Josh Chandler | April 1, 2022

Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab Near West Hollywood

Why Bring a Pet to Drug Rehab?

Leaving your home and undergoing drug addiction treatment can be stressful. For many people, the reliable key to stress reduction is their pet. Many potential patients in desperate need of drug addiction rehab actually put off treatment because they’re concerned about their pet and who might care for it in their absence. In fact, just the cost to board a pet in a kennel could be prohibitive. Even when people can board their pets or leave them in the care of someone else, they are apt to worry about their pets.

Muse Treatment understands the deep connection people have with their pets, and that connection can benefit clients as they undergo and progress through their rehab journey. Deciding to enter rehab for addiction treatment is good, but it certainly feels better when you can alleviate the stress of leaving behind a pet. By taking it with you, you can experience more comfort, and your pet will not have the stress of being without you for an extended period.

Pets can bring a sense of calm and peace to anyone going through a difficult time. Undergoing addiction treatment involves immense change. These changes, at first, can involve physical discomfort, and withdrawal from a powerful drug is not easy. At Muse Treatment, we find that offering treatments that reduce withdrawal symptom discomfort and allow clients to relax with their pets helps people progress more gently through the detox process.

At Muse Treatment, we do feature an incredibly caring and supportive team. However, we know we can’t replace the comfort you get from your furry companion, which is why we are a pet-friendly drug rehab. If you are reluctant to leave your pet but need help managing your drug addiction, you can bring your pet to our rehab center and have your pet at your side to enhance your recovery journey.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Having an Emotional Support Animal

In a genuine sense, all pets have the potential to be emotional support animals. Yes, some people have a physician’s documentation that certifies their pet as an emotional support animal. These people can bring their pets with them to various venues. Having a support animal can decrease mental health disorder symptoms like anxiety and depression. Even if your pet has not been authorized as a formal emotional support animal, you can still bring it to Muse Treatment during your rehab journey.

The truth is, your pet can provide you with emotional support as you undergo treatment each day. Drug addiction changes the brain’s chemistry, and even after detox, these changes may be long-lasting, even permanent. If you feel anxious, sad, or lonely during rehab, your pet is likely to provide you with substantial comfort. When you feel more comfortable and relaxed, you’ll find it easier to focus on your treatments.

That’s why Muse Treatment and increasing numbers of addiction treatment centers all over the country now welcome pets. You don’t have to trade time with your pet for the addiction treatment you need to safeguard your mental and physical health. If you’re searching for a pet-friendly rehab in West Hollywood, you will find it at Muse.

Having an emotional support pet can also reduce your anger. See how anger management is related to addiction treatment here:

Keep Your Cool in Recovery: 10 Anger Management Skills You Can Master

Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab

There are plenty of benefits to look forward to when you enroll at a pet-friendly rehab center like Muse Treatment. We’ll outline a few here:

Unconditional love and support

Your pet loves you and wants to be with you. You love and want to be with your pet. It’s not rocket science. Many of our clinicians and therapists have pets too. We find them immense comfort after a stressful day or when we’re going through a difficult time. We love witnessing the bond so apparent between clients and their pets. Each day, we notice how the love of a pet supports clients, helping them progress more comfortably through treatment.

Reduces stress

Clients who bring pets to rehab often feel that their stress levels have diminished. This isn’t a mere feeling. There are quantifiable ways to measure the stress reduction potential of pets in rehab. For instance, clients may experience reduced blood pressure and a lowered heart rate due to less stress. The body is already going through enough physical stress due to being on and then getting off drugs. The stress reduction that pets can provide is medically substantial, which is just another reason why Muse Treatment has decided to welcome pets to our Los Angeles treatment center.

Sense of responsibility and purpose

Bringing your pet to rehab can give you a greater sense of purpose and responsibility. Caring for a pet requires adhering to specific tasks. Feeding and walking your pet builds structure into your day, and that can provide welcome support to the recovery process. Of course, participating in treatments and focusing on therapy is incredibly purposeful. Still, the additional care that clients provide for their pets speaks to a more personal commitment to a being they love, a being that’s separate from themselves.

Increased physical activity

While it’s important to get rest, especially during the detox phase of treatment, an increase in physical activity also supports healing and recovery. When you bring your pet along to rehab, you’ll be able to engage it in play and its care. Simply walking your pet enhances physical recovery. How? Physical activity causes the brain to release feel-good endorphins that target your muscles. They even reduce the symptoms of mental disorders like anxiety and depression. In short, getting outdoors for more physical activity is good for you, and caring for a pet supports this.

Alternate focus

Caring for a pet in rehab actually, we have to acknowledge it, gives you a break from rehab. You will focus hard on your treatments and recovery, but you’ll also need breaks from that focus. It would help if you had time to relax, to think of other things. Pets provide a healthy alternative for clients. That’s just one more benefit to bring your dog or cat with you to addiction treatment in West Hollywood.

Will a Pet-Friendly Drug Rehab Be Effective?

Pet-friendly drug rehab is undoubtedly no less effective than a rehab experience devoid of pets. At Muse Treatment, we have found that pets can make the rehab experience even more effective because they enhance our clients’ comfort. When clients are less stressed, they find it easier to focus on their therapy, leading to a positive rehab experience and supporting lasting recovery.

Drug addiction is a disease, and we aren’t saying that your pet can cure it. Pets can only provide loving companionship and reduced stress for clients, but that’s powerful in itself. If your pet brings you comfort, it can enhance your recovery journey.

Can I Bring My Service Animal to Drug Rehab?

If you have a licensed service animal, you can certainly bring it to drug rehab– even rehabs that are not pet friendly. Since Muse Treatment is a pet-friendly rehab that welcomes clients and their pets from all over West Hollywood, you can undoubtedly bring your service animal with you to our facility.

Do Pet-Friendly Drug Rehabs Cost More?

Muse Treatment does not charge more to clients who bring their pets with them to rehab. Some rehabs may charge more for pets, but that’s not usually the case. Muse Treatment understands the benefits that pets offer to clients, and we don’t want to inhibit clients from bringing them if they want their pets to accompany them.

Bring Your Pet to Muse Treatment Center in Los Angeles

If you have a drug abuse problem or are addicted to any drug, illicit or prescription, you need help. Fortunately, you don’t have to find a pet sitter or kennel to care for your dog or cat as you get the help you need. You can bring your furry friend to rehab when you enroll in a Muse Treatment drug treatment program. Your addiction will not improve without treatment. Addiction is a chronic illness and is frequently progressive.

Substance addiction can rob you of your mental and physical health. As time progresses, you may actually find it increasingly difficult to care for yourself and your pet. At Muse Treatment, we don’t force anyone to leave their pet behind, and you can bring it with you and get the treatment you need to manage your addiction successfully. Bring your pet. We love pets at Muse because we love what they do for our clients. They can benefit you in so many ways when they’re at your side during treatment.

Contact Muse Treatment if you’re searching for a pet-friendly rehab in West Hollywood. We have a reputation for our experience and expertise, and our healing center offers medically sanctioned treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and holistic offerings that support whole-person health. That’s why pets are so welcome, and they’re part of our holistic outlook on wellness. The sooner you and your pet enter rehab for high-quality treatment, the sooner you can protect your health and well-being. Call us at (800) 426-1818 today to see how our pet-friendly rehab can help you during addiction treatment.

Drug Rehab,Inpatient Rehab,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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