Addiction Treatment Success Rates
For many people, alcohol and drug addiction is something that only happens to another person. This type of substance abuse is never something that could potentially impact them personally or to a friend or a family member. However, every year there are hundreds of thousands of people who pass away as a result of an overdose on alcohol and drug use. The way that you can tackle your substance abuse is through committing to treatment programs through dedicated inpatient rehab or outpatient rehab with a treatment team that can provide you with help and access to addiction resources that will help you to live the sober life that you have always dreamt of.
It’s important to remember that when considering your options for treatment programs, one of the most beneficial things that you can do for yourself is to speak with your treatment facility of choice about their rehab success rate. Although it’s true that rehab success will also depend on the commitment from the person that is working through the addiction treatment program, a lot of success rates also depend on the level of care that is offered through the treatment facility. The individual success rates of that facility are something that the treatment team at that location should feel comfortable and confident speaking with you about at any point.
Benefits of Inpatient Rehab
Realistically, the benefits associated with inpatient care could go on endless. The fact that you’re making the decision to reach out for help to address your drug or alcohol addiction is something that should be celebrated in and of itself. When it comes to inpatient treatment, however, here are a few reasons why so many people opt to commit to an inpatient treatment program in comparison to an outpatient one:
A sober environment
One of the downfalls of many people that are struggling with addiction is the fact that they feel as though they cannot get out of the continuous loop of addiction as a result of the environment that they are in. However, when you make the decision to change the people, places, and things around you, you have a better opportunity to truly be able conquer your addiction once and for all.
Around the clock care
Without question, one of the leading benefits associated with an inpatient treatment program is the fact that you will be able to enjoy the around-the-clock care that the addiction specialists at your facility of the chosen offer. If you’ve been struggling with something throughout your day or you feel lost and overwhelmed as a result of something that you heard, your treatment team will be there for you and any time that you need them. All you need to do is let them know that you need to talk and they will adjust as soon as possible to make time for you.
A set routine
During the time that you were in active addiction, it’s possible that you struggled to maintain a set routine throughout your day. Instead, your day and your life were thrown into chaos as a result of your addiction. During inpatient treatment, you will have the opportunity to develop a routine that is something that will stick with you once you complete your recovery program. You will wake up at a certain time, participate in therapy and other activities throughout your day and get yourself into good and healthy habits.
Can Drug Rehab be Done as an Outpatient?
One of the questions that are commonly asked by a person that is considering their outpatient treatment options revolves around whether or not addiction treatment can be done on an outpatient basis. The answer is 100% yes. There are many people who are unable to commit to an inpatient program for a multitude of reasons. For example, if you have full-time or even part-time work or school responsibilities, you may find it all but impossible for you to make the commitment to an inpatient treatment plan. However, this does not mean that you would not be able to complete an addiction treatment program through an intensive outpatient or a general outpatient program.
Pros and Cons of Outpatient Drug Rehab
Similar to any other type of addiction treatment program, there are pros and cons associated with outpatient care. These are things that you should always consider before you make your final decision. One of the driving forces among people who opt to commit to an outpatient treatment program in comparison to an inpatient program revolves around cost. Regardless of which treatment facility you commit to, an outpatient program will always cost less than an inpatient program. However, it’s important to remember that if you have private insurance, this could impact your overall out-of-pocket cost regardless of whether you commit to an inpatient or an outpatient program. If you have concerns about your finances, then you should look into the coverage options that you have through your private insurance carrier to see if you can offset some of these costs.
Another one of the benefits associated with an outpatient program revolves around the flexibility that comes along with this type of care. However, this is something that can also be viewed as a negative as well in the sense that you will not have around the clock care and support from either your treatment team as well as other individuals who could provide you with a sense of community that is critical, especially during the early stages of your addiction treatment. Also, this flexibility could lead to further temptation in the sense that you will have an opportunity to fall into the trap of addiction at any given point. In order for addiction treatment to work, it’s imperative that you structure your program in such a way to eliminate this temptation as much as possible.
Is Outpatient Drug Rehab Effective?
There are many people who are under the mistaken impression that because outpatient rehab plans offer more flexibility, they simply aren’t as effective as inpatient recovery programs. This simply is not the case. Depending on your level of commitment and the treatment facility that you decide to partner with, outpatient treatments can be just as effective if not more effective than an inpatient rehab program.
Some people stay away from the thought of an inpatient recovery program simply because they don’t feel comfortable with the restrictions that are associated with this type of addiction treatment plan. Keep in mind that you can also make the decision to begin your treatment in an inpatient program for a period of time and then transition into an outpatient program at any point. Your treatment team will continuously check in with you to ensure that you still feel comfortable and confident in the decisions that you’re making regarding your addiction treatment plan.
How Success is Measured in Addiction Treatment
The success of your addiction treatment plan is something that can be measured in several ways. One of the main features that are commonly looked at is the length of time that you’re able to maintain your sobriety. Another factor revolves around the steps that you take after your initial treatment program to maintain your sobriety. It’s important to remember that going to an inpatient or an outpatient treatment program is simply the first step in your addiction recovery journey. In order to truly maintain your sobriety for the rest of your life, it’s imperative that you participate in different aftercare programs and make the decision to attend Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings so that you can continue to grow and develop in your understanding of addiction recovery. Putting together this type of foundation is something that a treatment team at a top-rated facility will be able to help you with.
Choosing Between Inpatient and Outpatient Drug Rehab
There are several factors that you need to consider when it comes to choosing the right inpatient and outpatient drug rehab for you. This is not a decision that should be taken lightly and it’s one that you should always make not only with the guidance of your loved ones but with your addiction treatment team.
At Muse Treatment Center, we offer both inpatient and outpatient addiction rehab programs that can help you to tackle your drug addiction or alcohol addiction once and for all. We have provided help and care to clients that have struggled with substance abuse from all over the country. Regardless of whether you need to begin your recovery program in a drug or alcohol detox program or you’re ready to begin your recovery in one of our inpatient rehab programs or an outpatient addiction rehab, you can take comfort in the fact that our team of trained addiction experts will provide you with the around the clock care that you need when you’re ready to commit to addiction rehab. For more information about our treatment facility, we encourage you to get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.
Learn about the success rates of Muse Treatment Inpatient vs Outpatient drug rehab! #inpatientrehab #outpatientrehab #drugrehabhttps://t.co/DUKXt84ZSG
— Muse Treatment (@MuseTreatmentLA) March 23, 2022