David Rofofsky | September 27, 2022

Types of Detox: Which Is Safest?

What Is Alcohol and Drug Detox?

Living with an active addiction to drugs and alcohol may have considered seeking help through an addiction treatment program. Others may have tried quitting cold turkey and found that they could not manage the withdrawal symptoms that occurred and returned to drugs or alcohol. An alcohol detox and drug detox program provide patients with an opportunity to heal from the physical dependence that has developed on drugs or alcohol within the safety and comfort of a treatment center.

Los Angeles drug rehab treatment often includes detox programs that are integral to the recovery process. Muse Treatment Center offers such programs, inviting patients to reside within the facility to undergo drug or alcohol detox. The detoxification process is critical as it involves the body adjusting to functioning without the influence of drugs or alcohol. This adjustment includes eliminating toxins and restoring the body’s healthy, normal functioning.

In Beverly Hills, Muse Treatment Center offers comprehensive drug rehab treatment Beverly Hills. During this process, it’s common for individuals to experience withdrawal symptoms, which can range from being mildly unpleasant to intensely painful. To manage these symptoms and ensure patient safety, Muse Treatment Center provides continuous medical evaluation throughout the drug or alcohol detox phase. This approach is a vital part of the recovery journey, as it not only addresses the physical aspects of detoxification but also prioritizes the patient’s safety and comfort. The high level of care and monitoring during detox programs at Muse Treatment Center underscores their commitment to supporting individuals through every step of their journey to recovery.

Click here to call Muse Addiction Center today. Our staff is available 24/7 to provide answers and begin the admissions process. Call (800) 426-1818.

Drug and Alcohol Detox Options

Each individual person that abuses drugs and alcohol will have their own unique needs from a detox program and alcohol or drug treatment program. Many will wonder what form of detox programs are appropriate for you or your loved ones. Individuals can choose a home, DIY detox program, or medically supervised detox program.

Quitting cold turkey within your own home can be appealing for some as you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home to begin body detoxification. While your motivation to quit cold turkey is there and you are ready to begin your detox process, there may be times when you experience withdrawal symptoms that can benefit from a medical treatment plan. Individuals who undergo drug detox within their homes should ensure that they have the proper support of loved ones and medical professionals to remain safe and comfortable throughout the detox process.

A medically supervised detox program is the recommended option for patients in their recovery journey as it provides a treatment plan that is specific to their needs from expert addiction treatment professionals. Patients in medical detox programs will benefit from ongoing supervision as they move through their recovery journey.

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Why Medical Detox Is Safer and More Effective

A medical drug or alcohol detox program is the recommended treatment plan for those suffering from addiction for the individualized care and medical supervision that is provided to each patient. When you begin a medically supervised detox program, you will undergo a medical evaluation that will assess the severity of your drug addiction or alcohol addiction and your need for treatment for any co-occurring disorders and physical health conditions. An individualized treatment plan will be created that is geared towards your individual needs for healing and addiction recovery.

As you experience withdrawal symptoms, whether they are mild, moderate, or severe, you will be provided with medical treatments and interventions to help reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms and any presenting cravings for drugs or alcohol. In some cases, a medically supervised drug detox or alcohol detox will invite patients to participate in a medication-assisted treatment program where the medical team will provide medications that are designed to minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms and cravings, allowing them to remain focused on our recovery journey and achieving addiction recovery.

Types of Detox

Drug and Alcohol Detox at Muse

Muse treatment centers offer patients a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment and detox. Our diverse team of addiction therapists and medical professionals will create a treatment plan incorporating a whole-person integrated approach to healing and addiction recovery. Your treatment programs will include a variety of behavioral therapy methods, dual diagnosis treatment, medically supervised detox process, and holistic treatments that will ensure you heal from drug addiction and alcohol addiction physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Contact Muse Treatment Center today at (800) 426-1818 to hear more about the personalized treatment plan created for you or your loved ones to help you succeed in your recovery journey.

Alcohol Detox,Detox,Drug Detox,
David Rofofsky
David Rofofsky
After growing up in New York, David chose to get help with substance abuse in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than nine years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for eight years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. David remains passionate about the field because he understands how hard it is to pick up the phone and ask for help. However, once the call is made, someone's life can be saved.

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