Outpatient rehab can be a great option or people struggling with addiction. Keep reading to learn about the biggest advantages of outpatient drug treatment.
When you’re ready to get help for a drug problem, help is waiting. There are several options you can choose from.
One of them is undergoing outpatient drug treatment. While it may be a common perception that checking into an inpatient rehab clinic is the only option, there are many benefits to choosing an outpatient drug treatment facility as well.
Let’s review them so you can make an informed decision.
You Can Continue to Live at Home
It can be difficult as an inpatient to want to continue receiving treatment. You’re far away from friends and family. Often, they can’t visit you every day.
It’s also new surroundings, along with a possible roommate, and you don’t get to sleep in your own bed. Being away also means making arrangements for paying your bills and caring for any pets or parents you may have.
You also usually don’t get to choose when you eat or even what foods you can choose from. This can make transitioning back home difficult when you have to provide meals for yourself once again.
When you choose an outpatient drug treatment facility, you continue to live at home. Having less of a dramatic change can make it easier as you strive to live a drug-free life.
You’re Surrounded by Your Family
Your family is often your biggest support system. When you’re at an inpatient facility, your family can only visit you at certain times.
If you have a lot of dysfunction in the family and few responsibilities, choosing an inpatient facility can be a great option. However, if you’re the primary caregiver to parents or children, being away from them is difficult or impossible.
For those who have a strong support system, not having it there at all times can be extremely traumatic for them. Being allowed to stay with family who can help you create a new, healthier life can make a dramatic difference in your recovery.
You Can Continue Working
Sometimes work can be a huge trigger and reason why you turned to drugs. Other times, work can be your salvation.
But it’s more than that. Oftentimes, you’re the sole breadwinner in the family. Even if you’re not, your salary could mean the difference between your family having enough money to buy food and pay rent.
An outpatient drug treatment facility allows you to work the program while continuing to go to work. Feeling as though you’re maintaining your responsibilities and continuing to contribute to your family’s welfare can provide motivation for staying off drugs permanently.
Our Outpatient Drug Treatment Plan Includes Neuro Rehabilitation
Neurorehabilitation uses brain mapping to provide us with a detailed image of each client’s physiological state. This then allows us to provide a holistic, whole brain approach toward rehabilitating you.
Each person is different and reacts differently to drugs. We then use the results to provide an array of useful techniques from computerized cognitive training to biofeedback, and neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback).
Career Counseling Is Provided
Not everyone is lucky enough to be employed when they choose an outpatient drug treatment plan. Being responsible for a job and earning money is extremely important.
It helps people learn a lot of skills and also take pride that they’re able to provide for themselves. It’s a great way to improve self-esteem levels.
Career counseling is an extremely important aspect of outpatient drug treatment. Such services offered are practice-based techniques such as interviewing and organizational skills so patients can get a job. Also provided are vocational and education counseling. Learning a skilled trade makes a huge difference to potential employers.
For those who want to increase their education levels, this is also encouraged. Accountability is one method employed by outpatient treatment plans to ensure a client has incentives to get and stay off drugs.
Group Therapy Sessions
Talking to a group of other people who have similar struggles is a vital part of the recovery process. Too often, people struggle with addiction feel they’re completely alone.
Group therapy sessions help those attending an outpatient drug treatment facility know and understand that they aren’t alone. Other people have had similar experiences, triggers, and traumas.
Knowing there are others out there with the same struggles is extremely empowering. Usually, an outpatient treatment center provides a variety of group therapy sessions to educate and support a patient.
Groups can include how to handle the new feelings recovery throws at you as well as how to be mindful and live honestly.
Other group sessions can include dealing with family issues or other relationships. Some group sessions are more holistically based and offer art therapy, journaling, and yoga.
Easier to Handle Outside Triggers
There’s a reason why you developed a drug problem. It was to avoid or forget your problems.
When you got triggered, you used. At an inpatient facility, it can be easy to forget what daily life is like. You’re surrounded by a ton of support.
It’s when you leave the facility that the triggers can become nearly impossible to deal with. It can be that while you were at an inpatient facility, your family supported you but now that you’re home, the same problems are coming back up.
Or that boss you could avoid as an inpatient is still getting on your back for not being able to read his or her mind. Or perhaps your old friends have asked you to go out and are pressuring you to party with them.
Resisting temptation and dealing with outside pressures that you have avoided at an inpatient facility can be really difficult.
At an outpatient drug treatment facility, your triggers are still with you. That makes it easier to identify them and immediately address them.
You won’t suddenly go from being isolated from stress to being back in the thick of it because you never left. Which makes dealing with these triggers a lot easier.
Don’t Go It Alone
Drug addiction is extremely difficult to conquer on your own. Most people don’t have the right medical or mental health information to handle it safely by themselves.
Drug addiction is also very isolating. Please reach out to us for help. Our addiction specialists are waiting to speak with you. We’re here to help, no matter where you live across the states.