David Rofofsky | March 8, 2022

Outpatient Rehab Culver City

Can Rehab Be Done As An Outpatient?

Many people have a common misconception that the only way to effectively overcome their drug or alcohol addiction is to commit to a residential treatment program. However, inpatient rehab or residential treatment simply isn’t an option for many people who need to work or go to school. Drug addiction or alcohol addiction also isn’t a selective disease. Many people who struggle with this disease are the primary financial providers for their families. Therefore, it would be out of the question for them to not work. Since drug addiction or alcohol addiction is a disease, numerous addiction treatment facilities offer outpatient treatment plans, so patients have flexible treatment options. An outpatient treatment program provides a person with the flexibility to address their heroin addiction or opioid addiction while still seeing these other vital responsibilities in their life.

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What Is Outpatient Rehab?

Outpatient rehab allows you to address your drug or alcohol addiction issues once and for all. Many people don’t feel comfortable committing to an inpatient program for several reasons. First and foremost, they don’t like committing to an inpatient program since they feel like this type of program is too restrictive. An outpatient program offers much more flexibility, which can help you focus on your addiction treatment and not make you feel as though you want to rebel against it or fall back into your original addictive qualities.

Does Outpatient Rehab Work?

Like with any addiction treatment plan, outpatient rehab will only work if you work on yourself and commit to understanding the disease of addiction. It’s also just as important to understand that addiction is not a light switch, and it’s not something that you can simply switch on and off. An addiction to drugs or alcohol takes time to grow and develop, and therefore, it will take time for a person to truly overcome the ups and downs of their addiction. However, you can rest assured that if you make a genuine commitment to the addiction and recovery process, you will undoubtedly see the actual benefits of the process. You will be able to overcome your addiction once and for all.

To see the stats on relapse rates, check out our blog below:

What Percentage of Addicts Stay Clean After Rehab?

Benefits of Outpatient Rehab

There are several benefits associated with an outpatient treatment program. Your treatment team will speak with you in more detail about these benefits but here are just a few of the examples:

Improved connections with other people working through their own treatment program

One of the best things about outpatient treatment is that you will have a unique opportunity to improve and develop connections that you make with other people working toward completing their own recovery program. This will not only hold when you’re working through your program at your treatment facility, but it will also hold when you decide to commit to going to Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. These interactions will help you understand that you’re not alone in what you’re thinking and feeling and can help you feel more comfortable with the process overall.


Therapy will be the cornerstone of your addiction treatment program. The point of therapy is to help you uncover the root cause of your addiction and work through it, so these triggers do not negatively impact you in the future. Although it may feel uncomfortable and even awkward at times, therapy can help you develop a better understanding of yourself and the disease that is addiction.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Outpatient Rehab?

Realistically, any person is a candidate for outpatient rehab. However, some people may be more suitable for this type of treatment than others. For instance, a person with work or school responsibilities may find an outpatient treatment program more appealing because they won’t have to worry about feeling like they need to pick one option or the other.

Outpatient vs. Inpatient Rehab

You must understand the difference between an outpatient treatment program and an inpatient rehab program. The main difference between outpatient and residential treatment is where you will live when you’re in a drug rehab treatment program. A residential treatment program patient will have the opportunity to live on the campus of their treatment facility of choice. This process can provide clients with the around-the-clock care and support they may need in the early stages of their recovery. However, if you simply don’t feel comfortable with this type of structure or have other responsibilities that you need to see to, you may not be a suitable candidate for inpatient treatment.

Remember that you can always transition from an inpatient rehab program into an outpatient program. For instance, you could begin your recovery program in a shorter 30-day inpatient treatment plan and then transition into a longer 60 or 90-day outpatient treatment program. However, your recovery team will speak with you in more detail about this when you get to that point.

Types of Outpatient Rehab Programs

It’s important to remember that regardless of the type of care you need in an inpatient or Los Angeles outpatient program, you may need to begin your recovery journey in one of our detox centers. Within just a few hours from when you take your last drink or drug, you will likely start to experience specific withdrawal symptoms, which will make it all but impossible for you to care for yourself. Detox centers will typically cater to clients not only from the Culver City, California area, but anywhere in the country. Alcohol or drug detox can begin your addiction treatment program on the right foot. Drug detox typically lasts seven days, with the worst of your withdrawal symptoms manifesting within the first 72 hours of your time in treatment. Detox centers will provide you with the care and stability you need during this critical stage of your recovery journey.

Once you complete your detox program, you will be in a much better place both physically and psychologically to complete an outpatient treatment program. There are different types of outpatient treatment that you can choose from, and here are some examples:

Day programs

These treatment plans are commonly referred to as a partial hospitalization treatment program. Clients who decide to commit to this type of treatment option can expect to spend most of their week in addiction treatment, with the majority of those hours spent participating in different forms of therapy. This type of addiction treatment program is suggested if a person has a semi-part time job or more flexible time.

Intensive outpatient treatment program

An intensive outpatient treatment program still provides a structured type of treatment program. However, it gives more flexibility than a partial hospitalization treatment plan. In many cases, a client may use an intensive outpatient treatment program to step down after a day program. This will still allow you to continue your recovery journey while still experiencing the care and support from your addiction treatment team.

General outpatient program

A general outpatient program provides a client with the most flexibility, and this is an ideal treatment option for a person that may be working or going to school full time. If you decide to partner with Muse Treatment Center, our treatment team will work closely with you to put together a treatment program that does not make you feel you need to choose between work or your dedication to addiction treatment. If your schedule changes when you’re in treatment, simply let your recovery team know so they can reassess your treatment plan with you and make any adjustments.

Outpatient Rehab for Culver City Residents at Muse

As one of the best rehabilitation centers in Culver City, California, the team at Muse Treatment Center understands the negative impact that substance abuse can have on any person. We always go the extra mile to ensure you have access to the treatment programs you need when you’re ready to commit to a drug or alcohol rehab program near Culver City, CA.

Regardless of whether you would like to commit to a partial hospitalization program or you would like to focus on a Los Angeles outpatient treatment program, you can rest assured that we offer the type of care you need to address your drug or alcohol addiction. For more information about what you can expect when you come to Muse Treatment Center, please get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.

Outpatient Rehab,Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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