Josh Chandler | September 14, 2021

Top Rated Alcohol Rehab in West Hollywood

West Hollywood Alcohol Rehab Programs

Regardless of whether you’re native to the West Hollywood area or you have recently moved here from another part of the country, you will quickly learn that alcohol is readily available seemingly anywhere you look. Every night, there are different private parties, clubs, or restaurants that pull in patrons looking to unwind at the end of the night with a drink. Countless liquor stores serve alcohol from mid-morning to the early hours of the following day, which makes it reasonably easy to buy and consume alcohol at seemingly any time of the day or not. With alcohol so readily available, does it really come as any surprise that countless people need top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood?

Luckily, the treatment team at our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood is here to help. From the moment that you step through the doors at our West Hollywood facility, you will feel as though you’re walking into a home away from home. We work closely with every patient who comes to our treatment center to ensure they get the most and make the most out of your time with us to learn what steps you need to take for a healthier life.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

What to Expect at Alcohol Rehab

It’s important to understand that your time at our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood will significantly depend on the treatment plan that you select. However, regardless of that selection that you make, there are certain forms of therapy you can expect to experience different forms of talk therapy. Here are some examples:

Individual therapy

There are certain aspects of your life that you may feel uncomfortable speaking about in a group setting. This is understandable, especially when you’re just beginning your journey through recovery. While we will always encourage you to talk and share with other people at our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood whenever possible, we also offer individual therapy.

Individual therapy provides you with the opportunity to speak with an addiction therapist in a personalized setting. These types of counseling sessions also provide you with an excellent opportunity for our team to check in on you to see how you’re progressing in your recovery plan. If any changes need to be made to your treatment program, we can do so during these sessions. Remember, if you need to meet with a member of our team sooner than your scheduled appointment, we will also arrange for that.

Group therapy

Group therapy is similar to a 12-step meeting in multiple ways. First and foremost, group therapy at our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood provides you with the opportunity to talk through certain events in your life with the help and support of not only our team but with other people that are also working through their own recovery program.

Behavioral therapy

When a person is lost in the struggle of addiction, it’s not uncommon for them to develop specific reactions to situations in a way that isn’t always correct. Behavioral therapy will help you learn the proper responses to these types of conditions so you can better adjust to learning specific communication tools you will need to keep you focused on your sobriety.

Family therapy

Sadly, addiction is known as a family disease because it tends to impact every family member in some way, shape, or form. This is one of the reasons why we offer family therapy. This type of counseling will help you to reconnect and redevelop these critical relationships in your life.

Family therapy will take place at a point in your recovery where you are indeed ready to focus on it. However, with consistency and continuous communication, you will be able to begin to receive more support from your family and provide them with a certain level of love and care that you were unable to do while you were in active addiction.

Getting Professional Treatment for Alcohol Addiction

Something that we always teach our clients and their friends and family members that may reach out to us is that addiction is a disease. As a result of this disease, you must receive professional treatment from a team that has experience when it comes to working through an addiction. When you choose to go to our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood, you will work with some of the best professionals in the industry.

Alcohol Detox West Hollywood

Once you’ve come to peace with the fact that you need to receive help for your alcohol addiction, the next step in the process is to determine whether or not you want to work through a detox program.

Alcohol Rehab West Hollywood

After you complete your detox program, you will need to transition into a recovery program. Our recovery programs come in various shapes and forms to ensure you can have the best opportunity to overcome your addiction once and for all. We always recommend that every person who reaches out to us keep their mind open to our different treatment options.

Inpatient Rehab West Hollywood

An inpatient treatment program gives you the chance to live on our campus throughout the course of your recovery. Regardless of whether you opt to work through a 30, 60, or 90-day program, you will have the solitude of knowing that you can access our team at any time, day or not. When you are not participating in therapy, you will be able to relax in comfortable and inviting surroundings.

Outpatient Rehab West Hollywood

Clients that go to school or work full time but still suffer from an addiction to alcohol would greatly benefit from our outpatient program. The focus of this program will be participating in group therapy as well as relapse prevention due in large part to the fact that you will experience the temptation of alcohol regularly.

Intensive Outpatient West Hollywood

If you work or go to school part-time, you may find that committing yourself to an intensive outpatient program may be more beneficial for you because it offers a higher level of care in comparison to our inpatient program or our general outpatient program. Similar to our general outpatient program, we will do everything that we can to help you to develop a recovery program that meets the needs of your current responsibilities.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment with Alcohol Addiction

Did you know that it’s not uncommon for a person suffering from addiction to also struggle with some form of mental illness? If you fall into this category, then you may benefit from taking advantage of our dual diagnosis treatment. Addressing your mental illness concerns as well as your addiction concurrently will provide you with the best possibility to maintain your sobriety once you’re done with your treatment program.

What to Look for in a Top Alcohol Rehab Program

It’s imperative that you feel not only comfortable but confident in your decision to come to our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood. The reason for this is that if you don’t feel at ease with your decision, your focus will be on all of the things that you may find wrong with our West Hollywood facility. Here are some of the critical things that you should always be conscious of when making your decision when it comes to the best type of treatment for you:

Talk therapy

Determining the root cause of your addiction is critical for your overall healing, and it will be essential during your treatment.

An experienced team

Our addiction experts have an abundance of experience in treating people from all walks of life. We encourage you to ask any questions regarding our qualifications, so you feel at ease with your decision.


When you come to Muse, you will have the opportunity to work through a detox program and immediately transition into a long-term recovery program, which can be a great source of comfort for any person.

Why Choose Muse for Alcohol Rehab West Hollywood?

One of the reasons that make our facility a top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood is that we help our clients put together a personalized treatment plan to address essential factors in their addiction. From the moment that you reach out to our intake team, we take the time to learn more about you and the factors that may have contributed to this disease. For more information about our top-rated alcohol rehab in West Hollywood, please give us a call at (800) 426-1818 today.

Alcohol Addiction,Alcohol Rehab,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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