Prescription Painkiller Addiction
Prescription substance abuse is something that can manifest for many reasons. Many drug addicts suffer from this type of addiction because they were first exposed to prescription medication due to an injury that they sustained or surgery. However, many other people commit to a California rehab for prescription substance abuse due to other forms of drug or alcohol addiction that manifested in illicitly using prescription medication. When you have come to a place in your life where you are ready to tackle your drug addiction once and for all, you must commit to one of the drug rehabs in Orange County, which will provide you with the help and support you need as you begin to navigate addiction treatment and recovery.
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List of Opioids From Strongest to Weakest
The list of misused prescription opioids can seemingly go on endlessly. However, there are several opioids that people often find themselves more addicted to than others. Here are some examples:
This opioid, similar to others, is commonly used to treat severe or chronic pain. In some cases, it is even used for people suffering from pain due to a cancer diagnosis. However, just a few instances of using fentanyl can result in an addiction. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for other illegal drugs to be laced with fentanyl, resulting in an incredibly deadly and addictive combination.
Morphine is another example of an opioid that is incredibly powerful. Often, morphine is something that is only used when a person is experiencing moderate to severe pain. For example, if you recently went through surgery, it wouldn’t be uncommon for your doctor to put you on a dose of morphine to compensate for what you’re feeling.
Oxycodone can come in many different shapes and forms, and it can also be referred to as OxyContin or Percocet. These opioids come in immediate-release forms, which is one of the reasons why so many people fall prey to the addictiveness of this prescription medication.
Learn more about the signs of having an allergic reaction to meth here:
Signs of Opioid Addiction
There are many signs and symptoms that either you or a loved one may be suffering from an addiction to opioids. Here are some examples of tell-tale signs of opioid dependence:
Frequently changing doctors
Constantly changing doctors is a clear sign of prescription drug addiction. You must be upfront and honest with your doctor regarding your prescription drug use so they can closely monitor your consumption and taper you down off of the drug once you have hit a certain point. For a person struggling with substance abuse, it wouldn’t be uncommon for that person to either change doctors or tell the doctor that they are still experiencing pain or discomfort to continue to fuel their addiction.
Once an addiction sets in, you will likely start to experience cravings once you are removed from your substance of choice for a certain number of hours. If you get to the point where you’re shaking or unable to do anything until you consume your drug of choice again, this is a clear sign that you’re struggling with an addiction.
Increased anti-social behavior
The more addiction draws you in, the more you will begin to focus your time and energy on your addiction instead of developing healthy habits or relationships. Therefore, you may notice that your relationship with your family or close friends is called into question or stopped due to your substance abuse. However, once you begin a treatment program, you may be able to put these relationships back together through family therapy, which can serve as a tool in the process.
Opioid Detox
Before they can work through an addiction treatment program, many people first need to work through a drug detox program. It’s important to remember that opioids are a potent substance. As a result, there is a strong possibility you will experience withdrawal symptoms during the first few hours and days of your sobriety. These withdrawal symptoms can make it difficult, if not impossible, for you to care for yourself, which is the leading reason you should decide to commit to a drug detox program at one of the detox centers in the Orange County area. Taking this step could potentially save you from experiencing fatal consequences with the withdrawal process. On average, a person will need to spend at least one week in detox before they are ready to transition into a formal addiction treatment program.
Inpatient Opioid Rehab
Do you feel your drug or alcohol addiction is partially fueled due to the environment around you? If the answer is yes, you wouldn’t be the first to experience this. Once you complete your detox in Orange County, you may want to consider transitioning right into a residential inpatient treatment plan. This is because a residential inpatient program will provide you with the around-the-clock care you need during the initial stages of your addiction treatment. Not only will you receive the additional support you need through addiction specialists near Orange County, California, but you will also get to interact with others working through their own treatment plans. This experience can help you feel not so alone on your recovery journey and keep you focused on your alcohol and drug recovery program plans.
Outpatient Opioid Rehab
Many people cannot commit to a residential inpatient treatment plan for different reasons. For instance, if you have to work or go to school, it may be simply impossible for you to commit to an inpatient treatment program. If you fall into this category, your treatment team may recommend that you work through an outpatient treatment program. Typically, a top-rated treatment center will offer an intensive outpatient recovery plan and a general outpatient treatment program. The main difference between these two options is the number of hours you will need to commit to therapeutic treatment each week. Your recovery team will continuously check in with you to see how you’re progressing in your recovery journey to determine whether or not any changes need to be made to your treatment plan.
What to Expect During Opioid Rehab
Your experience during drug or alcohol rehab will significantly depend on the treatment plan and the treatment center you select. Some treatment centers offer different levels of care, while others only provide specific addiction treatment in Orange County. If you decide to partner with Muse Treatment Center, you can rest assured that you will receive personalized levels of care regardless of whether you need to begin your recovery in one of our detox centers or whether you’re ready to jump right into a comprehensive substance abuse treatment plan. Regardless of whether you opt to commit to an inpatient treatment program or feel an outpatient treatment program is better for you, you can expect to actively participate in different forms of addiction therapies throughout your rehab in California. This is because it’s imperative to determine the root cause of your substance use disorders. By taking this step, you will be able to address the events in your life that may have contributed to your addiction.
There are many different therapies you will experience during your time in treatment. For example, group therapy can help you to interact with other people that are working through their own recovery, while individual therapy can help you to connect with your treatment team and ensure you’re still on the right path when it comes to your overall addiction treatment plan. Also, trauma-based therapy can help you tackle the events in your life that may have traumatized you and caused you to feel like you need to turn to drugs or alcohol.
Muse Treatment Center Opioid Rehab
When you’re ready to change your life and commit to an addiction treatment program to address your prescription substance abuse issues, there is no better option than the drug and alcohol rehab programs available at Muse Treatment Center. Regardless of the health treatment you need, you can take comfort in that our Orange County drug rehab will provide you with the addiction resources and support you need during this transitional time in your life. We will help you to put together a comprehensive plan for treatment in Orange County so you can receive the full benefit of your time in one of our rehab centers. For more information about what you can expect when you come to our drug or alcohol addiction treatment program, please get in touch with us today at (800) 426-1818.