David Rofofsky | April 21, 2021

How to Quit Meth

The Best Way to Quit Using Crystal Meth

Anytime you are using a substance that you’ve become dependent on, it can cause problems. Even before an individual becomes addicted to a drug, abuse can negatively impact their life. If you are using crystal meth, there are effective ways to quit your meth addiction.

If you’re committed to making a positive change in your life, the best way to quit using crystal meth is to seek professional help. Even if you don’t think you’re ready to enter a drug rehab program for meth addiction, the experts available to you can help you get going in the right direction.

What Is Meth?

Methamphetamine, more commonly referred to as crystal meth or just meth, is a human-made drug that has been around for decades. The German army reportedly supplied some of their more elite units with crystal meth during WWII to give them increased energy.

Crystal meth has received some notoriety in more recent years due to references and inclusion in popular culture, including movies and TV series. Crystal meth has qualities similar to cocaine and is an illegal substance across the United States. People take meth by snorting, smoking, or injecting the drug.

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The Addictive Nature of Methamphetamine

Methamphetamine has an addictive nature because of the feeling of pleasure and additional confidence and energy it gives users. It does last from six to eight hours, which is something that attracts people to the drug.

People from all walks of life use methamphetamine for the added energy to help them with whatever activity or task they are trying to accomplish. Crystal meth is considered highly addictive by experts in the drug detox and rehab field, and when abused over a length of time, it will cause harmful effects in a person’s life. If you have become addicted to meth, there are many available resources when you want to address your struggle with the substance.

The Safest Way to Quit Meth

Taking part in an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab program is the safest way to quit meth. Out of these two choices, experts agree that anyone who is struggling with meth addiction can benefit from a residential treatment program.

Inpatient care can include drug detox as well as rehab therapy, which can be a critical combination of treatment options for those suffering from meth addiction. Inpatient care often includes detox in a safe, secure, supervised environment, which can significantly assist in avoiding relapses during the initial stage of a person’s rehabilitation. Inpatient care can be paired with outpatient treatment for meth addiction which can be a beneficial course of action for individuals entering recovery.

Stages of Recovery from Meth Addiction

Drug rehab professionals have defined five stages of recovery from meth addiction. These start on day one (sometimes referred to as day zero) and run through and beyond the six-month mark in a person’s recovery. These are the five stages of recovery from meth addiction:

  • Withdrawal Stage: This runs from day one through the first two weeks. This process is the timeframe when someone would participate in a drug detox program.
  • Honeymoon Stage: (Days 15-45) Once withdrawal symptoms have ended, a sense of optimism can be felt, but drug rehab is still needed to ensure setbacks and relapses do not occur.
  • The Wall: On days 46 through 120, individuals may need to increase their counseling sessions as cravings may reappear and relapses can occur. This can be due to emotional side effects of no longer using kicking in.
  • Adjustment Stage: (days 121-180) During these months, meth addiction sufferers are beginning to adjust to their new lifestyle. Relapses are less likely as long as recovering addicts stick to what they have learned during rehab therapy sessions.
  • Adjustment Stage: Once recovering addicts have reached the six-month mark, they typically understand what they need to do to stay sober as they embrace their new, healthy lifestyle.

Meth Addiction Treatment at Muse in Los Angeles

For those interested in meth addiction treatment at Muse Treatment in Los Angeles, there are many programs from which to choose. Muse Treatment offers inpatient, outpatient, drug detox, dual diagnosis, medication assisted treatment, and sober living homes for both men and women. If you or a loved one is struggling with meth addiction, call us at (800) 426-1818 today. We have a program that can be custom-tailored to fit your needs. No one has to try and quit on their own; we’re here to help.

Meth Addiction,Meth Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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