David Rofofsky | October 13, 2021

Short Term Addiction Treatment Programs Glendale

Short Term vs. Long-Term Addiction Treatment Programs

When you are thinking about entering a rehab program, one of the main questions you likely have is, “How long does an addiction treatment program take?” It is a big commitment to check yourself into a rehab facility for any amount of time. You have your life responsibilities and your budget to consider as you make this decision. This commitment makes finding short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale extremely valuable.

Checking into residential rehab is an essential step to addiction recovery, even if it is just a short-term program. Without treatment, after detoxing, you will be in the same position, with the same mindset, in the same environment, and with the same stresses and triggers as you were before, and your risk of relapsing will be high.

At Muse Treatment’s short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale, we can customize your addiction treatment program to best suit your needs, preferences and to help you meet your post-rehab health and life goals. We can work alongside you to choose the program length that will work best for you.

In both short and long-term treatment, your detox will take anywhere from five days to a few weeks. This timeline depends on which drug you are detoxing from, your level of addiction, and other factors like your physical and mental health, genetics, and history of drug use.

Once detox is over, you will transition into rehab. Our short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale last for 30 days. Long-term rehab at Muse Treatment is 60 to 90 days. In general, the longer you stay in rehab, the better your chance is for long-term recovery, so we will always encourage our patients to remain in our care for as long as necessary.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Do I Need Short Term or Long Term Addiction Treatment?

Every person who enters rehab is different, with unique histories, health, and goals. Depending on what drug you are quitting, your level of addiction, and your home life, you may require longer than 30 days to heal fully.

Our 30-day program will give you an entire month away from your usual stresses, triggers, enablers, and dealers in a structured and scheduled environment. You will live amongst peers who are going through a similar experience to you, around highly trained and empathetic staff members who will be available if you need them 24 hours a day. You will attend full days of group and individual therapy sessions and begin to build a sober, supportive community around yourself.

People who have underlying mental health issues that require dual diagnosis treatments, people who are resistant to treatment, and people who have a history of relapsing may want to consider a longer time in rehab. At Muse Treatment, we also offer 60 and 90-day rehab programs for Glendale residents, as well as extended outpatient care that can last for as long as you need it to. The longer you remain in inpatient rehab, the lower your chance of relapsing will be.

When Should I Consider Short Term Addiction Treatment

Anybody who is struggling with addiction should consider entering a professional addiction treatment center. Addiction is not something to be ashamed of or hidden away. It would help if you faced it head-on, and this can be extremely difficult to do on your own. Detoxing at home can become dangerous due to the rapid escalation of withdrawal symptoms that can get out of hand. You will have a much higher chance of relapsing if you do not make significant changes to your mindset, address the underlying causes of your addiction, and change your overall lifestyle and habits, all of which can be achieved more easily by even a 30-day stay in rehab.

The Process of Short Term Addiction Treatment

There are several distinct phases of short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale at Muse Treatment. These are:

  • Intake: You will have to go through our intake procedures when you first enter addiction treatment. We know that you are not just an addiction to be solved. You are a whole person with complex needs. Intake is the process of getting to know you through a medical screening, a psychological exam, and an in-depth interview. We will gather information to help you determine which program and which therapies will best benefit you in your recovery and then work alongside you to create a customized treatment regimen that will be best for your case.
  • Detox: After intake, you will move into our detox facility, where our medical team and counselors, and therapists will oversee and help you through your detox. Medications may be prescribed to help you with physical discomfort, and you will have full emotional support as the drugs and alcohol leave your system. We will ensure you remain safe, with 24-hour clinical staff available to you if you need anything at any time.
  • Rehab: After detox is over, you will transition into short-term rehab. Rehab is where the work on yourself genuinely begins. You will dig deep with the help of our experts to get to the root of your addiction, work on yourself and gain new recovery skills that you can use for the rest of your life. Each of our patients’ rehab programs is tailored to your needs and your preferences. This process will help you remain engaged and interested as you regain your health and work on your deep inner issues in our inpatient facility’s comfortable, serene environment.
  • Aftercare: Once rehab is over, you will have the option of outpatient treatment and aftercare programs. These are customized to your needs, and the intensity and frequency of treatments can evolve as your needs change. Aftercare is important because although you may have been given all the recovery tools you need while in rehab, putting them into practice in real-world scenarios is not always easy. You will have hard days, and we will be there for you to offer support and guidance.

Benefits of Short Term Addiction Treatment

The benefits of a short-term addiction treatment program at Muse Treatment include:

  • Access to medical detox before entering rehab, the recommended route for detoxing that will keep you safe and as comfortable as possible as your body recalibrates.
  • A full 30 days in a safe environment away from your usual environments and people that may trigger drug or alcohol use.
  • Time spent with peers who understand what you are going through and a chance to forge new, sober friendships.
  • Caring and highly trained staff who will be there to help you through the most challenging period in your recovery as you grow and heal.
  • Customized treatment programs that will target your specific needs and help you get to the root of your addiction, including individual and group therapy, counseling, education, and spiritual needs.
  • A variety of treatment options to choose from, including behavioral therapies, family therapy, EMDR, art therapy, vocational training, relapse prevention training, life skills training, and physical fitness and nutritional counseling.
  • Dual diagnosis treatment is available if needed for people who have co-occurring mental health conditions that also need treatment.
  • Continued access to outpatient care, sober living homes, sober alumni, and other aftercare programs when your inpatient rehab program ends.

Our multifaceted, integrated treatment plans will help you gain perspective on your life, gain practical sobriety skills you will need after rehab. They will also get to the underlying cause of your addiction and provide 30 days of rest and healing in a community-oriented environment.

How Much Does Short Term Addiction Treatment Cost?

At Muse Treatment’s short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale, we can customize any addiction treatment plan to help fit any budget to make detox and rehab available to anybody who needs it. Rehab treatment is also covered by insurance. Mental health and addiction services are counted as essential health benefits under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 and the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA). Each insurance plan covers different types and amounts of medications and therapies, so a conversation with your insurance provider will help you determine how much of your addiction treatment is covered.

Short Term Addiction Treatment at Muse Treatment

About 30 days is the industry standard for a rehab program, as it has been proven that it takes around that amount of time to create a new habit that will stick. Through our integrated continuum of care that leads you through detox and into inpatient rehab, you will be taken care of as you work to heal your mind, body, and spirit. Our staff will keep you safe as you work to get to the underlying causes of your addiction through a combination of one-on-one therapy, education, self-expression, physical activity, introspection, and group work.

At Muse Treatment, we will work alongside you to create a program that best suits your needs and will help you beat your addiction. This process entails helping you remain in long-term recovery, fully supported through outpatient and aftercare programs after leaving our inpatient rehab program. We even have family therapy sessions that can help you reconnect with loved ones and heal damaged relationships. Contact us at (800) 426-1818 today to determine if our short-term addiction treatment programs in Glendale are right for you.

Drug Rehab,Treatment,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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