David Rofofsky | October 28, 2021

Heroin Addiction Treatment for Simi Valley Residents

Best Heroin Rehab for Residents of Simi Valley

When you think of heroin and heroin addiction, what is the first thing that you think of? For many people, the image of a person living on the street in tattered clothes comes to mind. After all, only a person with no direction and no self-control could ever fall prey to heroin addiction, right? The reality is that this assumption couldn’t be any further from the truth. Heroin addiction could impact any person at any time in their life. If you recognize that you are suffering from heroin addiction, then taking steps toward getting heroin addiction treatment in Simi Valley can be a life-saving change in your life.

Heroin is defined as an opioid. In the medical world, opioids such as oxycodone are used as a pain reliever. However, heroin is an example of an opioid that is never used in this capacity. Instead, it is a recreational drug that a person solely uses for the feelings of euphoria that come along with it. In some cases, an addiction to prescription medication could ultimately lead to heroin because you will feel the same type of effects. Since heroin addiction is a disease, it is never something that you should attempt to treat on your own. It would help if you always reached out for help from trained addiction experts who can provide you with the resources and tools you need to work through the different contributing factors of your addiction.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Signs and Symptoms of Heroin Addiction

Since heroin addiction can impact a person’s life in different ways, it should come as no surprise that there are various signs and symptoms that this deadly disease is affecting a person’s life. Here are some examples of the common symptoms that are often associated with heroin addiction:

  • Behavioral changes
  • Possessing heroin
  • Legal problems
  • Needle marks
  • Financial problems
  • Loss of a job
  • Issues with family relationships

Keep in mind that a top-rated treatment facility will always take the time to speak with the person struggling with addiction and with their friends or family members who are reaching out to learn more about what they can do to help their loved ones.

If you decide to reach out to Muse Treatment Center about heroin addiction treatment in Simi Valley, we would be happy to speak with you about steps you can take not only for the health and well-being of your loved one. We will provide steps on what you can do to ensure you also get the support you need if another person’s substance abuse has personally impacted your life.

Trauma and Heroin Addiction

Did you know that experiencing trauma at some point in your life can have a direct impact when it comes to developing an addiction? It’s important to remember that trauma can come in many different shapes and forms. Many people have suffered physical trauma. For instance, perhaps you were abused at some point in your life, and the memories of that physical abuse are something that still haunts you. Countless other people have experienced psychological trauma. As a result, they feel they cannot function in certain aspects of their life unless they first have heroin in their system.

When you decide to commit to heroin addiction treatment for Simi Valley residents, you’re choosing to get better not only physically but psychologically as well. During your treatment, you will have the opportunity to address these traumas and the root causes of your addiction by taking part in different forms of therapy. Some of the traditional forms of therapy that you will experience during rehab include:

Family therapy

Has an addiction fractured the strong relationship that you once had with your family? If the answer is yes, you and your family will benefit from participating in family therapy. During family therapy, you and your loved ones will have the opportunity to talk about how addiction has impacted each of you and what all of you can do to come back together as a family. You may come to find that this family unity is an enjoyable and welcoming aspect of your recovery.

Individual therapy

There may be certain events in your life that you simply don’t feel comfortable talking about in a group environment. Although you will always be encouraged to share during group therapy, it’s vital that you feel safe and secure speaking with addiction therapists, which is why individual treatment is always offered. During individual therapy, you will have the chance to address these personal struggles in your life and gauge how you feel as you progress through your recovery program. If any changes or adjustments need to be made to your treatment plan, your team can help you do so during these sessions.

Group therapy

Group therapy is similar to a 12-step meeting in many ways. During group therapy, you will have the opportunity to speak with and interact with other people working their way through their own treatment program. This form of counseling gives you the chance to talk about the experiences you have had during your life and during your time in active addiction and learn what steps you can take to heal from your addiction, and know what steps you can take to prevent relapse forward.

Heroin Detox for Simi Valley Residents

It’s important to remember that heroin is an incredibly addictive substance. In fact, it wouldn’t be out of the ordinary for a person that has only consumed this drug a handful of times to develop an addiction to it. Before you can truly focus on the steps you need to take to overcome your addiction, you will need to go through drug detox first.

Within just a few hours from when you last consume heroin, you will begin to feel cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Although it’s impossible to predict precisely what you will experience when you’re in detox, you will likely not be able to care for yourself during these seven days. You will experience the worst of your detox symptoms during the first 72 hours. By the end of your week in detox, you will be in a better frame of mind to make solid decisions regarding your long-term treatment plan.

Heroin Rehab for Residents of Simi Valley

Your time in rehab will help you to focus on your overall recovery. During your time in rehab, you will focus not only on the events in your life that may have harmed your sobriety so that these events no longer negatively influence you going forward. Rehab programs can last anywhere between 30 and 90 days. Keep in mind that you can begin your time in rehab in a short-term 30 or 60-day program and transition into a long-term program. Recovery is a lifelong process, so the more you commit yourself to treatment, the more you will grow in your sobriety.

MAT Heroin Rehab

MAT, also known as a medically assisted treatment, is a program option that allows you to incorporate certain types of medication into your treatment plan. These medications can help you to physically and psychologically transition into your sobriety. There is a misconception that committing to a MAT program will lead to another addiction. When you’re in a controlled environment that comes along with coming to a treatment facility, this is not something that you will need to be worried about.

Women’s Only Heroin Addiction Treatment Centers

Addiction impacts every person differently. This can be especially true if you’re a woman. It should come as no surprise that women have different reactions and responsibilities compared to men. Women are also more likely to have experienced physical or psychological abuse at a man’s hands, which is why many women are less likely to share about their traumas or experiences if a man is present.

When you opt to work through a women’s only rehab, however, you have the peace of mind of knowing that you will be interacting with other women and may have a better or personal understanding of what you have experienced and what you’re going through. Other female patients may also be mothers, sisters, and caretakers who have gone through their own personal stresses.

Take the Next Step to Recover from Heroin Addiction at Muse Treatment

Are you ready to take steps toward recovering from your heroin addiction? The first step you should take is finding our heroin addiction treatment in Simi Valley. The heroin addiction treatment for Simi Valley residents at Muse Treatment Center is second to none. Our recovery team helps you address the factors behind your addiction to move forward with your life and avoid relapse in the future. If you would like to learn more about the heroin addiction treatment we offer for Simi Valley residents, please reach out to us today at (800) 426-1818.

Heroin Addiction,Heroin Rehab,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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