Drug Use Among Teens
The teenage years of any person are considered to be some of the most fun years of your life. While a person will have a wide variety of different experiences during this time, exposure to substance abuse is something that a person may encounter. While many teenagers will experiment with substance abuse, there are a handful of teenagers who will develop a full-blown addiction to alcohol and other drug substances. As a parent or a concerned loved one, you must be aware of the red flags associated with drug addiction and alcohol addiction. They also need to know how addiction and mental health can trigger severe concerns, especially among teenagers.
How Common Is Drug Use by Teens?
Unfortunately, drug abuse and experimenting with drugs are prevalent among teenagers. This is one of the reasons why talking to your teen is something that is strongly encouraged as your child grows up. If you suspect that your teen is using drugs, it’s even more encouraged that you take time to talk to your teen about the consequences of drug addiction or alcohol addiction. The struggle that many parents face is the fact during this period, a teenager is less than interested in talking to their parents about their drug use or potential substance abuse issues.
Risk Factors for Teenage Drug Abuse
There are several risk factors associated with teen drug abuse. Drug use in teens can cause serious health problems, including developmental, physical, and mental health concerns. When putting together a treatment plan, it’s vital for you and your child to be completely transparent with your medical professionals regarding the extent of your child’s drug abuse to put together the best course of action.
See which household items teens may use to get high here:
Signs of Teenage Drug Use
Addiction is something that impacts every person differently. Therefore, the signs of teenage drug use that another teen exhibits may be very different from the signs that your teenager displays. Here are just a few of the symptoms of potential adolescent drug use:
- A slip in grades at school
- Mood swings
- A change in friends
- Losing interest in things that they may have once enjoyed
- Anti-social behavior
- Physical symptoms such as excessive sleeping, bloodshot eyes, or weight loss
- Depression or anxiety
Drugs Teens Most Commonly Use
A scary realization that many parents need to face is the fact that there is always the possibility that your child may be exposed to several different substances. From alcohol to cocaine, from marijuana to opioids, the list of addictive substances that a teenager may have access to at a party or just hanging out with friends is seemingly endless.
You and your teen need to better understand what may have triggered their addiction, regardless of the substance they may be addicted to. This is one of the fundamental reasons your teen will participate in different forms of addiction therapy during treatment. Here are just a few examples of addiction therapy that your teen will take part in during the course of their time in treatment:
Group therapy
Unfortunately, addiction is a disease that can make a person feel completely and utterly alone. Group therapy will help your teen understand that several others have likely had similar experiences and can provide them with a basis of support that they may need during this stage in their life. In turn, your teen may be able to give others around them a semblance of support as they grow in their own recovery.
Individual therapy
Your teen may have experienced certain events in their life that contributed to their addiction that they don’t feel comfortable talking about in a group setting. This doesn’t mean that these events are something that should be forgotten about. Instead, these are things that can be addressed during individual therapy. Individual therapy will allow your teen to share these experiences and work through them with the type of support they need.
Family therapy
If your teen’s addiction has harmed the relationships that they have with other members of your family, then family therapy is something that can prove to be incredibly beneficial. During family therapy, you and your teen will have the opportunity to communicate in a neutral and peaceful setting, which will help you re-develop a healthy relationship with them.
Where Could My Teen Hide Drugs?
When your child is using drugs, there is no end to the steps they may take to hide their substance abuse. Underage drinking or drug abuse can cause your child to do things outside of their typical character, including hiding their addiction by any means possible. For example, they may take to hiding their prescription opioids under their mattress or find an unknown hiding spot in their bedroom. If you suspect that your child is using drugs, it may be difficult for you to find these substances without causing issues in your relationship with them. However, finding these substances can open the door to discussing possible addiction treatment.
What to Look for in a Drug Treatment Program
Finding the right teen rehab center is imperative for any parent. You always want to partner with a treatment facility that offers different levels of care so that your teenager feels confident in the steps they take to address their addiction and mental health. Here are the details that you should look for when considering a recovery center:
Drug or alcohol detox
If your teenager’s alcohol and drug use are severe enough, the best thing for your child is to begin their recovery in drug and alcohol detox. Although it may seem appealing for a parent to think that it would be easier to detox at home, the reality is that this increases the risk of your teen suffering from potentially fatal withdrawal symptoms that you may not be equipped to handle. Working with a recovery center that offers drug or alcohol detox will give your teenager the foundation they need when they may be experiencing withdrawal symptoms. It will put them physically and psychologically in a better place to address their abuse and addiction.
Inpatient or residential treatment
Many teens feel that the only way to truly overcome their addiction to drugs or alcohol is to completely change the environment around them that may be negatively influencing them. An inpatient or a residential treatment program can provide your teenager with the setting to focus on overcoming their addiction. During inpatient or residential addiction, your teen will have the opportunity to live on the campus of the treatment center you select. Suppose you decide to work with the Muse Treatment Center. In that case, you can rest assured that your teenager will have access to their recovery team around the clock and also be able to enjoy the luxurious amenities that our facility has to offer.
Outpatient treatment
Some teenagers simply don’t feel comfortable with the premise of inpatient treatment, or they may still be working through a school program that would prevent them from committing to an inpatient recovery plan. An outpatient treatment program is more flexible because you can structure a treatment program around school or personal responsibilities. Intensive outpatient programs, partial hospitalization, and general outpatient programs can help teenagers work through their substance abuse issues without feeling they must choose between these critical responsibilities and their recovery.
As your teen completes their addiction treatment program, they will be encouraged to participate in Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Participating in these meetings will only help them to grow in their understanding of sobriety and the disease of addiction. It’s encouraged that you, as their family, also participate in Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meetings so that you can continue to receive the support you may need during these difficult times.
Is your teen ready to take steps toward addressing their substance abuse issues? If the answer is yes, then your next step should be to get in touch with Muse Treatment Center. Our experienced addiction experts can provide you and your family with the support you all need to work through your teenager’s addiction issues. For more information about our recovery programs, we encourage you to get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818. Our intake team is available around the clock to provide you and your family with the help and care you need at this critical time in your life and your teenager’s life. You can rest assured that we will provide you and your family with a personalized level of care that is second to none.