Josh Chandler | May 3, 2023

Kratom Withdrawal

How to Manage Kratom Withdrawal

Kratom is an herbal extract that produces some effects that are similar to opioids. It’s believed that kratom affects opioid receptors in the brain. When taken at a low dose, kratom can cause a person to become more energetic and alert. A person may experience euphoria and pain relief when taken at a higher dose. At these higher doses, many people experience feelings of calm and sedation but overuse can lead to addiction and Kratom withdrawal.

Although kratom has been used in various Asian countries as part of their traditional medicine practices, its use in the West is under increasing scrutiny. As a supplement, kratom is easier to procure than prescribed medications, but the medical community remains unconvinced of its supposed benefits. While some claim that it can help reduce pain and even drug withdrawal symptoms associated with opioid addiction, doctors warn that kratom use can lead to abuse and addiction.

Kratom withdrawal is not generally dangerous, but it can be extremely unpleasant. Moreover, overcoming a drug addiction can be challenging unless there’s help. At Muse Treatment, we help clients manage their drug or alcohol addiction. If you’re addicted to kratom, you can find a full range of support at Muse. We feature a full continuum of care that includes clinically supervised detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, and sober living. We customize treatment to ensure our clients get the individualized support they need and deserve.

Our Kratom addiction treatment center is also equipped to provide dual diagnosis treatment and medication-assisted treatment. By combining conventional addiction treatments with holistic therapies, we provide robust support designed to help individuals get their lives and health back on track.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

A Remedy for Opioid Detox That Can Be Risky

Using an addictive substance to treat another addiction is always going to involve some risk. There are some drugs associated with medication-assisted treatment such as methadone that can be addictive. For this reason, clinicians closely monitor clients who are prescribed medications as part of their drug addiction treatment program. Although kratom acts on opioid receptors and appears to help individuals find relief from some opioid withdrawal symptoms, it may do more harm than good, especially when there are approved medications such as Suboxone that involve less treatment risk and have proven positive effects on the withdrawal and recovery process. Taking kratom without permission from a healthcare provider or in addition to other drugs can increase the risk of adverse effects such as the development of an abuse problem.

Kratom Addiction Withdrawal

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is a supplement from an evergreen tree growing in Southeast Asia. In Asia, users chew the leaves to experience effects such as increased energy and alertness. Kratom is also sold in liquid form as a treatment for pain. The supplement is also marketed as a remedy for anxiety and panic. In Asia, kratom is favored as an opioid alternative. In the U.S., people increasingly use kratom to self-medicate or recreationally. It’s often found at festivals and music concerts where it is sold as a ‘mood enhancer.’

How Is Kratom Used for Opioid Withdrawal?

Opioid withdrawal can be difficult with its flu-like symptoms. Although the more intense opioid withdrawal symptoms tend to dissipate after a week or so, powerful cravings may persist for some time. Some people take kratom to help them through the short-term and longer-term symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Usually, users begin to experience relief from withdrawal symptoms after about 10 minutes of taking kratom.

As mentioned, kratom appears to act on the same receptors in the brain that opioids like morphine act upon. When these receptors become ‘satisfied’ by the effects of the kratom, the individual may experience some relief, but clinicians are concerned about the cost. Many in the medical community remain unconvinced of kratom’s benefits and strongly believe that it is risky and can lead to adverse health effects.

8 Effects of Kratom Use

Kratom can cause multiple effects, some of which are similar to opioid use. Some of these effects may include:

1. Feelings of Euphoria

Some people experience feelings of euphoria when using or abusing kratom. Although these effects can be short-lived–about 90 minutes–they can be powerful.

2. Increased Alertness

Some people feel heightened alertness when taking kratom. Although a short-term effect, this alertness can accompany a feeling of renewed energy. Some people experience increased libido as well.

3. Weight Loss

An effect of kratom, which is also an effect of opioid use, is loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss. The longer someone is on kratom, the more the risk for effects like this increases. When kratom abuse is present, the weight loss can be severe.

4. Nausea

Kratom users can experience nausea and other gastrointestinal complaints, including constipation and vomiting. These complaints can also increase the risk of appetite reduction and weight loss.

5. Facial Flushing

People taking kratom often experience facial flushing or a reddening of the cheeks. A long-term effect of kratom use is the development of hyperpigmentation when the skin darkens.

6. Insomnia

Kratom use can lead to bouts of insomnia. People taking kratom may feel itchy or experience sweating, which can make comfortable sleep difficult.

7. Drowsiness

Conversely, some people experience drowsiness and fatigue rather than insomnia. They might feel calmer than usual and have a decrease in alertness.

8. Reduction of Pain

Of course, many people take kratom for its pain reduction effects. Since kratom can reduce the effects of pain, some users may be tempted to take it more frequently to experience relief.

Learn more about the Kratom addiction side effects here:

Kratom Addiction Side Effects

14 Symptoms of Kratom Withdrawal

Use of kratom, especially chronic use, can lead to kratom addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Once an individual stops using kratom regularly, they can develop the following withdrawal symptoms, including:

  1. Disturbed sleep patterns
  2. Unusual limb movements
  3. Nausea and vomiting
  4. Loss of appetite
  5. Watery eyes
  6. Abdominal cramps
  7. Increased sweating
  8. Increased irritability
  9. Anxiety
  10. Diarrhea
  11. Muscle weakness and spasms
  12. Hallucinations
  13. Tremors
  14. Intense cravings for the drug

Some of these withdrawal symptoms like hallucinations are rare, but they can lead to potentially serious problems. For instance, when suffering from hallucinations, a person is at greater risk of falling or sustaining an injury. Some people may also make decisions that jeopardize their health/life because of their kratom use. Initial withdrawal from kratom tends to be flu-like in nature, which is similar to opioid withdrawal. Generally, kratom withdrawal symptoms tend to dissipate after about a week. By undergoing medical detox at Muse Treatment, clients who experience these withdrawal symptoms can be prescribed treatment that reduces or eliminates these symptoms.

Kratom Withdrawal in California: Muse Can Help With Treatment

If you are trying to stop using kratom and experiencing withdrawal symptoms, getting help is important. Muse Treatment offers individualized treatment based on each person’s unique needs. Our licensed and experienced clinicians can evaluate your condition and recommend your ideal treatment plan. Our California drug rehab can help you through the kratom detox process at our medical detox facility. We can prescribe treatments that reduce the discomfort associated with kratom withdrawal. After detox, treatments can help you manage your kratom addiction and achieve lasting recovery.

Contact Muse Treatment to learn more about our addiction treatment programs. Let our clinicians help you safeguard your health and future. Our accredited treatment center in Los Angeles has a reputation for the expertise of our clinicians as well as our empathy and focus on mind and body health. Call our treatment center at (800) 426-1818 to learn more and get your needed support.

Drug Addiction,Withdrawal,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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