Early Warning Signs of Alcohol-Related Liver Disease
It should come as no surprise that alcohol abuse can have severe ramifications for nearly every aspect of your life. Heavy drinking can lead to serious consequences. For example, there is a strong possibility that heavy drinking could lead to alcohol poisoning or other mental health issues. However, alcohol use disorders can also directly and negatively impact your liver function. When you consume alcohol regularly, you risk developing serious liver-related health issues, which could ultimately take your life unless you receive the alcohol treatment you need to work through your substance abuse disorder. However, if the problems with your liver are caught early enough and you receive the help you need to address your addiction, there is a strong possibility that serious conditions such as fatty liver could reverse themselves while you’re recovering from alcohol abuse.
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What Does the Liver Do?
The various internal organs of your body all work in unison with one another. When one internal organ is not functioning correctly, there is a strong possibility that your body as a whole will not be able to function correctly. Your liver is particularly susceptible to disease related to alcohol consumption since your liver is in charge of breaking down toxic substances such as alcohol or drugs, producing different bile, which breaks down fat, and making other nutrients and proteins that help your body function at peak performance.
One of the great things about your liver is that although you can put yourself at serious health risk due to binge drinking, your liver can recover once you finally reach out for help for alcoholism and drug abuse. While it would be ideal if you never put yourself at risk of chronic drinking if your alcoholism is addressed sooner rather than later, there is a strong possibility that your liver can begin to heal itself without any serious intervention.
5 Signs Drinking Alcohol Is Harming Your Liver
Several warning signs drinking alcohol could be harming your liver. Here are just a few examples:
- Fatigue
- Unexplained weight loss
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Swelling in your liver, which can also be mistaken for abdominal swelling
A person struggling with addiction may try to pass these signs off as simply not feeling well. However, there is always a strong possibility that experiencing these symptoms could result from a more significant issue.
3 Liver Diseases Caused by Alcohol
There are three serious liver diseases that you can develop due to alcohol use disorders. These liver diseases are not something that a person should ever take lightly, as these conditions could quickly develop into more serious concerns due to heavy drinking. Here are three examples of liver diseases that alcohol use disorders can cause:
Fatty liver
Alcoholic fatty liver is among the most common liver diseases due to heavy drinking or binge drinking. As the name indicates, fatty liver disease happens when fat builds up in your liver. When you consume alcohol excessively, the liver will not be able to break down this substance quickly enough. As a result, fat deposits will begin to develop in your liver. It’s estimated that approximately 90% of people who have alcohol use disorders develop fatty liver disease at some point when they are in active addiction.
However, within just a short period from the time you stop your alcohol abuse, your liver will begin to heal itself from this condition.
Alcoholic hepatitis
One of the leading risks of chronic drinking is that your fatty liver disease could develop into alcoholic hepatitis. There are several signs that you could be suffering from alcoholic hepatitis, and this condition is something that can range from mild to severe. Severe hepatitis could come on at any given time, and those who suffer from binge drinking can be particularly susceptible to this condition due to liver inflammation. It’s possible that a person that has alcoholic hepatitis could need a liver transplant.
Alcoholic cirrhosis
Alcoholic cirrhosis is the most severe type of liver disease that a person with an addiction could suffer from. Chronic drinking could ultimately lead to scar tissue developing on your liver. In turn, it will be all but impossible for your liver to regenerate healthy liver tissue, which leads to fibrosis. Fibrosis can then develop into alcoholic cirrhosis, which could ultimately be fatal and put you at risk for other health consequences such as kidney failure and increased risk of liver cancer.
Risk Factors for Developing Alcohol-Related Liver Disease
Of course, there are several long-term effects of substance abuse and risks of chronic drinking. One of the risk factors is that your liver itself may begin to shut down. Not only your liver, but other long-term effects include that other internal organs in your body may cease to function correctly. Excessive alcohol consumption can wreak havoc on any plan for healthy living. Once you begin to experience these liver diseases, you put yourself at other risks of developing heart disease or a condition that may impact your brain. Excessive alcohol consumption can also negatively impact your overall quality of life and make a healthy living all but impossible.
How to Improve the Health of Your Liver
The best way to avoid serious liver diseases is to begin recovering from alcohol addiction immediately. The long-term health effects of recovering from alcohol are undeniable. Of course, there are several steps that you will need to take to do this. Many people need to address their alcohol use disorders through an alcohol detox program. Due to the severity of their alcohol abuse, it’s possible that they could experience specific withdrawal symptoms, which could present potential life-threatening issues. One of the risks of chronic drinking is that your withdrawal symptoms will likely be more severe, which can increase your risk of potentially life-threatening problems. On average, you will experience the worst of your withdrawal symptoms within the first 72 hours from the time you commit to a detox program from substance abuse.
However, completing a detox program is only the first step in your recovery journey. The next step is to determine the root cause of your addiction by committing to work through a recovery program. A top-rated addiction treatment facility will provide you with several options for addiction treatment programs. For example, if you completed an alcohol detox program, you may find it easier to transition into an inpatient program because this type of program provides you with the same around-the-clock care you experienced during your time in detox. You will also have the peace of mind of knowing that you have a safe and secure environment to live in when you’re working through the various aspects of your addiction treatment.
However, some people cannot commit to an inpatient program for many reasons. For example, suppose you have full-time or part-time work, school, or personal responsibilities. In that case, it may be all but impossible for you to truly commit to an inpatient program. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t complete an addiction treatment program. Instead, you may find it easier to commit to an outpatient program. An intensive outpatient program or a general outpatient program can help you address your issues with alcohol without feeling as though you’re sacrificing the responsibilities you may have to work or school. You can work closely with your treatment team to adjust your recovery program as needed.
Need More Help? Alcohol Detox and Rehab at Muse
The positive long-term health effects of recovering from alcohol abuse are undeniable. At Muse Treatment Center, our health professionals help you focus on developing an addiction treatment program that will help you address your pattern of drinking. Our health professionals are available to provide you with the necessary information regarding the risks of liver diseases and health information regarding the treatment options that we offer to address your alcohol intoxication issues.
Would you like additional information about the health consequences of excessive drinking? Perhaps you have concerns regarding the amount of alcohol that a friend or a loved one is drinking? Maybe you want to know more about the signs of alcohol abuse? If the answer is yes to either one of these questions, please get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818 for additional information about our substance abuse treatment center.