David Rofofsky | August 25, 2017

5 Things to Consider When Overcoming Addiction

Overcoming addiction isn’t going to be easy. Here are 5 key components you need to consider on your own road to recovery to make the process as smooth as possible.

Thousands of people die from drug use every year. Addiction is a disease that knows no boundaries.

No matter who you are, it is likely you have known someone or been made aware of someone close to you with a drug addiction. It may even be you.

Overcoming addiction starts with having the right tools in place to help you reach your goals. It’s an arduous process, and you should be prepared for the hardships you will face along the road. But permanent recovery is extremely achievable.

Here’s what you need to know about overcoming addiction:

Rely on Your Support System

Relying on your friends and loved ones is key throughout the recovery process. It’s likely that your addiction has taken an emotional toll on them. The best thing to do is let them know that you are serious about getting clean.

You need people cheering you on while you are overcoming addiction because it can be very hard to go through the process yourself.

Be open and honest to the people in your life, whether that is a friend, a family member, a counselor, or a doctor. By articulating your problem, they will become aware of your struggles and your intentions to come out the other side stronger.

Feeling supported is integral to maintaining a positive state of mind during the recovery process.

Reward Yourself

Make sure you recognize little victories throughout the process and allow yourself to be rewarded. It’s important to realize that focusing on the negatives and only recognizing failures can lead to relapse.

Have regular discussions with your support group about your progress. Realize that you are doing some things right, and set achievable goals along the road to recovery.

Set goals based on time. Do something healthy that you enjoy every time you reach those goals. Many programs set goal dates around the ten-day mark, the one month mark, the six-month mark, and the one year mark, going yearly from there.

Overcoming these hurdles is all part of the process. Getting down on yourself for little slip ups is not productive or healthy for your mental or physical health.

Commit to Recovery

In order to begin seeing results from the recovery process, you have to be able to commit to it. You are the only one who is truly responsible for getting better.

One common misconception about drug addiction is that there are those who can operate as “functioning addicts,” that is, still be able to take care of their normal responsibilities while constantly indulging in their drug habit.

This myth is not only false but it is dangerous. It leads many drug addicts to believe that as long as they believe their affairs are in order, they can still continue taking drugs at the same rate.

If you continue to believe this myth, you won’t take your recovery seriously.

For as long as you attempt to fool yourself that you do are not suffering from an addiction, you will continue to propagate myths like this about yourself until it is too late.

Recognize that you have a problem, and commit to overcoming it and getting your life back on track. That is the only way to achieve long-lasting sobriety.

Replace Your Habit

For many addicts, drugs are just a fact of life. It develops as a habit, fueled by psychological or chemical dependency.

But when overcoming addiction, it is important to be able to distract yourself from the habit that used to be a huge part of your day.

Instead, reach out to your social group. Make an effort to reconnect with those you may have lost touch with over the years because of your addiction. Try learning how to play a new instrument, or join a poetry collective.

Another great way of replacing your addiction that has been proven to be effective is to exercise.

Intense exercise can actually release natural endorphins that some street drugs attempt to mimic. Going out for a run in nature can also do wonders for your mental health, connecting you more with the world around you.

The key is to manage your outlook. Think positive. Don’t let negative thoughts creep in and hinder your recovery.

Find the Source of Your Pain

Addiction can be caused by a number of physical and emotional traumas. Curing your disease is going to take some soul searching.

Look back at your history with drugs. What led you to feeling the need to take drugs? Or more specifically, what were you attempting to hide when you turned to addictive substances?

Whether it is mental illness, general feelings of doubt and low self-worth, or a single traumatic event, your addiction has a root cause.

Find someone you are comfortable talking to, whether it is a friend, a therapist, or a loved one, and try to get to the bottom of what is causing your addiction.

Whether there is a singular cause or many causes, you will be able to recover more effectively if you can recognize the defining issue in your life and learn to gradually cope with it. This way, you won’t be using drugs as a replacement for catharsis.

Overcoming Addiction Will Be Your Greatest Achievement

When you overcome your addiction, it will be the greatest thing you have ever done. It’s likely that many of the issues in your life currently stem from your addiction. Recovery will allow you to get back parts of your life that you lost.

Make sure every minute of your journey to a healthy life is meaningful. You will learn a lot about your strengths and weaknesses along the way, but these will all be important to defining the person you will become.

With the right mindset and the support of people around you, you will be able to kick your addiction and become yourself again.

If you believe that you are suffering from addiction, contact our addiction specialists today and receive a confidential consultation. If you’re ready, your recovery starts now.

Addiction,Drug Rehab,Mental Health,Recovery,Rehab,Treatment,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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