Josh Chandler | June 21, 2022

Why Is Accidental Drug Overdose Becoming So Common?

What Is an Accidental Overdose?

When the disease of drug addiction sets in, one of the risks of maintaining your drug abuse is that you could succumb to an unintentional drug overdose. Sadly, countless people pass away every year from deaths involved in drug abuse. An accidental overdose is just that, accidental. A person can take a substance and lose track and not remember how much of it they have taken and take more, or they take a substance and don’t understand how deadly the substance is. In turn, that person’s body simply cannot handle the influx of drugs in their system and shuts down. 

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The Role of Fentanyl in Rising Drug Overdose Rates 

In the past few years, there has been a public health concern regarding the rise in fentanyl addiction. Unlike other prescription opioids, fentanyl is categorized as a synthetic opioid. Although health care professionals can prescribe fentanyl, this prescription drug has contributed significantly to drug overdose deaths. The reason for this is not only because a person may be obtaining this prescription drug through their doctor, but since it’s synthetic, it’s also considered an illicit drug because it’s something that drug dealers can manufacture cheaply. Therefore, fentanyl is an example of an illicit drug contributing significantly to the overdose crisis. 

Why Fentanyl Is So Dangerous

There are numerous reasons why fentanyl is contributing to the overdose crisis. First and foremost, several studies have been done by multiple addiction resource centers, including the Institute on Drug Abuse, which attests to the fact that fentanyl is incredibly addictive. In fact, you can become addicted to fentanyl after just one time which can go a long way in contributing to opioid overdose. After that initial use, your body will begin craving it and want more and more of a high. In turn, you make yourself more susceptible to opioid overdose. 

Why Fentanyl Is So Prevalent in America 

The leading reason why fentanyl is one of the most prevalent drugs in America also goes back to why fentanyl is so dangerous. It’s highly addictive and relatively easy to purchase on the black drug market. Every day countless people throughout the country try fentanyl for the first time. As a result, they may find that they are instantly addicted to this substance, or their loved ones may find them diseased just a few hours later. 

The Role of Meth in Rising Overdose Rates 

Meth is another example of an incredibly addictive drug. In many cases, a person may not begin their addiction by initially using meth, although it’s always possible. However, meth addiction usually develops due to an addiction to another addictive substance simply not getting that person as “high” as they may want to be. Chasing that ideal high could become akin to playing Russian Roulette with your life. The more you consume this potentially deadly drug, the higher the possibility that you could ultimately pass away. 

Mental Health and Accidental Overdose 

Mental health could be a substantial contributing factor in accidental overdose. In general, mental health is something that a person with addiction often suffers from. A person may develop a habit while trying to manage their mental health. Conversely, it’s possible that a person could develop a mental health disorder as a result of their addiction. Whether you have a diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health disorder, you always risk an accidental overdose if you continue to feed your addiction with drugs or alcohol. 

One of the things that you will learn during the time you’re in treatment is the connection between your mental health and addiction. Throughout your recovery, you will participate in different forms of addiction therapy, which will help you work through the contributing factors of your addiction. Here are just a few of the examples of addiction therapy that you will take part in throughout your treatment journey: 

  • Individual therapy 
  • Group therapy 
  • Behavioral therapy 
  • Family therapy 
  • Trauma therapy 

While experiencing these different types of therapy may feel uncomfortable, talking about these various events in your life will help you understand that you are not the only person in the world who may have experienced something that led you to addiction. You will be able to develop connections with other people and better understand this potentially deadly disease and what you need to do to stop yourself from falling back into addiction habits in the future. 

Drug Rehab to Prevent Overdose

Overdose death is something that can always be prevented. Whether you find yourself struggling with an addiction to prescription opioids or alcohol addiction, unintentional drug overdose can be avoided when you work with an addiction treatment team offering the care and support you need as you begin to make changes in your life. Our medical professional team not only focuses on providing you with information regarding overdose prevention which saves lives, but we also provide you with the information you need to tackle your substance abuse so you can go on to live a better and healthier life without the risk of overdose death. 

Whether you’re struggling with an addiction to prescription opioids or a general opioid use disorder, the first step is to commit to addiction treatments that will provide you with the basics you need to address the contributing factors of your disease. However, you will likely need to begin your addiction recovery in a detox program if you have a severe addiction. Going through a detox program is the safest thing you can do for yourself when you’re ready to overcome your addiction. This process is because you will likely experience withdrawal symptoms within just a few hours from the last time you consumed your substance of choice. Detox provides you with the safe environment you need when it’s likely that you’ll be unable to care for yourself. In most cases, you will need to spend approximately seven days in detox, with the worst three days being the worst during that period. However, once you complete detox, you will be in a better place both physically and psychologically to deal with overcoming your addiction. 

Find out more about drug detox here:

Detox Program

Regarding your overall addiction recovery, you must partner with an addiction treatment program that provides the flexibility you need to adjust your recovery plan as required. If you feel you need a protected environment while in treatment, then the best solution for you may be to commit to an inpatient treatment program. During an inpatient or a residential treatment program, you will have the opportunity to live on the campus of your treatment facility of choice, which gives you around-the-clock access to your recovery team. You also have the peace of mind of knowing that you’re living in a sober environment, so you don’t need to worry about the temptation of substance abuse. One of the other benefits of inpatient care is that you can interact with others working through their recovery program. This can help you establish your support system, which can be instrumental in your overall recovery program. 

Many people simply don’t feel comfortable with the premise of inpatient treatment, and they think this form of addiction recovery is too restrictive. Several others cannot commit to inpatient treatment due to work, school, or other personal responsibilities. In cases like this, you can still receive addiction treatment. However, it will be on an outpatient basis. Outpatient treatment provides the flexibility you may need to manage responsibilities in your life and address your addiction. Whether you opt to work through an intensive outpatient program or a general outpatient program, you will work closely with your recovery team to ensure you have a program that helps you feel comfortable and confident in your steps to overcome your addiction. 

When you’re ready to tackle your addiction and avoid possible drug overdose, we encourage you to get in touch with Muse Treatment Center. With years of experience as addiction experts, we pride ourselves on providing every client with the personalized care and attention needed to navigate their recovery process. To learn more about our treatment program, we encourage you to contact us at (800) 426-1818

Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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