David Rofofsky | October 18, 2022

Seizures During Drug Detox: What You Should Know

What Are Seizures?

As a result of your substance abuse, you put yourself at a greater risk of experiencing a wide range of withdrawal symptoms within the first few hours and days of your sobriety. One of the confounding aspects of withdrawal symptoms is that it’s seemingly impossible to predict precisely which withdrawal symptoms may be experienced during the detox phase of their recovery journey, which can include seizures during drug detox.

Unfortunately, one of the possible withdrawal symptoms that you may experience is a seizure. A seizure is categorized as a sudden electrical control issue in the brain. When you’re experiencing a seizure, you will have no control over your behavior or bodily functions. While it’s true that seizures aren’t something that can last long, they are confident that they could be life-changing because, during the time you’re seizing, your brain and body will not function properly. Therefore, there is a possibility that you could experience severe consequences which could lead to disability or, worse, death.

It’s important to remember that a seizure is not the only type of withdrawal symptom that you may experience during the time that you’re going through the detox process. Overall, drug detox is something that lasts seven days for a particular reason. On average, you will experience the worst withdrawal symptoms within the first 72 hours from the last time you consume your substance of choice. It’s during this 72-hour timeframe that you’re most susceptible to experiencing a possible seizure. However, there is also the possibility that you may experience other withdrawal symptoms, including cravings, shakiness, sweating, cravings, problems breathing, or stomach issues. The combination of these withdrawal symptoms is physically and psychologically challenging for any person, which is why you should always be in a safe environment during this period.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Why Do Seizures Happen During Drug Detox?

The leading reason why seizures happen during drug detox is that, in many ways, your body is going into a sense of shock when you no longer consume your drug of choice. This is one of the leading reasons you should never attempt to go through the detox process cold turkey or on your own. In some cases, slowly tapering off your drug of choice is the best way to avoid seizures during drug detox. This tapering method is something that we offer at Muse Treatment Center.

Another form of detox we offer at Muse is medication-assisted treatment, also known as MAT. MAT detox is something that is commonly used for individuals who suffer from alcoholism as well as opioid addiction. MAT gives you access to certain medications to help curb the severity of your substance abuse issue. There are several different types of medications that may be recommended to you.

Unfortunately, many people are suspicious of this process because some of these medications have their own addictive qualities to them. However, when you partner with our treatment center, you can take comfort in that our team will work closely with you to ensure that you don’t fall into the trap of this possibility.

Discover tips on how to avoid Ambien withdrawal here:

Need Zolpidem for Z’s? How to Quit Ambien and Avoid Ambien Withdrawal

What to Do if You Have a Seizure During Detox

One of the worst mistakes you can make when it comes to the detox process is to partner with an addiction treatment facility that can provide you with the immediate level of care you need. However, if you opt not to be in a treatment facility during this time and a loved one begins to have a seizure, you should immediately call 9-1-1. Emergency services can walk you through the steps you need to take to care for your loved one while police or paramedics are on the way.

In addition to calling emergency services, you should also try to take steps to safeguard your loved one. For example, when a person is acting involuntarily, they may fall or injure themselves if they are around something. Trying to navigate their position to a safe place can help in the long run.

seizures during drug detox

Muse Treatment Center’s Safe Medical Detox Programs

If you’re concerned about experiencing seizures during detox, the Muse Treatment Center team is here to provide you with the safe and sober environment you need to go through detox and withdrawal. Taking this step will ensure you get the necessary help and care at this stage of your recovery. Not only do we offer medical detox programs, but we also offer comprehensive addiction treatment programs which will help you to work through every aspect of your addiction.

Following medical detox, you will have the opportunity to transition into an addiction treatment program that will help you address the physical and psychological consequences of your substance abuse. If you liked the premise of our detox program, you have the chance to transition into an inpatient treatment program. Inpatient treatment and detox treatment are similar in that you will be able to live on the campus of our treatment facility. During inpatient treatment, you will also receive the around-the-clock care you received during your initial detox. Not only that, but you will be able to interact with other people working through treatment, which can provide you with tremendous support.

Inpatient treatment isn’t the only treatment option that you have. If you have work, school, or other personal responsibilities, you may want to opt to work through an outpatient treatment program. Outpatient treatment at Muse Treatment Center comes in the form of intensive outpatient treatment or partial hospitalization treatment. This outpatient treatment offers more flexibility, which can help a client feel more comfortable with the premise of treatment.

During inpatient and outpatient drug rehab Los Angeles treatment, you will participate in different therapy forms to help address the root cause of your addiction. Attempting to do this while you’re detoxing is something that would prove to be too overwhelming. However, following your time in detox, you will have a better mentality to take these critical steps.

If you would like to learn more about our medical detox programs or our treatment options, we recommend that you reach out to our intake team. We are available around the clock to provide you with the answers to any questions that you may have when it comes to your overall treatment. At Muse, we believe that it’s critical to provide our clients with access to fast, safe, and efficient treatment, which is why we always go the extra mile for every one of our patients. Remember that our treatment center also works with and accepts different forms of private insurance. If you have private insurance, the cost of your time in detox and treatment could be partially or completely covered. Our treatment team can walk you through the process of verifying your insurance. Get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818 today for more information.

Detox,Drug Detox,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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