David Rofofsky | September 22, 2022

Synthetic Drugs: Why Are They So Addictive?

What Are Synthetic Drugs?

A synthetic drug is categorized as a drug whose chemical composition is altered to create an increased high. As a result of these variations in active ingredients, various synthetic drugs are triggering severe drug abuse and addiction. These drugs are commonly referred to as designer drugs because the chemical composition of these substances is designed for a specific and nefarious purpose.

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What Makes Synthetic Drugs So Addictive

Different types of synthetic drugs are so addictive because the manufacturers of these psychoactive substances can adjust their chemical makeup, resulting in a severe addiction. Although these drugs are designed to mimic the effects of their traditional drug counterparts, the reality is that the chemical makeup alteration can cause not only short and long-term physical and psychological issues but could ultimately cause death. 

It’s important to note that it’s possible to develop an addiction to these drugs after taking them just once. Your brain’s reaction can begin to change, which triggers a craving and desire for these highly addictive substances. Throughout your time in treatment, you will learn more about addiction and what may have led to your substance abuse issues. This process is primarily done through participating in different forms of addiction therapy and being open and honest regarding your substance abuse. 

addictive synthetic drugs

Most Dangerous Synthetic Drugs

New types of designer drugs alter perceptions of reality every day and can cause severe short and long-term impacts on your life. Some examples of the most dangerous forms of these types of synthetic drugs include: 

  • Bath salt 
  • Synthetic cannabinoid 
  • Crystal meth 
  • Synthetic marijuana 
  • Synthetic cathinones 
  • Synthetic stimulants 
  • Synthetic opioids 

If you find yourself struggling with substance abuse due to an addiction to these drugs, we encourage you to seek treatment and reach out to our addiction treatment centers. 

Learn how to spot the signs of an allergic reaction to meth below:

Signs and Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction to Meth

Synthetic Drug Addiction Treatment at Muse

When you’re ready to address your drug and alcohol addiction and receive the addiction treatment that you need, we encourage you to get in touch with Muse Treatment Center. We offer a wide range of substance abuse treatment programs that can help you to conquer your addiction to designer drugs. The first step in your recovery journey may be to commit to drug detox. On average, drug detox is something that lasts approximately seven days and will help to give you the tools to manage your withdrawal symptoms. 

Once you complete your time in detox, you will be able to transition into treatment programs which will help you to work through the root causes of your drug addiction. If you feel comfortable with the premise of detox, you may feel comfortable in an inpatient or residential treatment program. A residential treatment program will allow you to live on our campus to receive around-the-clock care and treatment for synthetic drug addiction

Another form of synthetic substance abuse treatment we offer is an outpatient rehab program, such as intensive outpatient treatment or a partial hospitalization program. An outpatient treatment program is more flexible because it does not require you to live on our campus. Instead, you can commute to and from our treatment facility around your treatment schedule. This will give you the flexibility to work or go to school or see to other responsibilities that you may have. 

Would you like to learn more about the treatment programs available at our Muse Treatment Center? Please give us a call at (800) 426-1818 to discuss addictive synthetic drugs and how to overcome addiction in a luxury rehab center.

Drug Addiction,Fentanyl Addiction,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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