David Rofofsky | April 11, 2022

Drug Rehab Near Me in Los Angeles

Looking for Drug Rehab Near Me in Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California is filled with fun and excitement. Unfortunately, Los Angeles, California can also bring temptations that a person may not be able to overcome. Countless people deal with drug addiction or other substance abuse issues every day. When they have finally come to a place in their life where they are ready to reach out for help when it comes to addiction treatment, several addiction treatment centers are local to the area that can help them. If you feel overwhelmed regarding which of these rehab centers to choose from, here are some things that you may want to consider during your search: 

Consider location 

An important decision that you will need to make when it comes to rehab is the physical location of the rehab facility. For many, considering Los Angeles drug detox centers is a significant choice. Some people would like to stay closer to home when it comes to receiving treatment, while others might find that the diverse options and specialized care available at drug detox centers in Los Angeles help them get away from the people, places, and things that may negatively impact their sobriety. Although there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to staying closer to home or opting for a Los Angeles-based facility during addiction treatment, this is a decision that you should make with the insight of your family or your treatment team, taking into account the unique offerings and environment of Los Angeles drug detox centers.


Do you have private insurance? Did you know that there is a strong possibility that most, if not all, of your time in addiction treatment could be covered through your insurance provider? Since addiction is deemed a disease, your time in detox and treatment could both be covered through insurance. If you have private insurance, then a good rule of thumb is to speak with your insurance provider to determine the terms of your coverage and the treatment facility you’re thinking of confirming that they accept your insurance coverage. 

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

When Is it Time for Drug Rehab?

It’s important to understand that you can never force loved ones or friends into an addiction treatment program. They have to come to their own conclusion that they are suffering from drug abuse or alcohol abuse. However, there are sure telltale signs that a person may experience when determining whether or not it’s time to commit to drug rehab. Here are some examples: 

  • You’ve lost your job 
  • You’re at risk of losing your job due to your substance abuse 
  • Your friends and family have taken steps back from their relationship with you 
  • Your health is suffering as a result of your addiction 

What Is Drug Rehab Like?

One of the questions that a person commonly has, specifically if they have never been to rehab before, revolves around what they can expect when they are in rehab for addiction recovery. Regardless of whether you opt to commit to an inpatient treatment program or an outpatient one, you can expect to participate in different forms of addiction therapy. Although the premise of therapy may sound scary and overwhelming, the reality is that treatment will help you uncover the root cause of your addiction, which is vital when tackling your addiction. Here are just some of the examples of therapy that you can expect to experience during your time in addiction treatment at Beverly Hills drug detox centers:

Group therapy 

Group therapy can be a crucial part of your overall recovery because it can help you to understand that you’re not alone in your recovery. Unfortunately, many people feel that, due to their addiction, there is no one else in the world that understands how they are feeling. However, when you begin to work with your addiction treatment team and participate in group therapy, you will find that other people may have had similar experiences. As a result, you will be able to connect with those people uniquely. Group therapy will also help you feel more comfortable going to Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous meetings as you transition from your addiction treatment plan into the “real world.” 

Individual therapy 

There are likely certain events in your life that you simply don’t feel comfortable talking about in a group setting. In situations like this, you must take full advantage of individual therapy. Individual therapy provides you with the unique opportunity to connect with the members of your treatment team in a unique way. You may feel more comfortable talking about the events in your life that contributed to your addiction. Individual therapy also gives you the chance to review your treatment program with your team. Is there anything that needs to be changed, or is there something that may be missing from the treatment program that would help you? 

Of course, there are several other addiction therapies that you will likely experience during your treatment, such as family therapy, behavioral therapy, and trauma-based therapy. Your addiction treatment team will speak with you in more detail regarding the therapy programs you will experience when you commit to a treatment program. 

What Is Drug Detox Like?

Before you can truly focus on your recovery, you may need to work through an alcohol and drug detox program. Some are under the misconception that they will feel more comfortable going through detox at home. However, this can come with severe and potentially deadly consequences. Within just a few hours from when you stop consuming your substance of choice, you will begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. These withdrawal symptoms can make it impossible for you to care for yourself, leaving you in a precarious situation. Overall, you can expect that drug detox will last approximately seven days. At that point, you will be able to focus on the steps you need to take to better tackle your drug or alcohol addiction. 

See which foods can help aid opiate withdrawal:


10 Foods That Help with Opiate Withdrawal

Inpatient vs. Outpatient: Which Is Best?

Once you navigate your alcoholism and drug detox program near Los Angeles, you’ll be in a much better place both physically and psychologically to focus on the next steps in your addiction treatment. Every top-rated Los Angeles rehab will offer either an inpatient treatment or outpatient treatment program which follows your detox program. Although it’s understandable that you may be feeling better after your time in detox, detox will not help you focus on overcoming your addiction’s root cause. Only residential treatment or outpatient treatment will help you to do that. So which option is the best choice for you? 

Inpatient rehab or residential treatment is often the choice for a person who recently completed a detox program. This is because inpatient rehab or residential treatment will provide you with a unique recovery community. You will enjoy around-the-clock care from your addiction treatment team and also be able to interact with other people that are working through their own drug abuse or alcohol abuse treatment program. 

Although there are undoubtedly tremendous benefits of working through a residential treatment program, many people are unable to commit to this form of addiction treatment. For instance, if you need to work or go to school, inpatient rehab is all but impossible for you. However, this doesn’t mean that you cannot receive the drug or alcohol treatment that you need to live a healthier and more fulfilling life. By taking advantage of outpatient programs, you can receive the addiction treatment you need while still being about to see to your work or school responsibilities. 

At Muse Treatment Center, two examples of outpatient programs are intensive outpatient treatment and general outpatient treatment. The main distinction between intensive outpatient care and general outpatient care is the number of hours you will need to commit to each week. Since you will have an individual treatment plan, you can take comfort that your treatment team will continue to check in with you throughout your recovery to help you make the most out of your treatment program. 

Muse Drug Rehab Near Me in Los Angeles

At Muse Treatment Center in Los Angeles, you can rest assured that you will receive the high-quality level of care you need during this confusing and overwhelming time. Our treatment programs are second to none. Regardless of whether you opt to work through inpatient rehab or an outpatient treatment program, you can rest assured that our addiction specialists will do everything to ensure you have the tools to overcome your addiction and commit to substance abuse prevention. For more information about why we are one of the best treatment centers in the area, please get in touch with us at (800) 426-1818 today.

Drug Rehab,Inpatient Rehab,Outpatient Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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