David Rofofsky | July 5, 2018

The Signs of Adderall Addiction

If you think that you or a loved one may be addicted to adderall, there are some telltale signs and symptoms to look out for. Learn more about the key signs of adderall addiction you should be watching out for.

Many people consider Adderall to be relatively harmless.

The pill-based drug, a mix of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, makes frequent appearances on college campuses across the country. Adderall prescriptions are for those suffering from attention deficit disorder. Many individuals without prescriptions still use Adderall illegally.

Whether a loved one near you is taking Adderall as the result of a prescription or not, they may be at risk of abuse or addiction. You may be unsure if a loved one near you is suffering from addiction. Because Adderall is more liberally prescribed and used than other medications, it can be hard to tell when there is a serious problem.

There are key signs of Adderall addiction that you can look out for. Read on and we’ll walk you through the symptoms that you can look out for in your loved one.

Physical & Psychological Signs Of Adderall Addiction

The eyes don’t lie, and some of the most telltale signs of Adderall addiction are physical reactions.

Physical side effects of Adderall over-use can emerge shortly after use. Adderall triggers the release of dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain. Prescribed users get therapeutic benefit from this release. Most recreational users seek the high this release causes.

Someone on Adderall is likely to feel more social. They may feel a stronger desire to work or be talkative. They might feel more insightful than normal or have an overwhelming sense of excitement. These positive traits drive recreational users to the drug.

If you notice frequent spurts of this sort of unusual behavior, it can be a tell-tale sign of Adderall use.

The side-effects of Adderall use are more physically clear. Sleep difficulties and headaches can be huge tip-offs that someone is on Adderall. Uncontrollable shaking is another common symptom. This shaking usually is apparent in one of the person’s limbs as a kind of nervous tic. Repeated tapping of a foot, for example, can be a symptom of Adderall use.

More extreme side effects include vomiting, weight loss, and constipation. Individuals who report feeling high levels of stress or anxiety may also be suffering the side effects of the drug. If your loved one is exhibiting these traits in conjunction with any of those previously mentioned, they may be suffering from Adderall addiction.

There are certain internal side-effects that may also produce noticeable physical actions. If a loved one mentions chest pain, exhaustion, or numbness in the limbs, it may be due to Adderall use. Dizziness and increased heart rate are other frequent side effects to look out for.

Behavioral Symptoms Of Adderall Addiction

If the physical symptoms of Adderall addiction aren’t enough to confirm your suspicions, there are many behavioral tells that can be obvious signs of addiction.

Many Adderall addicts engage in a behavior known as “doctor shopping.” Doctor shopping is a term that describes visiting different pharmacies to get a high volume of prescription drugs. Going to different pharmacies to fill prescriptions is one-way individuals avoid detection.

If you find pill bottles in your home that seem to come from various different pharmacies, it is a huge sign that your loved one’s Adderall addiction might be serious. This isn’t always the case, however, as Adderall can also be obtained through friends, family, or on the street.

Adderall abusers frequently become more secretive and reserved as their addiction grows. This social isolation may only be interrupted by interactions where Adderall is the common bind. If your loved one is spending less time around you and more time around individuals that display some of the above symptoms, you do have cause for concern.

Gradual Symptoms of Adderall Addiction

Many symptoms of Adderall abuse may be immediately apparent. Others may take weeks, or even months, of addiction to become apparent.

Drug abuse may also result in a gradual but noticeable decrease in personal grooming. A change in your loved one’s level of self-care is typically indicative of drug abuse or addiction.

To fund their habit of abuse, an individual may cease to responsibly manage their resources. If you notice a decrease in financial stability or the dissolution of financial assets such as CDs or pension plans, you do have cause for concern. These may be the result of an addict’s attempt to fund their addiction.

Addiction can eventually become more obvious with time. The longer Adderall abuse continues, the more it may overtake an individual. This individual may become less concerned with focusing on hiding their addiction as time goes on.

Tolerance for the drug may rise, and the individual may need more of the drug to feel the highs they desire.

The Risks of Adderall Addiction

Outside of the many short-term dangers, Adderall addiction can be very dangerous in the long run. An addiction to Adderall should be taken very seriously. Adderall can be very addictive in nature, and abuse of the drug can eventually lead to stimulant use disorder.

There is not advanced or detailed science currently on Adderall’s long-term effects on the brain or nervous system. Depending on how an Adderall addict ‘takes’ the drug, there still may be many dangers. Snorting or injecting Adderall for a better high can pose a serious risk to veins and nasal cavities.

Even when weaning off the drug, serious dangers may arise. When an individual goes into Adderall withdrawal after heavy use, mania, panic, and even suicidal thoughts may result.

Those prescribed Adderall by a doctor are no less susceptible to Adderall addiction than those who obtain it through illicit means. If your loved one has been prescribed Adderall, you should still keep an eye out for the above symptoms.

Adderall Addiction Is Treatable

The dangers of Adderall addiction are potentially life-threatening. Adderall abuse is a treatable issue and there are numerous therapies and rehab centers available to those struggling.

The above signs of Adderall addiction can show if someone near you may be suffering. If you feel a loved one near you is abusing or addicted to Adderall, you should seek professional help immediately.

Check out our blog for more advice on recognizing and dealing with addiction.

Adderall Addiction,Adderall Rehab,Amphetamine Addiction,Withdrawal,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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