David Rofofsky | May 3, 2022

Outpatient Drug Rehab Orange County

Can You Go To Drug Rehab As an Outpatient?

There is a common misconception that many people fall into regarding addiction treatment. Many think that the only way you can effectively complete one of the treatment programs available in Orange County is to commit to an inpatient treatment program. Although there are numerous benefits associated with inpatient treatment, the reality is that it’s not your only addiction treatment option. If you need to work, go to school, or simply don’t feel comfortable with residential treatment, you can take advantage of one of the outpatient programs in Orange County.

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How Many Hours Per Day Is Outpatient Rehab?

The number of hours you will need to spend in outpatient rehab will depend on the outpatient treatment program that you select. For example, a person in intensive outpatient care will need to commit to more hours than a general outpatient program client. The specific details of your program are something that your treatment team will review with you before you begin treatment. This is an excellent opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns that you may have.

Regardless of the treatment program you select, however, it’s vital to know that your time in treatment will be spent participating in different forms of addiction therapy. These therapy forms will help you determine the root cause of your addiction, which is critical in your overall recovery. Here are some of the examples of addiction therapy that you will experience during your time in treatment:

Group therapy

If you have ever gone to a Narcotics Anonymous or an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, the premise of group therapy will seem very familiar to you. During group therapy, you will share your experiences in addiction, and in turn, you will listen to the experiences of others. You will learn that you’re not alone in what you have felt or thought about addiction and that there are other people that you can turn to for advice and support.

Individual therapy

Individual therapy gives you the chance to connect with your addiction treatment team on a one-to-one basis. There may be certain events in your life that you don’t feel comfortable talking about in a group setting. Individual therapy allows you to address these issues in a relaxed and welcoming environment. This is also an excellent opportunity to check in with your treatment team to see if anything needs to be changed or adjusted in your overall recovery program.

Family therapy

Sadly, your relationships with your family members are often something that suffers from your addiction. However, once they see that you’re taking steps toward working through your addiction, your family members may be more open to re-exploring their relationship with you once again. This can be done safely and healthily through family therapy. Family therapy happens once you come to a place in your treatment where you’re ready to address them. They take place in a neutral environment to ensure that you and your loved ones feel comfortable.

Find out more about inpatient rehab here:


Inpatient Rehab Bakersfield

Who Is Outpatient Drug Rehab For?

An outpatient treatment program is structured so anyone struggling with a substance abuse issue can take advantage of this type of program. You may have been suffering from addiction for years or just a few months, and you could be the CEO of a company, or you may be unemployed. Regardless of where you are in your life, if you’re struggling with addiction and ready to receive help for that addiction, an outpatient treatment program is for you.

Types of Outpatient Drug Rehab Programs

Did you know that there are several different outpatient drug rehab programs? Luxury rehabs will offer these different options so you can enjoy recovery in a way that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Here are a few examples of individualized treatment programs that are options for outpatient treatment clients:

Intensive outpatient treatment

An intensive outpatient treatment program is a hybrid of an inpatient treatment program and a general outpatient treatment program. This is an excellent treatment option for a person who doesn’t feel comfortable committing to inpatient treatment but still needs an extra layer of structure to their recovery program. An intensive outpatient provides that and gives you the tools you need to manage your time and recovery while you’re out facing real-world experiences.

General outpatient program

A general outpatient program is well-suited for a person that may need to work or go to school full time or part-time. Your treatment team will take the time to understand your schedule to help you build a program around your specific needs or restrictions. However, if you feel as though you need more structure or if you relapse, you can always adjust your addiction treatment program at any point so that you can continue to succeed in your recovery.

What About Drug Detox?

Before you engage in outpatient rehab, it’s essential to understand that depending on your substance of choice as well as the severity of your drug addiction or alcohol addiction. It’s possible that you may need to work through drug detox or an alcohol detox program. Within just a few hours from when you last consume your substance of choice, you will likely begin to experience withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms can make it impossible to care for yourself and could be potentially deadly. It’s never advisable that you attempt to go through the detox process unless you’re under the care of a trained addiction expert. On average, detox will last approximately seven days. At this point, you will be in a much better place both physically and psychologically to manage the steps you need to take to overcome your substance abuse issues once and for all.

How Do I Know If I Need Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab?

Ultimately, the decision as to whether you need inpatient treatment or outpatient rehab is a personal decision that you will need to make. However, it’s a decision you should never make on your own. If you feel as though the environment around you is exacerbating and prolonging your drug or alcohol addiction, then you may have been a success in a residential treatment program.

Residential treatment or inpatient treatment program is similar to a detox program because you will enjoy your addiction treatment team’s around-the-clock care and support. You will be able to live on the campus of the substance abuse treatment center and enjoy a holistic treatment plan which can provide various levels of care. Over and above, having around-the-clock access to the team at your treatment center of choice, you will also be able to interact with other people that are working their way through their own addiction treatment program. This can help show you that you’re not alone in your recovery journey, and it can help you develop your own system of support, which is critical when it comes to overcoming your substance abuse issues. Any top-rated drug rehab in Orange County will provide this option.

It’s important to note that you can always transition into an outpatient treatment program after an inpatient or residential treatment program. Many people take advantage of this option to continue their addiction treatment journey.

Should I Live in a Sober Home During Outpatient Rehab?

Deciding to commit to sober living when you’re working through one of the rehab programs on an outpatient basis is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself. Sober living takes away the temptation to use or abuse drugs or alcohol because there are specific rules that you will need to follow to ensure you can remain in the sober home. The fact that you are surrounded by other people who are on their own recovery journey in a structured and sober environment can provide you with the encouragement you need to stay focused on your recovery journey.

Muse – Outpatient Drug Rehab for Residents of Orange County

At Muse Treatment Center, we cater to the residents of Orange County who need help in tackling their substance abuse issues. From drug detox and alcohol detox to personalized addiction treatment plans, you can rest assured that you will receive the unique and specialized care you need to overcome your drug addiction or alcohol addiction. To learn more about our outpatient treatment or residential treatment options, we encourage you to get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.

Drug Rehab,Outpatient Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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