What Is Residential Addiction Treatment?
Many factors play into the genesis of drug or alcohol addiction. For instance, you may have experienced some form of trauma during your childhood. At the same time, it’s just as possible that you may have experienced something that impacted your sobriety during your adult life. Regardless of the origins of your addiction, unless you receive the help and the care you need to address this addiction, it’s something that will only continue to grow and get worse. Often, addiction is continued as a result of the environment that a person lives in. For instance, if you’re living with a friend or spouse struggling with their own addiction, you may find it all but impossible to maintain your sobriety. However, help is always possible when you decide to change the environment around you and provide you with the stability and support needed to change your life for the better.
Residential treatment allows you to commit to an addiction treatment program while living on the campus of your treatment facility of choice. This home away from home type of environment and continuous care can provide you with the support and resources you need during this critical stage in your recovery journey and help you establish yourself as a sober and healthy individual.
Benefits of Residential Addiction Treatment
There are countless benefits associated with committing to an individualized treatment plan at a residential rehab center near Los Angeles, California. Here are just a few examples of why so many people opt to go through this type of treatment program in comparison to an intensive outpatient one or a general outpatient rehab:
Continuous level of support
One of the great things about residential treatment is that you will receive a continuous level of care that is second to none. This process is critically important for a person who may feel as though they are still in a stage of uncertainty in their recovery journey. If you decide to partner with Muse Treatment, for example, you have the peace of mind of knowing that our treatment team will be there for you when you need them.
Sober environment
The main reason why so many people decide to commit to a residential program is that it provides a sober environment. During the early stages of your recovery, you may be more susceptible when it comes to giving in to temptation associated with drug or alcohol addiction. There is no temptation to change the environment around you and commit to a residential program. This can help you better focus on the steps you need to take to overcome your addiction to drugs or alcohol once and for all.
If you do enter residential treatment, here is a guide on how to tell your friends and family:
Therapies Offered in Residential Treatment Programs
To address the root cause of your addiction, you will need to commit to actively participating in different forms of therapy. While it’s true that treatment can feel uncomfortable or awkward at times, overall, it will help you process the traumatic events in your life that may have had a significant impact on the development of your addiction. Here are some of the examples of therapy that you can expect to experience during the time that you’re in addiction recovery:
Group therapy
A leading benefit of group therapy is that you will be able to connect with other people working their way through their own addiction treatment program. Often, a person may feel as though they are utterly alone in what they are thinking or feeling when it comes to their addiction or recovery. During group therapy, you will find that many other people are in the same situation as you. Through sharing, you will learn that you are not alone and may find additional support through others in your group.
Individual therapy
There may be certain events in your life that you simply don’t feel comfortable sharing in a group-type environment. During individual therapy, you will be able to connect with your treatment team in a personal way. You can have the opportunity to talk about these events in a private setting to ensure these events are something you can overcome and move past so they don’t negatively impact you in the future. Also, individual therapy gives you the chance to check in with your recovery program and make any adjustments as needed.
Family therapy
Have you lost touch with your family members due to your drug or alcohol addiction? If the answer is yes, you wouldn’t be the first to experience this. Addiction can significantly impact your relationship with your friends and loved ones. However, once you commit to your sobriety, your family may be more open to reconnecting with you again. During family therapy, you will be able to speak to your family members in a neutral type of environment where you can discuss your issues and begin to grow together again as a family unit.
MAT Drug Rehab
Regardless of whether you commit to a drug rehab program or an alcohol rehab program, it’s highly likely that you may need to first work through a drug or alcohol detox program. On average, and depending on your drug or drink of choice, your time in detox will last approximately seven days. Within the first few hours from when you last took your drug or drink of choice, you will begin to experience specific withdrawal symptoms, which can make it all but impossible for you to care for yourself. The danger that these withdrawal symptoms can put you in is one of the reasons why it’s strongly recommended that you consider committing not only to a medically assisted treatment program but also a medically assisted treatment detox. When you add these medications into your recovery journey, you will better manage the withdrawal symptoms that you may experience. Withdrawal symptoms can vary. However, they could easily be fatal unless you are in an environment that can provide you with the care you need during this time.
Simply because you complete your detox program doesn’t mean that you will not still feel the impact of different symptoms going forward. It’s highly probable that you will still experience cravings or struggle with mental health issues. If you fall into this category, a medically assisted treatment program can help get you the medication you need to be able to navigate what you’re experiencing in such a way that does not put you at risk of falling back into the realm of addiction.
Inpatient vs. Residential Treatment
One of the questions that many people have revolves around the differences between an inpatient addiction treatment program and a residential plan. These two terms are often used interchangeably. However, it’s essential to understand that these are, in fact, two different options for an individualized treatment plan. Although every addiction treatment facility will have its own specificities regarding what is incorporated in an inpatient rehab program versus a residential one, in most cases, the main difference between these two forms of substance use disorder treatment is whether or not the medication is incorporated into your treatment plan. In most cases, if you do need to add medication into your recovery program, you will be categorized as working through an inpatient rehab program. Remember, every facility is unique in defining these treatment options, so this will be explained to you in more detail once you reach out to your treatment facility of choice.
Residential Treatment at Muse
Regardless of whether you’re ready to commit to a residential substance abuse treatment program in Los Angeles, California, or you’re looking for something more flexible, you can take comfort in the fact that at Muse Treatment Center, you will find options for personalized residential and outpatient treatment options. Our treatment team has a wide range of experience helping clients identify which treatment option is suitable to receive the urgent help and care they need to address their substance abuse issues. Remember that our outpatient rehab programs can be a great asset to you once you complete your initial residential program.
Whether you would like to stay in the Los Angeles, California area to address your addiction and mental health, or you’re looking for a change of environment, our residential programs provide you with a sober environment as well as a home away from home type of environment you’re looking for. For more information about our residential and outpatient treatment programs, please get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.