David Rofofsky | May 24, 2023

Mental Health Services in Anaheim

Access Mental Health Services in Anaheim

Muse Treatment specializes in substance abuse treatment and mental health services in Anaheim. In addition to our addiction treatment plans that include inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab programs, we offer dual diagnosis treatment. As an accredited addiction treatment center near Anaheim, we feature credentialed clinicians with the experience and expertise needed to treat dual diagnosis, a condition marked by a substance use disorder and a mental health condition.

If you are searching for addiction treatment and mental health services in Anaheim, explore our treatment options at Muse Treatment. We offer a full continuum of care with various levels of support. We’re able to provide residential care, robust support, outpatient programs, and sober living. If you’ve been diagnosed with co-occurring disorders or suspect you may have a dual diagnosis, visit us for an evaluation and the individualized treatment you need to get well.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Treatment Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Mental Health Disorders Can Be Treated at the Same Time as Addiction

About one-third of people with a substance use disorder also have a mental health disorder. Though separate conditions, an addiction, and mental health disorder can impact the other–often in very negative ways. Today, the medical community supports the treatment of a dual diagnosis with simultaneous treatments. Rather than treating one first and the other later, the clinical rule of thumb is to treat both conditions.

Muse Treatment features dual diagnosis treatment near Anaheim that helps clients cope with both of their disorders at the same time. We rely on evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy that can benefit both conditions. During dual diagnosis treatment, clients may work with a therapist to address aspects of both conditions simultaneously or, at times, focus on one condition or the other during a single session.

However, clients enrolled in dual diagnosis treatment at Muse will address elements of both of their conditions each week–and usually each day. Managing both conditions together leads to improved recovery outcomes.

Mental Health Services in Anaheim CA

What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

A dual diagnosis refers to the presence of two disorders that occur together: a substance use disorder and a mental health condition. A person with a dual diagnosis might suffer from alcohol addiction and depression, methamphetamine addiction and generalized anxiety, or opioid addiction and post-traumatic stress disorder. Although some co-occurring disorders are more common than others (alcohol use disorder and depression), there might be a combination of substance addiction and mental illness when it comes to dual diagnosis.

Additionally, either condition might precipitate the other. A person might have a mental illness and self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, leaving them vulnerable to the development of chemical dependency and then addiction. Conversely, someone might develop an addiction to alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse can change the chemistry of the brain, which can cause a mental health condition to develop.

How Common Is a Dual Diagnosis During Addiction Treatment?

As mentioned, dual diagnosis is common. About a third of people who have an addiction to drugs or alcohol also have a mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, or borderline personality disorder. Dual diagnosis can be very complex. For one thing, a person who is struggling with or in the early days of recovery may experience mental health symptoms such as anxiety or depression, but does this mean they have a clinical mental health disorder?

The answer is that it depends. When clients enroll in treatment, our clinicians provide them with a thorough evaluation of their psychological health. Whether their mental illness is chronic or its symptoms are likely to dissipate over time depends on the individual. What’s important is that the individual meets with a professional mental health provider in order to get an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment for both of their conditions.

How Is a Dual Diagnosis Treated at an Addiction Treatment Facility?

Our clinicians offer simultaneous treatment for dual diagnosis, but treatment depends on the individual’s specific needs. For instance, a person with post-traumatic stress disorder may need specialized treatment to address specific symptoms. Clients can expect that their treatment will be individualized and that they will address both disorders during their rehab program, whether inpatient or outpatient.

Many clients will benefit from medication. Some clients benefit from medication-assisted treatment for their substance use disorder, which is mainly effective for an opioid addiction or alcohol use disorder. Many people with a mental health disorder can also benefit from medication such as antidepressants or other medications that can alleviate symptoms. Our clinicians will assess your condition and recommend the ideal treatment course for your needs.

4 Benefits of Treating Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders at the Same Time

If you have a substance use disorder and a mental health condition, you should know that the recommended medical course is to obtain simultaneous treatment for both conditions. Muse can help. Our clinicians are experienced in dual diagnosis treatment. When you get simultaneous treatment for your conditions, you can expect to enjoy some benefits, including:

1. Prevent Conditions from Getting Worse

By getting simultaneous treatment, you can prevent one condition from exacerbating the symptoms of the other. Substance use disorder and mental health conditions are separate and distinct, but they can impact one another. By addressing both disorders at the same time, you can manage them together, ensuring that neither gets worse or impedes the recovery process of the other.

2. Improve Your Quality of Life

When you obtain treatment for both conditions, you can manage the uncomfortable symptoms of both. The result is, invariably, an improvement in how you feel overall. As you feel an improvement in both conditions, you’ll feel better able to focus on your therapy and learn the strategies needed to manage your dual diagnosis for the long term.

3. Build a Strong Foundation for Recovery

Simultaneous treatment helps you build a stronger foundation for your long-term recovery. At some point, you’ll leave rehab; you may opt for ongoing counseling or aftercare, but your support needs will diminish. The stronger foundation you have for managing both of your conditions, the less likely your conditions will worsen.

4. Reduce the Risks of Relapse

Relapse rates are high in association with drug or alcohol addiction. Reduce the risks of relapse by getting dual diagnosis treatment. Untreated mental illness can be a trigger for a substance abuse relapse. With simultaneous treatments, you can begin to manage both conditions effectively, leaving you more stable and better able to ward off relapse.

Call Muse for Mental Health Services in Anaheim

If you have a dual diagnosis, you can benefit from simultaneous treatment for both of your conditions at Muse. Because we specialize in substance abuse treatment and mental health services in Anaheim, we’re able to provide the support people need to effectively manage both of their conditions.

Our rehab center provides a safe and positive setting for clients to immerse themselves in their therapy. We understand how overwhelming it can feel to have just one diagnosis, but a dual diagnosis often involves double the symptoms and double the difficulties. Remember that both of your conditions can be managed together, and you can recover in double time when you enroll for treatment at Muse. Once your symptoms are reduced and you are able to focus on condition management, you can enjoy improved health and mental wellness. Call us at (800) 426-1818 to learn more about our enrollment process.

Dual Diagnosis,Mental Health,Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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