as possible. The medications given will help with drug cravings, restlessness, pain, anxiety, and other withdrawal symptoms, without creating a new addiction or getting you high.

Early in your detox process, we will also introduce counseling to help you work through any emotions or trauma that may come up. We will also provide dual diagnosis treatments to patients who have co-occurring conditions. Treating all aspects of mental health and physical addiction simultaneously will stop the cycle of addiction and give you the best chance of remaining in recovery long-term.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

How to Find a Drug Detox Center That Works

When you are looking for a Los Angeles drug detox center, you may feel overwhelmed with the options you are presented with. Some critical questions to ask when trying to find the right detox center for you include:

  • Do they have the option for medical detox?
  • Do they have 24-hour clinical care to ensure you are kept safe through detox?
  • Do they offer dual diagnosis treatments for co-occurring mental health conditions?
  • Do they offer ongoing treatments like inpatient and outpatient rehab services?

Drug Detox Los Angeles: The First Step to Recovery

Detox is only a short-term solution to addiction. It is important to continue receiving professional help to get to the root of the issue and make positive changes to your life. After detox is over, we can move you into a rehab program that works with our integrated continuum of care.

Rehab at Muse Treatment is a customized treatment program that is different for everybody. We have multiple options for group and one-on-one therapy, counseling, education, and other treatments. These options allow you to get to the underlying causes of your addiction, learn new recovery tools that will last you a lifetime, and gain new skills that can help you achieve your post-rehab goals.

When Is Drug Detox Necessary?

Drug detox is necessary because you will not live a long-term full, healthy, and fulfilled life while dependent on drugs or alcohol. The long-term health detriments to drug use cannot be ignored. Entering a rehab program will also be much more beneficial to you if you go in with a clear head, and treatments for mental illness will be more effective as drugs and alcohol won’t be masking your symptoms.

Common Drugs Needing Professional Drug Detox

Checking into a professional drug detox program will ensure you remain safe and do not have to suffer as the drugs leave your body. Some of the most common drugs that require a professional detox include:

  • Heroin, fentanyl, prescription painkillers, and other opiates
  • Cocaine
  • Crack
  • Meth
  • Alcohol
  • Benzodiazepines

Is it Safe to Detox at Home?

For most substances and in most cases, it may not be safe to detox at home, and it might not work. There are too many unpredictable variables with detoxing that can cause your withdrawal symptoms to escalate to painful and even unsafe levels, causing you to relapse or have dangerous medical issues. Medical supervision is always strongly recommended for drug and alcohol detox.

Get the Help You Need at Muse Treatment

At the Muse Treatment Center’s Los Angeles drug detox center, we can help you stop using drugs through our integrated spectrum of drug addiction care. You can start at our Los Angeles drug detox center, and then we will help you transition into inpatient and outpatient rehab and beyond, supporting you the whole way. We will provide you with healthy coping tools so you can move on with your life, living independently without the use of drugs or alcohol. Contact us today at (800) 426-1818 to learn more about drug rehab, drug detox, and our other rehab programs.

Detox,Drug Detox,Drug Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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