Josh Chandler | March 30, 2022

What Are the Chances of Relapsing After Alcohol Rehab in Los Angeles?

Understanding Why Relapse Happens

It’s important to understand that recovery from alcohol addiction is a lifelong process. It’s not something you can focus on for a limited amount of time and then forget about it. Although there may have been a time in your life when you decided to work through a program at an addiction treatment center, there is always the possibility that you may have fallen back into your addiction cycle.

There are many reasons why relapse may happen. However, if this is something that does happen, this person must reach out for help as soon as possible to stop the cycle of addiction from spiraling any further. Whether you’ve gotten lax in the steps you have been taking regarding your recovery, or you have fallen back into a bad crowd, admitting that you have a problem and starting to get help once again can help completely change your outlook on sobriety and addiction.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Identifying Alcohol Use Triggers

To avoid falling into the trap of addiction again, it’s vitally important that you can identify specific alcohol triggers. Similar to how addiction impacts every person differently, there is a possibility that a particular event or a situation could affect you differently compared to another person.

Therefore, you must do a deep dive regarding possible triggers for you. For example, there may be a period when it could be impossible for you to feel comfortable in a restaurant that offers alcohol. There is a possibility that you may never feel comfortable doing this. During the early stages of your recovery, you must take the time to take an inventory of yourself and be honest with yourself regarding possible triggers. It’s possible that a friend or a family member could trigger you to drink or use drugs, for example. In this type of situation, it may benefit you to have that person come with you to family therapy, so any of these potential issues could be laid out so you can continue to maintain and work on your sobriety.

To help reduce alcohol cravings, check out which foods you should eat:

5 Foods That Actually Reduce Alcohol Cravings

Deciding to Go Back to Alcohol Rehab

You will want to consider several factors if you think of going back to alcohol or drug treatment. First and foremost, the extent of your relapse should always be addressed. Usually, if a person experiences an alcohol relapse, their addiction will be worse than what it once was initially. Therefore, there is a strong possibility that the healthiest step for you to take would be to begin your alcoholic recovery in a detox program. On average, a detox program will last approximately seven days, with the worst of your withdrawal symptoms developing within the first 72 hours from when you start to detox. However, for you to truly take advantage of your alcohol or drug treatment, you must remove the influence of your substance of choice first.

The next step in your alcoholic recovery process is to decide whether you’re going to work through an inpatient treatment program or an outpatient treatment program in Los Angeles county. If you needed to commit to a detox program initially, you might find it easier to commit to inpatient treatment or residential treatment program, particularly earlier on in your alcoholic recovery. During residential treatment, you will have the opportunity to live in the addiction treatment facility of your choice campus. This will allow you to enjoy constant care from your treatment team and learn from other people working their way through their own addiction treatment programs.

It may be impossible to commit to an inpatient or residential treatment program if you have work or school responsibilities. If you fall into this category, it doesn’t mean that you cannot commit to an addiction treatment program. Instead of inpatient treatment, you should take advantage of a comprehensive outpatient treatment program. During intensive outpatient or general outpatient treatment, you will work with your recovery team to find a balance between your addiction treatment as well as your work or school responsibilities. If your schedule changes, then you should always communicate with your treatment team so they can make adjustments to your recovery program.

Benefits of Alcohol Rehab

There are countless benefits associated with deciding to commit to one of the programs in Los Angeles to address your alcohol addiction. Here are just a handful of examples of the advantages of choosing to work through a short term or long-term recovery program:

Develop a better understanding of your addiction

Many people, including those who suffer from addiction, don’t understand that addiction is a disease. When you’re in treatment, you will participate in different forms of addiction therapy, which will help you better understand this disease and what you need to do to tackle it.

It’s usually covered by insurance

Some people avoid committing to addiction treatment because they worry about the cost of a treatment program. However, if you have private insurance, there is a strong possibility that your time in addiction treatment could be entirely covered by insurance, which means that you will need to pay little to nothing out of pocket.


Without question, one of the best parts of alcohol rehab is that you will experience the support of your addiction treatment team and other individuals who are working through treatment. Open and honest communication with others in your rehab program can help you understand that you are not alone.

Relapse Prevention Tips

There are several steps that you can take to help yourself avoid relapse. Here are some recommendations that you may want to consider:

Plan ahead

If you have plans to go out or meet up with a friend or family member, asking where you’re meeting ahead of time is critical. If the place where you’re meeting is a place that could possibly put your sobriety at risk, there is nothing wrong with letting them know that you may need to skip the event.

Attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous meetings

You will find that when you attend an Alcoholics Anonymous or a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, you are participating in a similar type of event as what you experienced during group therapy. During these meetings, you will have the opportunity to interact with other people that are local to you, and you may come to find that you can make connections with these people, which can help to serve as your system of support. One of the best things about an NA or an AA meeting is that they are available every day of the week at nearly any time during the week and are usually offered both in-person and virtual.

Los Angeles Relapse Rates

It’s estimated that approximately 40% to 60% of individuals experience a relapse at some point in their recovery. This doesn’t mean that they have failed. Remember, addiction is a cunning disease, and if you don’t remain active in your recovery and vigilant, then it’s possible that you could fall into this potentially deadly trap again. There are several stages associated with relapse. A person typically doesn’t wake up in the morning and decide that they will relapse. Instead, they go through a process. Here are the stages of relapse:

Emotional relapse

This is the time during relapse that a person may not necessarily be planning to relapse. However, they have fallen off when it comes to self-care.

Mental relapse

At this point, a person is consciously thinking about relapse. They may be romanticizing their time in active addiction and undercutting what a mess their life was when they were in active addiction.

Physical relapse

At this stage of relapse, a person has consumed their drug or drink of choice and falls back into the cycle of addiction.

Avoid Relapse at Muse Treatment Center in Los Angeles

Whether you feel as though you need help in putting together a plan to avoid relapse or struggling with active substance abuse, the addiction treatments available through Muse Treatment Center are second to none. We offer a myriad of addiction treatment programs that can help you to tackle not only your alcohol addiction but also any mental health disorders that you may be suffering from. As one of the best addiction treatment centers in the area, you can rest assured that you will receive personalized alcohol and drug addiction treatment plans. If you would like more information about our alcohol and drug rehab center in Los Angeles, we encourage you to contact us today at (800) 426-1818.

Alcohol Addiction,Relapse,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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