David Rofofsky | February 5, 2018

Understanding Ice (Meth) Detox

Detox from ice, also known as crystal or meth, involves various steps and can be very difficult. Learn more about the withdrawal symptoms one can expect when detoxing from a potent stimulant like ice.

Methamphetamine is known for being extremely addictive. Meth is an illegal neurotoxin stimulant that can produce a strong euphoric sensation.

According to the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), approximately 1.2 million people in the United States reported using meth in the past year. Crystal meth, also known as ice, is a condensed and dangerous type of the drug.

When you use ice, both your mind and body suffer greatly. Abusing ice can lead to considerable negative changes in brain function as well as negative physical effects.

An ice detox involves various steps and can be very difficult. Read on to learn what a substance abuse counselor would advise in order to stop using ice.

Meth Addiction Treatment

The purpose of meth addiction treatment is to identify, intervene, and assess your meth addiction. From these results, proper treatment such as counseling, health care, social services, therapy, and psychological services can be provided to help you get sober and refrain from future meth abuse.

The goal of treatment is to reduce or completely end drug use and restore the addict to a state of well-being.

How to Detox From Ice

Ask a substance abuse counselor what the best way to detox from ice is and they will probably say: at a treatment center. Inpatient detox is usually the best choice of monitoring cravings and reducing withdrawal symptoms.

The withdrawal process can be a very difficult one. During this time, you will probably experience an intense desire to use again in order to stop a range of withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal happens because over time, the brain becomes used to having the chemical of ice present. Ice releases dopamine. This leads to the brain releasing reduced levels of dopamine. As a result, your brain and body become dependent on ice for dopamine.

Once you stop using ice, your dopamine levels will immediately start to fall. This drop in dopamine levels will lead to different withdrawal symptoms. Below are some of the most common withdrawal symptoms:

  • Anhedonia: loses ability to feel satisfaction or pleasure
  • Paranoia
  • Hallucinations
  • Mood swings
  • Depression
  • Problems sleeping
  • Fatigue
  • Restlessness
  • Nausea
  • Feeling disoriented
  • Headaches
  • Decreased motivation
  • Body aches

While some of these symptoms may be mild and temporary, withdrawal symptoms can also be very severe in some cases. That is why an inpatient treatment center can be very beneficial.

While there, you are supervised and supported throughout all stages of withdrawal.

If you are at an inpatient treatment center, you are unable to access drugs until treatment is complete. This helps boost recovery rates while also making sure you are comfortable and safe.

During the detox process, a diverse range of therapy, treatments, and support options are used. Many patients often times find that their drug abuse stems from other disorders. If you have a mental or health disorder, you can address this at the treatment center as well.

Detox usually lasts for 3 to 10 days depending on your needs. After detox, patients may continue on with a residential treatment program, support groups, or therapy. The important thing is that you build a supportive drug-free environment that is beneficial to your long-term recovery.

Treatment Approaches Supporting Detox

Besides seeking help at a meth addiction detox center, you can also learn how to detox from ice with supportive treatment, diet, and other practices. There are some specific therapy practices and other approaches that can help you overcome your addiction and continue the road to recovery.

Below are some treatment approaches a substance abuse counselor would advise:

Relationship/Family Counseling

Including families and loved ones in the treatment process can be very effective. Counseling will help motivate you and allow you to understand why there is a need for recovery.


Pharmacotherapy is the use of medications during the withdrawal stage to help you cope with symptoms. In addition to this, medications for disorders such as anxiety or depression can also be used.

It is common for drug abusers to be affected by mental health problems. These health problems must be dealt with in-tandem with detox for long-term recovery efforts to be effective.

Contingency Management

A contingency management method uses a system of rewards that can be used to reward positive behaviors. This method can be very effective in treating ice addiction. Rewards are most effective when used often and especially in the early stages of treatment.

Trauma Therapy

Trauma therapy focuses on any trauma that may have led to drug addiction in the first place. It also addresses any trauma that may have resulted from drug abuse. Recognizing and addressing these traumas is effective in helping prevent relapse in the future.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy works to identify thought and behavior patterns that lead to drug use. Once identified, a substance abuse counselor can work to help you change those patterns to avoid potential relapses.

Exercise and Nutrition

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is vital to recovery and is best when incorporated into all stages of treatment. Eating a healthy diet helps support your health during the detox process. Exercise is also a key component of staying healthy and feeling good during all stages of the process.

Ready to Talk to a Substance Abuse Counselor?

Because there is no single method of treatment that is considered effective for those suffering from meth addiction, it can be difficult to determine which treatment will work best for each person.

A substance abuse counselor will likely recommend long-term treatment lasting for a year or more. Long-term treatments have proven to be much more effective than a short-term change.

A substance abuse counselor will be able to assess your situation, addiction, and health to come up with the best plan of treatment. This plan will be based on your individual circumstances because treatment for drug abuse is not one-size-fits-all.

Click here for even more information on how you can detox from ice.

Addiction,Amphetamine Addiction,Amphetamine Rehab,Detox,Drug Addiction,Drug Detox,Drug Rehab,Meth Addiction,Recovery,Withdrawal,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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