Josh Chandler | April 9, 2021

How to Tell Friends and Family You’ve Entered Rehab

Are you going to rehab but your friends and family don’t know anything about it? Here are a few tips on how to inform them of your decision to begin your recovery.

The United States declared a war on drugs in the 1970s. Unfortunately, it’s only gotten worse since then. In 2009, 23.5 million people over the age of 12 needed treatment for drugs or alcohol abuse.

There is still a stigma surrounding getting help for addictions. Many people avoid getting the help they so desperately need because they’re afraid of how the people they love will react.

If you’re ready to enter rehab, congratulations. To help you ease into a new, healthy chapter of your life, we’re sharing with you how to tell your friends and family you’re going to rehab.

Provide Reasons Why You’re Going

There are many reasons why getting help to get sober is a great idea. You’ll save money, feel happier, and be more in control of your own life.

Unfortunately, because of the stigma that addiction still carries, some people may not be as supportive as you’d like them to be. That’s okay.

Let them know that you’re planning on going to gain support, strength, and professional expertise to help you deal with an addiction. Obviously, if you could abstain on your own, you would have already done that.

Let them know you’re putting yourself first so that you can share a happier, healthier, more productive life with those you care about.

If you find that someone close to you still argues against getting help, realize it’s their own struggles and triggers causing them to speak against it. Then continue down the path that’s best for you.

Only Tell Those You’re Comfortable With

Your close friends and family will probably already be aware that you’re going to rehab. They’re probably feeling their own sense of happiness and relief.

However, it’s up to you whether or not you feel comfortable telling extended members of your family or acquaintances about rehab. If you prefer that someone not know, ask those who do to keep quiet about your treatment until you’re finished.

It’s okay not to share intimate details with your younger children. They may not fully understand. However, with older children, they should be a part of the conversation.

Explain to your kids what addiction is and why it’s an illness. Speak to them in an age-appropriate manner and answer all their questions honestly.

If you’re worried about how work will take the news, you can always ask for a sabbatical. Go with what feels right.

There’s really no single right way to go about this process. It’s also not everyone else’s business what you do.

However, if the word does get out about your drug addiction treatment plans, don’t allow yourself to feel embarrassed or ashamed. Getting help is the strongest and toughest thing you can do for yourself.

Explain How You’ll Communicate While in Rehab

Many loved ones worry about what will happen when you’re gone. This is especially true for family members who live with you.

Before going to rehab, contact the facility to get a full understanding of what their communication rules are. Many places don’t allow you to use your cell phone while you’re getting treatment.

Talk to your friends and family members about how often and when you’ll be able to speak with them. It’s also a smart idea to provide them with an understanding of how long you’ll be in the treatment program.

Get Support from an Outside Source to Help Manage Emotions

People who struggle with addiction get triggered easily. Dealing with their emotions is not their strong suit.

That’s why it’s a smart idea to talk to one of the counselors before going to rehab. They can help you devise a plan of action on how to tell friends and family that you’re getting help.

One of the best parts of rehab is the support you’ll gain while you’re there. Start taking advantage of it as early as possible. The more you allow yourself to feel supported, the better chance you’ll have of succeeding in the program.

If you don’t feel comfortable asking the rehab center, ask a good friend or loved one to be with you when you tell others.

Explain What Actions You’re Taking to Get Better

Trust, once broken, can be a challenge to rebuild. For many addicts, a history of deception towards themselves and their loved ones can cast doubt on their intentions, even when they genuinely aim to change. It’s not uncommon to have assured oneself and others that everything is under control, only to later acknowledge the depth of the addiction.

Past attempts at rehab or self-regulated detox can further fuel skepticism from close ones, making them question, “Why would this attempt be different?”

Being transparent about the actions you’re taking towards recovery is crucial. For instance, if you’re joining a rehab, detail out the program’s structure and what makes it different or better suited to your needs.

Express that while going to rehab is a major step, you understand that the real challenge is the continuous effort to remain sober post-treatment. In light of recent commitments, one might wonder, does anthem cover therapy?

Evaluating such financial considerations ensures that the journey to sobriety is not hindered by unforeseen expenses. In the end, clear communication, consistent actions, and patience will pave the way to mending relationships and securing a drug-free future.

Share the Literature

Not knowing what to expect is scary. Most people fear the unknown.

Which is why it’s a good idea to share literature and information about drug rehab programs with your loved ones before going to rehab. Let them see exactly what the rehab facility looks like.

Have them read testimonials from past patients who have succeeded in turning their lives around. Talk to them about the various treatment plans you’ll be using.

Explain the Benefits of Going to Rehab

Share with your loved ones what you’ll gain by going to rehab. In rehab, you’ll learn how to handle your mental and emotional issues.

You’ll also be focused on improving your physical health. But rehab also helps family members and loved ones gain a better understanding of you and your addiction.

This is a time where everyone involved can begin to heal if they’re open to it.

If you’re still struggling with finding the right way to tell people about rehab, contact us. We’ll help you find the right words at the right time.

Addiction,Drug Rehab,Recovery,Rehab,Treatment,
Josh Chandler
Josh Chandler
After growing up in Chicago and North Carolina, Josh chose to get help with substance use disorder and mental health in California because of the state's reputation for top-tier treatment. There, he found the treatment he needed to achieve more than five years of recovery. He's been in the drug and alcohol addiction rehab industry for four years and now serves as the Director of Admissions for Resurgence Behavioral Health. Josh remains passionate about the field because he understands that one phone call can alter the course of a person's life.

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