David Rofofsky | March 7, 2023

Beverly Hills Drug Detox

When Going Cold Turkey Can Be Dangerous

Deciding to quit your use of drugs is a commendable choice to make. Determining the appropriate steps to overcome your addiction can come with many options. Many will wonder if they can do so by going cold turkey and quitting on their own without the support of professionals. While your intentions to quit drugs are genuine, risks associated with detoxing on your own can make quitting cold turkey dangerous, which makes finding a Beverly Hills drug detox center vitally important.

Depending on your substance of choice, there will be varying withdrawal symptoms that can range from mild to severe symptoms and, in some cases, can become life-threatening. If you detox on your own, you will not have access to leading detox treatments that will be able to reduce the severity of your withdrawal symptoms and help to maintain your overall health and safety. Attending a drug detox in Beverly Hills will allow you to have access to medical professionals and addiction therapists that specialize in safe detox practices. Oftentimes, a drug detox program can include a slow tapering-off process that should be monitored by physicians and nurses who will assess your symptoms and offer you appropriate medical and behavioral treatment methods.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Is Drug Detox Always Necessary Before Rehab?

Healing from drug addiction occurs in many stages and recovery processes. The first initial stage of your addiction recovery process is to address the physical dependence established on drugs within a drug detox process. This is a necessary component of your addiction recovery as you must clear your body and mind of the harmful influences of drug abuse to begin the necessary work of addiction therapy within drug rehab in Los Angeles. Each person in drug detox will have their own experiences with drug detox and withdrawal symptoms it can be hard to predict what you will experience until you are going through the detox process. Attending a Beverly Hills drug rehab program will ensure that you have adequate professional support to safely move through your drug detox while remaining comfortable and physically and emotionally safe throughout this process.

Beverly Hills Drug Detox: 8 Signs You Need Drug Detox

Your drug addiction is unique to you and your experiences with addiction and dependency will depend on your specific history with substance abuse. Knowing when it is time to seek help within a drug detox in Beverly Hills will help you get the help you need and begin your recovery process. Common signs that Beverly Hills residents need drug detox are exploring various aspects of addiction, including understanding it through different perspectives, such as watching ‘movies about addiction on Netflix‘ to gain a broader understanding of the personal and societal impacts of substance abuse.

  1. You experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop using drugs. These symptoms can come on quickly and some may encounter withdrawal symptoms within hours after they last took your drug of choice. Having the onset of withdrawal symptoms is a clear indicator that you have developed a physical dependence on drugs and need the support of medical professionals to overcome your addiction.
  2. Experiencing strong mood changes when you are not using drugs.
  3. When you are not using drugs, experiencing strong urges or cravings for drugs
  4. You have developed a tolerance to drugs leading you to have to increase the amount you take to reach the same desired effects
  5. Experiencing injuries due to being under the influence of drugs
  6. You have expressed a desire to quit or have attempted to quit on your own but experienced an inability to stop
  7. There have been changes to your physical appearance due to your use of drugs
  8. Changes in your typical sleep pattern such as experiencing insomnia or sleeping for long periods of time after “crashing” from drugs

Beverly Hills Drug Detox Center

What Happens After Drug Detox?

Your drug addiction did not occur overnight. It progressed over a period of time for several reasons that are unique to you. To effectively heal from your drug addiction, it is important to remember that your addiction treatment process will be a long-term commitment. Drug detox is the first step in your recovery process.

After you complete drug detox, it is recommended that you transition into a Los Angeles drug rehab program, whether inpatient or outpatient. A drug rehab program will allow you to use a comprehensive treatment model incorporating behavioral therapies, dual diagnosis treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders, 12-step recovery programs, trauma therapy, and relapse prevention planning.

The goal of this collective treatment plan is to support you in healing from the underlying causes of your addictive behavior while supporting you in gaining the tools and coping strategies to overcome any triggers and maintain a life of sobriety. After drug rehab, patients are encouraged to continue with an aftercare plan incorporating several support programs, counseling, and continuous self-reflection that will allow them to stay connected to their recovery process and maintain long-term addiction recovery.

What If I Relapse After Drug Detox?

Relapse is a common concern in addiction recovery, but it’s essential to understand that it doesn’t signify failure or a personal shortcoming. If you experience a relapse after undergoing drug detox, it’s crucial to seek help and consider entering an outpatient drug rehab program near LA. With the right support from addiction therapists and a comprehensive approach to treatment, you can regain your sobriety. These programs offer the opportunity to explore the factors leading to your relapse, develop essential tools and life skills, and effectively manage triggers to maintain your addiction recovery journey.

Beverly Hills Drug Detox: Get Drug Detox Help by Calling Muse Treatment Today

At Muse Treatment Center, we offer Beverly Hills residents a treatment program that includes a full continuum of care including drug detox, inpatient rehab, outpatient treatment, and aftercare programming. Our team is committed to your success in addiction recovery and will walk alongside you every step of the way as you establish a new foundation in life that fosters sobriety, health, and wellness.

Choosing to detox within our recovery center will invite you to detox with the ongoing support and supervision of highly trained and licensed medical professionals. As you experience withdrawal symptoms, our team will offer you medical and holistic treatments to maintain your safety and comfort throughout your detox process. Our team will learn your specific needs and goals for recovery to formulate a healing plan that will be effective and meaningful for you to ensure long-term addiction recovery. Call Muse today (800) 426-1818 to have any of your questions answered and take the first step towards your new life in addiction recovery by entering into drug detox.

Addiction Treatment Center,Detox,Drug Detox,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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