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Percocet Abuse and Addiction
Percocet is a prescription opioid pain reliever with a high potential for abuse. In 2020, that potential translated into nearly 75% of all drug overdose deaths linking back to opioids, and highlighting the gravity of what’s turned into a national crisis. They are notoriously difficult to kick. Muse Treatment can help. Speak with one of our specialists about treating addiction and you’ll find that hope is never far away.
What is Percocet?
Percocet comprises oxycodone (an opioid) and acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol). It is a Schedule II narcotic analgesic used in treating patients with moderate to severe pain. Percocet works by binding itself to opioid receptors and preventing pain signals from going from your body to the brain.
Usually taken orally, Percocet comes in tablet and liquid form. When abused, users will often crush the tablets in order to snort the powder or cook it down for intravenous injection. Oxycodone is commonly referred to on the streets as hillbilly heroin or oxy.
Percocet Effects
Like other opioids, illicit Percocet is valued for its euphoric effects and profound relaxation, but it has other side effects as well. The usual cautions apply regarding allergic reactions–seek medical attention immediately if you experience extreme dizziness, rash, trouble breathing, or swelling of the face, tongue, or throat. Percocet is not a safe option and you’ll have to discuss alternatives with your doctor.
If you experience any of the following, they don’t go away, or worsen over time, talk to a doctor or pharmacist:
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- Drowsiness
- Lightheadedness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Abdominal pain
- Agitation or confusion
- Loss of appetite
- Problems urinating
- Sleep apnea
- Unusual tiredness
- Fainting
- Seizure
- Severe drowsiness or difficulty waking up
- Slow or shallow breathing
Signs of Percocet Abuse and Addiction
You don’t have to be addicted in order to abuse Percocet. Taking it without a prescription, or taking more than your doctor prescribed, is considered abuse. The rise in counterfeit pills containing dangerous levels of fentanyl or other additives dramatically increases your risk of overdose and death. If you or someone around you is exhibiting signs of overdose, call 9-1-1 immediately and follow all instructions relayed by the dispatcher until help arrives. Signs to look out for include:
- Breathing problems – slow, shallow, or no breathing
- Confusion
- Difficulty staying awake
- Dilated pupils
- Dizziness
- Lips or nails turn blue
- Loss of consciousness, coma
- Low blood pressure
- Muscle tremors
- Nausea and vomiting
- Seizures
- Severe stomach cramps
- Skin feels cold and clammy
- Slow, thready pulse
- Unresponsive
- Weakness
Addiction occurs when the receptors in your brain adjust to having oxycodone, making it harder for you to reach the same level of euphoria as before. Your body is physically and chemically dependent while your mind is psychologically addicted. Writing your Percocet usage in a notebook, along with your pain levels at the time, will make it easier for you or a loved one to notice any changes in your behavior.
- Cravings
- Decreased sex drive
- Financial problems
- Frequent flu symptoms
- Losing interest in friends and family
- Poor hygiene
- Scheming how to acquire more drugs
- Sleeping too much or too little
- Taking higher or more frequent doses
- Weight loss
Percocet Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal from any opioid is a terrifying proposition. With the right detox program, it doesn’t have to be. Medical detox assists in keeping you safe and comfortable while your body flushes the Percocet out of its systems. The experts at Muse Treatment will help you find a program that’s right for you.
Common symptoms of Percocet withdrawal include:
- Anxiety and agitation
- Depression
- Diarrhea
- Difficulty concentrating
- Drug cravings
- Excessive sweating
- Fatigue
- Fever
- Inability to experience pleasure
- Insomnia
- Muscle aches
- Nausea and vomiting
- Runny nose
- Severe abdominal cramps
- Yawning
Long-Term Side Effects of Percocet Abuse
Chronically abusing Percocet may result in serious health complications. Qualified treatment facilities will perform in-depth physical, mental, and behavioral health assessments before preparing your custom treatment plan. The sooner you choose recovery, the greater your chances of avoiding any of the following:
- Decreased testosterone levels
- Immune suppression
- Kidney failure
- Liver damage – from acetaminophen poisoning
- Osteoporosis
- Severe constipation
- Urinary retention
Percocet Addiction Treatment
Percocet addiction is not a life sentence and Muse Treatment is your key to freedom. The latest innovations in substance abuse treatment complement our holistic approach to recovery. Contact our addiction experts today and learn about the different recovery programs available to help you achieve your recovery goals.
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