Josh Chandler | May 20, 2022

Stimulant Addiction Treatment Los Angeles

What Are Stimulants?

It is easy to feel a sense of despair and even desperation when you find yourself struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, including the abuse of stimulants and other substances. Stimulant addiction is a big problem for Los Angeles residents and their loved ones, and sometimes it isn’t easy to know which addiction treatment providers to turn for help.

Stimulants take many forms, but they all have a few things in common. Whether it is Ritalin, which is used to treat attention deficit disorder, or cocaine purchased on the street, stimulants all have similar effects on the nervous system. The stimulating impact they provide can damage health when abused or used to excess.

Some of the most common stimulants seen in addiction treatment centers include:

  • Amphetamines
  • MDMA
  • Cocaine
  • Ritalin
  • Methamphetamine

Even relatively innocuous substances like the caffeine found in coffee are stimulants. Still, the main focus is on drugs that can be dangerous when abused or used in excess in terms of addiction. If you or anyone else in your life is suffering from such an addiction, we encourage you to reach out to Muse Treatment today to discuss a plan for long-term sobriety and drug-free living.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Stimulant Addiction Treatment

The use of stimulants has been on the rise, and so has the abuse of these powerful medications. Some of these stimulants are prescribed by doctors to treat legitimate medical concerns like attention deficit disorder, while others are bought and used as street drugs. But no matter where they come from or how they are obtained, stimulants can be very dangerous when abused.

Whether you live in Los Angeles or elsewhere in the country, it is vital to look for early warning signs of stimulant abuse and other drug and alcohol addiction forms. These warning signs should never be ignored, from a change in sleeping patterns to sudden outbursts to increased blood pressure and agitation. If you spot any of these warning signs in a loved one, we encourage you to contact Muse Treatment for information on substance abuse treatment. We are a Los Angeles addiction treatment center that residents struggling with stimulant addiction can turn to for substance abuse treatment and substance abuse prevention. The compassionate care we provide sets us apart from other alcohol and drug treatment centers in the area.

If left unaddressed, stimulant addiction can be dangerous and even deadly, and the longer you wait for treatment, the worse the problem will become. If you are ready to get help for your stimulant addiction, we can help you heal and have a variety of treatment models for the best chance of success. We have the resources needed to keep you safe and comfortable, and our expert medical team can guide you every step along the way with a specialized program designed just for you.

Treatment for stimulant addiction is not just one thing – it is a customized set of processes built into individual recovery programs for our patients, all designed to help you heal and give stimulant addicts a new lease on life. Whether you live in Los Angeles or somewhere else, you deserve expert help as you enter this first phase of your recovery from drug dependence.

It is essential to have qualified medical staff on hand to begin your recovery and address substance use disorders. This will enhance your safety as your body begins to heal. Stimulants of all kinds can be physically as well as psychologically addictive, and that will make detoxing at home extremely difficult and highly dangerous. Taking advantage of our drug detox center can be the key to relapse prevention in the early days of addiction recovery treatment.

At Muse Treatment, we have the expertise and the experience needed to help you with your stimulant addiction. Our caring counselors are waiting to take your call to begin discussing a treatment plan, and the sooner you reach out, the faster we can help. Stimulant addiction is a severe medical problem, not a moral failing or a flaw in your character. If you are addicted to stimulants and suffer from a real medical issue, you deserve a top-quality addiction treatment program to help your body heal. All it takes to get started is a single phone call, so why not reach out to us today?

Stimulant Detox and Withdrawal Symptoms

Like some other drugs, stimulants can create a powerful physical addiction, a dependency that could be hard to overcome on your own. That is why Muse Treatment is here to help, and we can guide you through the detox process and the entire continuum of care with a high level of comfort and support.

As your body clears itself of these harmful stimulants, you may experience several withdrawal symptoms as you go through drug detox. These detox effects are signs of healing, and when they are over, your body can begin the healing process in earnest. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms experienced during stimulant detox include:

  • Feelings of fatigue
  • Body aches, from mild to severe
  • Heart palpitations and changes in heart rate
  • Agitation and anxiety
  • Sleepiness
  • Nausea

Each of these symptoms can be managed, and you can be kept safe and comfortable, giving you the confidence you need to move forward. If you have been worried about your stimulant addiction but reluctant to reach out for help, we urge you to put those worries to rest and pick up the phone. The staff at Muse Treatment can handle your problem with care, compassion, and concern, and we can guide you through every step of the withdrawal and detox process. We will always explain what our programs provide in as much detail as you need.

Learn about the difference between methamphetamine vs. Amphetamine here:

Methamphetamine vs. Amphetamine: What’s the Difference?

Medications Used in Stimulant Detox

At Muse Treatment, we use a medically sound and scientifically proven approach to healing stimulant addictions as part of our treatment models. Our medically managed process is designed to keep you safe, comfortable, and supported as your body heals, and during your treatment plan, you may receive several specialized drugs.

Some of the drugs used in the treatment of stimulant addiction include:

  • Antidepressant medications
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Analgesics to alleviate pain during detox
  • Medications to relieve stomach upset

These medications may be used during your stimulant withdrawal, but we will carefully manage your dosages and treatment. Our goal is to help you heal in a safe, comfortable, and highly supportive manner so you can return home to Los Angeles with a newfound sense of confidence.

Inpatient vs. Outpatient Addiction Treatment For Stimulants

There are several approaches to treating a stimulant addiction, and no one answer will be suitable for everyone. That is why Muse Treatment offers a number of treatment models for your stimulant addiction, all designed to help you heal in a safe, comfortable and supportive environment.

Inpatient rehab treatment can be effective for those who find themselves addicted to stimulants, and this provides you with a safe place to heal your body and your mind. Even more importantly, our residential treatment gives you the ability to develop strong coping and life skills to stay drug-free even when you head home.

At Muse Treatment, we recognize that life can get in the way of recovery and that even if you are dedicated to getting well, you still need to earn a living and support your family. That is why we offer flexible outpatient programs for treating stimulant addiction and recovery programs designed to let you maintain employment, care for your loved ones and even go to school.

Each of the recovery plans we offer can be custom-tailored to your needs, giving you the skills that will allow you to get well and stay drug-free for a lifetime. Our goal is your long-term health and wellness, and we will always measure our success rates by the outcome we provide for the men and women we serve.

Stimulant Addiction Treatment Los Angeles – Muse

Whether the person abusing stimulants is you or someone you care about, getting timely help could literally mean the difference between life and death. Like other drug and alcohol addiction forms, stimulants can quickly create addiction. Still, unlike some other substances, stimulants can trigger immediate life-threatening health problems even in otherwise healthy adult women and men.

From heart attacks to strokes, stimulant use can have some serious and even deadly consequences, which means there is no time to waste. If you or someone you love is struggling with stimulant addiction or dependency, it is essential to reach out for help right away, and Muse Treatment is here to answer that call and get you the assistance you need for addiction treatment in Los Angeles.

At Muse Treatment, we offer many treatment options designed to help you put your stimulant addiction in the rearview mirror. From the flexibility of outpatient rehab treatment to the intensity of an inpatient stay for residential treatment, we can tailor your recovery to your needs. Still, the first step is to pick up the phone and reach out to our caring counselors at (800) 426-1818. Why not make that call today before an already dangerous problem turns deadly?

Prescription Drug Addiction,Prescription Drug Rehab,Treatment,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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