David Rofofsky | March 22, 2022

Residential Drug Rehab Los Angeles

The Difference Between Residential and Inpatient Drug Rehab

There are several terms when it comes to addiction treatment that is used interchangeably. However, before you commit to an addiction treatment plan, it’s imperative that you have an understanding of the terminology associated with the different types of addiction programs that are available at the treatment facility that you opt to commit to. One of the confusing aspects of addiction recovery plans is the difference between a residential treatment program and an inpatient drug rehab. After all, since you live on the campus for both treatment options, aren’t they essentially the same thing?

The reality is that there is a specific distinction between a residential treatment program and an inpatient one. Inpatient treatment will incorporate certain forms of medication into your addiction treatment program whereas a residential treatment program does not. There are many people who feel embarrassed by the fact that they need to take medication as a way to overcome their addiction or just to maintain a better sense of normalcy. Needing to take advantage of medication during the time that you’re in treatment is not something that you should feel embarrassed by. Admitting that you need a higher level of care and taking advantage of the treatment options that are available to you is a sign that you are truly ready to tackle your addiction to drugs or alcohol once and for all.

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What Does Residential Drug Rehab Offer?

One of the leading benefits associated with a residential drug rehab program is the fact that you will have the peace of mind of knowing that you can live in a safe and sober environment for a period of time. Not only that, but you will have around-the-clock care and access to your addiction treatment team. The focus of your time in residential treatment will be to determine the root cause of your addiction. The root cause of addiction is different for every person. However, the main way that you will determine the root cause of your addiction is through participating in different forms of addiction therapy such as:

  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Trauma-based therapy

Although participating in therapy is something that can feel awkward or overwhelming at times, it’s important that you learn how to communicate your feelings openly and honestly so that there is nothing that will hold you back throughout the course of your recovery as well as the rest of your life. If there is something in particular that you feel as though you’re struggling with, your treatment team will encourage you to talk about it as you will likely come to find that you can receive the strength and support that you need from not only your treatment team but others that are at that facility working through their own treatment program.

Is Residential Drug Rehab More Effective?

The effectiveness of residential treatment will truly depend on the person in several ways. In order for any type of addiction treatment program to be effective, the person that is working through that treatment plan must be completely dedicated to the process. Therefore, it’s imperative that they feel comfortable and confident in their decision which means that you need to find the right addiction treatment facility for you.

There are several steps that you can take in order to ensure that you find the right addiction treatment program for you. Some of the ways that you can do this include:

Reach out to the intake team

One of the best ways that you can learn more about a treatment facility is to reach out to their intake team and ask questions regarding the facility and the treatment programs that are offered. If you opt to reach out to Muse Treatment Center, our recovery team is available around the clock to either help get you started on your addiction treatment journey or to answer any of the questions or concerns that you may have.

Ask your friends and family for help

There are many people who are too deep into their addiction to really take effective steps toward helping themselves. Therefore, one of the best things that you can do is turn to friends or family members for help. Any top-rated addiction treatment center will always be open to working with your friends or family members so that you can receive the addiction treatment that you need to tackle your addiction. In fact, at Muse Treatment Center, we encourage your family members to be active participants in your recovery plan as this will just give you further motivation to continue on in your recovery treatment.

How Long Does Residential Drug Rehab Last?

Similar to every other aspect of your residential drug treatment program, you will have a say in the length of your residential treatment plan.

Medical Drug Detox

Before you can begin your residential treatment program, it’s possible that you may need to begin your recovery in a detox center. The reason for this is that within just a few hours from the time that you take your last substance of choice, you will begin to experience certain withdrawal symptoms which can make it all but impossible for you to care for yourself. In the same way that substance abuse can impact every person differently, drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can also impact every person differently. This is one of the leading reasons why it’s imperative that you are upfront and honest regarding the extent of your substance abuse. The addiction treatment team at a detox center in Los Angeles California will work closely with you when it comes to gathering certain key pieces of information so that they can plan for your time in a drug and alcohol detox program. One of the great things about a medical detox program for drug addiction is the fact that there are certain medications that you can take advantage of during the time that you’re in detox. These medications can help to set the right tone of your drug treatment because they can help you to better manage the cravings that you may experience or other withdrawal symptoms that may develop during detox.

Does Residential Drug Rehab Cost More?

One of the questions that many people have regarding a residential treatment program in Los Angeles California revolves around cost. The answer regarding the cost of your Los Angeles drug addiction treatment program will revolve around your level of care. For instance, if there are two people who opt to commit to a residential treatment program, however, one person requires a higher level of care or they need to spend a longer period of time in addiction treatment, then your treatment program will likely cost more in comparison to a person who opts for a different type of treatment plan or a shorter one. However, it’s important to remember that if you’re concerned about the cost of your alcohol or drug treatment plan in Los Angeles County, there are several drug addiction treatment centers that accept private insurance coverage.

Since an alcohol or drug addiction is categorized as a disease, the majority of private insurance providers will offer some type of coverage when it comes to working through both a detox center as well as an overall drug addiction treatment plan in Los Angeles county. It’s important to recognize the fact that your insurance coverage could be different from that of another person, therefore, your out-of-pocket costs may be different from that of another person. However, the fact still remains that having insurance coverage can help to save you the stress of paying the regular out-of-pocket costs that may be associated with an addiction treatment program near Woodland Hills.

Checking Into Residential Drug Rehab at Muse

At Muse Treatment Center in Los Angeles, not only do we offer a comprehensive residential drug rehab program but we also offer a multitude of other treatment options which can help you to tackle your drug addiction or alcohol addiction once and for all. For example, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of partial hospitalization, inpatient rehab, intensive outpatient treatment, or a general outpatient treatment program to address your alcohol and drug addiction. Our treatment providers work closely with you to determine the best treatment option for you so that you can take full advantage of your time in rehab in Los Angeles.

It’s also important to remember that you will not only have the opportunity to take advantage of residential treatment near Los Angeles but you can always transition into another type of addiction treatment program at the end of your residential treatment. For example, if you would like to continue on in your recovery journey after residential care, you can opt to commit to an outpatient treatment program so that you can focus on sober living while still continuing to recover through substance abuse treatment. If you would like more information about the residential treatment program at Muse Treatment Center in Los Angeles, we encourage you to get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.

Drug Addiction,Drug Detox,Drug Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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