David Rofofsky | July 18, 2018

Am I Addicted To Medicine I’m Prescribed?

Having a prescription from a doctor doesn’t mean that you’re not abusing medicine. Here are some unmistakable signs that you may be addicted to medicines you’re prescribed…

Out of the 325,719,000 people living in the United States, over 45 million will struggle with addiction issues according to the surgeon general. Of those 45 million, only 1 in 10 will receive the addiction help they need.

Those harrowing statistics shed light on how deep addiction has ingrained itself in our population. Sadly, many find that their gateway into substance abuse comes in the way of prescribed medications.

Prescribed medications are drugs that get given to patients by a medical professional to take care of legitimate health issues. If the use of this medication is not monitored, habitual use can occur leading to physical and mental dependency.

If you’re worried that you or somebody you know might be addicted to medicine, read our list below for some tell-tale signs of addiction that will help you better assess the situation.

1. Exceeding Prescribed Doses

When you first start taking a medication your prescribed dosage should do the trick in relieving your health issues. As time goes on however, your original doses may begin to slowly become less effective.

This dulling of healing capabilities can lead patients upping their doses without the approval of their doctor.

If you find yourself taking more of your prescribed medication than you started with and have not consulted your doctor before doing so, you are at a high risk of addiction.

2. Personality Changes

Medication dependency leads to the simplification of wants and needs. Those suffering from dependency issues will put things they used to enjoy on the back burner to instead focus solely on how they can get more of their medication.

Are you finding yourself not enjoying the things you used to? Does getting your next dosage of medication seem like a primary focus in your life?

If you answered yes to either of those questions, addiction could be to blame.

3. Physical Deterioration and Hygiene Issues

Drug dependency can cause your body to start breaking down. Hair falling out, skin sores, bleeding gums and more can all be symptoms that occur depending on which drug is being used and to what extent.

Addiction to medication can also cause people to forgo basic hygiene rituals which can contribute to physical deterioration. Things like skipping showers or a general nonchalant attitude towards appearance is a common addiction occurrence that if you’re experiencing, may mean a dependency issue you need assistance with.

4. Social Withdrawal

Neglecting family and friends is common in those addicted to medicine.

If you’re a parent who is no longer finding joy in spending time with your children, a spouse who is resenting their partner without good cause or a friend who can’t find time to nurture relationships as a result of your medication issues, you may need to seek help.

5. Increased Forgetfulness

Depending on the prescription medication you’re taking, abuse of dosages can lead to memory issues. These issues can cause you to miss work, birthdays or other scheduled events.

Another common side effect in this vain is unexplained blackouts. If you have no memory of recent events, over medicating could be the culprit.

6. Trying to Work Around Medication Limits

Doctors managing the superscription of your medication are supposed to be the gatekeeper that keeps you from medication abuse. If you’re finding yourself going through your medication supply quickly and looking for ways to get more, you may be addicted.

Ways to get more often includes getting the same prescription through multiple doctor’s offices, borrowing a friend’s medication or purchasing your medication on the streets.

7. Defensiveness

People who get addicted to medicine may find that their first reaction when people ask them about their medication use is to be defensive. This stems from the fact that those who feel guilty justify their actions aggressively because doing so is easier than admitting they have a problem.

If you find that you’re not calmly able to discuss your medication use with a friend or family member asking questions, you may be trying to cover up a deeper problem.

8. Trouble With Money

Keeping up with the costs involved in overusing medication can be difficult. This difficulty may lead to financial ruin and can cause drug abusers to seek money from family and friends. It may even cause the pursuit of illegal activities to get what they need to acquire more medication.

If your financial health is declining rapidly as a result of your relationship with medication, your being addicted to medicine is a strong possibility.

9. Surrounding Yourself with Enabling People

While some people experience social elusiveness when dealing with addiction, others look for people who will enable them. This can lead to a fast, wholesale turnover of friends.

So ask yourself, has your relationship with medication caused you to surround yourself with people who are okay with your drug use? If yes, there is a good chance you’re trying to dodge accountability.

Wrapping up Signs That You’re Addicted to Medicine

Addiction is an epidemic that will strike roughly 14% of the American population. If you’re worried that you or somebody you know may be one of the millions dealing with an addicted to medicine issue, we recommend analyzing the signs above to solidify your suspicion.

If you align with one or multiple of the above risk factors, we urge you to get addiction help immediately. Finding a qualified drug treatment center will help you keep your medication dependency from getting any worse and assist you towards a full recovery.

We at the Los Angeles based Muse Treatment offer a wide variety of programs ranging from drug addiction to mental health issues to co-occurring disorders and beyond.

Remember, you never have to be alone in your path to recovery. Let us provide you with the support you need to turn you’re admitting you have a problem into a full-blown adventure towards a healthy, happy and recovered existence.

Contact us today for more information on how we can be of service to you.

Addiction,Drug Addiction,Mental Health,Prescription Drug Addiction,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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