Should you attend an inpatient rehab center or an outpatient one? Read on to learn about inpatient vs outpatient rehab and which would be best for your particular needs.
Nearly 21 million Americans suffer from substance abuse and addiction, and that number shows no signs of slowing down.
If you or someone you love suffers from addiction, know that there is hope. But you can’t face recovery alone.
Luckily, there are effective rehab programs to help you safely transition to a sober lifestyle. But which type of rehab program is best for you?
Read on to learn about the differences between inpatient vs. outpatient rehab so you can choose the most effective path on your road to recovery.
What Is Inpatient Rehab?
Inpatient rehab programs are residential, meaning you will be living in a rehab facility while you work on your sobriety.
The inpatient facility will keep you away from drugs and alcohol and you will be surrounded by other recovering addicts.
You will have access to 24-hour medical care. You will also partake in individual and group therapy sessions, which are imperative for your successful recovery.
Inpatient programs can be either short-term or long-term. Short-term inpatient programs will last anywhere from three to six weeks, while long term programs may last for up to a year.
Benefits of Inpatient Rehab
Are you wondering what, exactly, you’ll gain from inpatient rehab? Here are some of the benefits.
You’ll Be in a Clean Environment
Trying to quit drugs or alcohol while still living in an unsupportive and triggering environment is nearly impossible. If you decide to enter an inpatient rehab program, you will be removed from toxic environments and enter a completely clean one.
Not only will the environment be drug-free, but so will your peers. You will be surrounded by other people who are working on their sobriety, which will keep you encouraged. You can support each other and relate on a level that your family and friends may not be able to.
Your Time Is Structured
When you live in a rehab facility, you won’t have very much free time. You will have a schedule each day full of therapy sessions and healthy activities. This tight schedule will keep you from getting bored and thinking about using again.
If you were to try quitting drugs or alcohol on your own, it might get extremely difficult when you don’t have anything to occupy your mind. That’s why inpatient rehab would work well for you.
24/7 Medical Care
Quitting drugs cold turkey is dangerous, and can even be life-threatening. Your body has grown accustomed to using every day, so taking that away can cause serious adverse withdrawal effects, including:
- Vomiting
- Heart palpitations
- Increased heart rate
- Difficulty breathing
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Seizures
By entering an inpatient rehab facility, you will be surrounded by medical care, 24/7. If you start experiencing serious withdrawal symptoms, you will have medical staff on hand to make sure you make it through okay.
Relapse Is Less Likely Post-Rehab
Quality inpatient programs prepare individuals for life after rehab. You will learn coping skills to help you deal with urges and negative emotions.
You will also have continued care after leaving inpatient rehab, so you aren’t simply thrust back into a negative environment after leaving the facility.
What Is Outpatient Rehab?
Outpatient rehab involves daily therapy and clinical sessions, but the addict will continue to live at home instead of in a rehab facility.
You will be involved in group therapy sessions, individual therapy, and other recovery tools.
Benefits of Outpatient Rehab
Why might outpatient treatment be a better option for you? Here are some of the benefits of enrolling in an outpatient rehab program.
You Can Maintain Your Job
One of the drawbacks of entering inpatient rehab is it completely becomes your life. This is great for people who are able to completely commit all of their time to recovery, but many adults need to maintain their jobs while recovering.
Outpatient care allows people to continue with their daily routine of going to work and paying the bills, all while receiving much of the same care they would with inpatient rehab programs.
You Can Continue to Care for Your Family
Many addicts have families that rely on them. You may not have people to help care for your family while you are in inpatient rehab.
Outpatient rehab allows people to continue living at home and care for their family while working towards their sobriety. Outpatient treatment gives parents and caregivers the tools they need to recover without completely removing them from their caregiving role.
Outpatient Care Is More Affordable
Because you will be living at home, cooking your own meals, and sleeping in your own bed, you will save a lot of money by going into outpatient care compared to inpatient care.
If you have avoided rehab programs due to the cost of treatment, it’s time to stop making excuses. Outpatient care allows people to get much of the same care as they would in inpatient programs, at a more affordable price.
Treatment Is More Flexible
With outpatient treatment, there is more flexibility when it comes to the type of treatment you’ll receive, what types of therapy you’ll be involved in, and how often you’ll be involved.
For example, if you have been sober for several months, you might not need the same intensity of treatment as someone who is one day sober. You can tailor the treatment to meet your individual needs.
Choosing Between Inpatient vs. Outpatient Rehab
You may be faced with a decision between an inpatient vs. outpatient rehab program, but know that you’re already one step closer to sobriety.
Now it’s time to get started in a rehab program to help you along the way. Please contact us today for more information on our inpatient and outpatient rehab programs.